Some of this could be a result of the original Press Your Luck bible portion Mandel Ilagan shared with us some years back. I couldn't find the post to link to, but I did keep the text:
[size="3"][size="2"]"ALTERNATE QUESTIONS
In order to insure an adequate number of spins to play the bonus round, the producer may elect to use alternate questions in the third and fourth position during either of the question and answer rounds. The decision to use an alternate question will only be made when the spins scored by the players at that time are abnormally low. In order to accomplish this, the alternate question will always be considerably easier than the programmed question in order to generate additional spins."
Another interesting tidbit:
"Should a round play through three questions with no scoring from any of the contestants, a tape stop will be called for, new questions will be programmed, and the round will start over.
Similarly, if a flood of Whammys [exact wording from the bible!] should occur in the first bonus round and all three contestants 'Whammy out,' using the same spin scores the round will be started again and played through."