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Author Topic: GSN, R.I.P.?  (Read 50480 times)

GS Warehouse

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GSN, R.I.P.?
« Reply #60 on: July 19, 2003, 09:57:52 AM »
[quote name=\'Seth Thrasher\' date=\'Jul 18 2003, 07:07 PM\'] Happy Trails to you
Till we meet again

Happy trails to you
Until we meet again
Happy trails to you
Keep smilin' until then [/quote]
 [Simon Cowell]That was dreadful.  Write down your vocal coach's phone number and give it to a good lawyer.[/SC]


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GSN, R.I.P.?
« Reply #61 on: July 20, 2003, 12:39:26 AM »
First time poster, but I'll dive into the deep end...

I got GSN just as I moved into the dorms for the first time in the fall of 2000.  Up until then I had grown up on TPiR, Classic Concentration, and just about anything USA aired in their game block all the way back when they would do these daily \"tests\" that would cause problems with our cable box just before Hot Potato.  (I have an odd memory for those things).

I can't say I'm not looking forward to at least seeing what the video game block will be, because I do have an interest in both games and game shows. But previous shows I've seen on the topic have stunk, and I pray that, if the show bombs, it's yanked off the air faster than the plug was pulled on some of their poor attempts at originals in 2000-01.  I just get the feeling people would rather play video games vs. watch programming about them, unless it's a game show with video games being played as part of the show.

I did not get to see the glory days of TPiR on GSN (Cronin says he's trying to get it back - could we be so lucky?), so I can't vouch for that, but I can say I've been pretty happy with what I've seen overall the past few years.  Seeing Hot Potato again (and getting to tape it this time around!) was a thrill.  Blockbusters is a show that I'm glad I now have seen.  Same goes for Match Game, the original Dawson Feuds (used to always watch the Combs' ones), etc.  I've enjoyed the originals overall as well, although some of the gimmicks have gotten old.

What bothers me is half the originals they air are shows currently in production today or were recently.  Match Game?  There was a season in '98, and it's a matter of time before they try again. Feud? New version on the air.  Pyramid? Same. And of course, the Links/Greeds that are too new to be \"classics.\"  Too much repetition. And seeing the classics overall just enforces how weak game show remakes have been the past few years (except Whammy!, which has retained its charm enough).

I agree they should cycle other shows in.  Sadly though, they probably don't get enough ratings on those, but I love whoever suggested the early morning block (9 am-12 pm).

Well, at least new Lingo eps. are coming.  That'll make me happy :)  But I do remember reading something about how the owners of the channel wanted a 24-hour interactive network.  How can you be interactive with a video game news show?  Maybe the sky won't end up falling, and maybe we'll see good documentaries along the lines of \"Big Bucks\" more often, mixed in.  Wishful thinking?  I hope not.


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GSN, R.I.P.?
« Reply #62 on: July 20, 2003, 10:57:51 AM »
That was my idea for the morning block, FYI.


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GSN, R.I.P.?
« Reply #63 on: July 30, 2003, 01:39:13 AM »
Well, I'll echo the comments of a lot of the folks here. I used to have GSN on for hours and hours a day, but now?  B+WO faithfully plus the occasional Whammy are pretty much it. I love Pyramid, but they've re-run the same episodes into the ground so much I know the results of every episode.

Obviously I missed something, what's this stuff about video games? Is there a thread or news story about it you can point me to? It sounds ominous.

The Ol' Guy

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GSN, R.I.P.?
« Reply #64 on: August 21, 2003, 10:35:48 PM »
GSN will have to come up with new material to prevent it from dying like radio's tight-playlist niche music formats. Re-runs kill. What would be the dream to hope for is that somehow, deals could be struck with certain producers to allow for fresh versions of certain classic shows to be created (an example could be Play Your Hunch, because celebrities would not be needed), blended in with new ideas. If done right, contemporary versions of some classics could reach both ends of the age spectrum at a price the network could afford. It would seem to be a win-win for both the networks and producers.


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GSN, R.I.P.?
« Reply #65 on: August 21, 2003, 11:58:14 PM »
Here's what I think about the whole feeling of GSN not being what it used to be.

Until just a few years ago, nobody really even had GSN.  Now, it's on almost every cable system, and with satellites growing popular, tons of people are viewing GSN in their homes.  

Back then, GSN was a very unprofessional and unpopular cable network.  They had an amazing vault of shows.  We saw shows like \"Go\" and \"Jackpot\" which we never thought we would see on the air again.  Around this same time, the channel was experimenting with original shows in front of virtual sets.  Cheesy shows like \"Super Decades\" and \"Trivia Track.\"  Ever since \"Hollywood Showdown,\" the originals have gotten better and more elaborate.

Now here's the problem.  GSN has their originals, plus they have their few classics that get good ratings.  Where is there time to show the classics like \"The Gong Show\" or \"Double Talk\"?  Unless GSN2 or GSN Classic come out, or some type of block where random rare shows are aired, I don't think we'll be seeing these for quite some time.  

Rich Cronin has been doing great things for the network.  The popularity has grown extremely.  I feel like he is now constantly either working at new originals, or trying to get other shows onto the network.  He did a great job getting Let's Make A Deal, Press Your Luck and The Hollywood Squares to the network, but where are all the other classic shows like The Gong Show, Tic Tac Dough and all of them?  

He's constantly caring about what shows can be added to the vault.  Wow we have Weakest Link, Twenty-One and Greed.  Now let's air all their originals to death, Match Game and Family Feud as much as possible, plus some of these newer \"classics,\" and what do we get?  The type of channel that appeals to the people of today.  

We have to realize that not everyone who watches GSN is a game show lover.  Nobody's gonna wanna watch a show like \"Bumper Stumpers.\"  However if someone sees Weakest Link, it's gonna appeal to them.  It's a show most people know of, there you go.  

Well, I've had my word in all of this, sorry if it's too long.  Hey, I feel like a GSN2 could be coming soon.


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GSN, R.I.P.?
« Reply #66 on: August 25, 2003, 11:35:56 AM »
The thing is, as has been stated a million times here, you can't run your network on nothing but 20 year old game shows. Yes, it would be nice, but GSN has to make money to stay above water, hence the crop of originals. Just the same, MTV can't make money on music videos 24/7, hence the crop of (crappy) original programming.

The originals a tolerated evil. My problem is with buying shows that are only a few years old and/or have too few episodes.

DO we really NEED to see the same 40+ episodes of Greed every weekend. Or the Weakest Link episodes that have already been run to death on NBC AND PAX?

And why buy 21????

Why waste money on this crap instead by trying to buy the rights to older programs that people actually liked.


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GSN, R.I.P.?
« Reply #67 on: August 25, 2003, 11:49:42 AM »
[quote name=\'Rhudson765\' date=\'Aug 25 2003, 08:35 AM\'] Why waste money on this crap instead by trying to buy the rights to older programs that people actually liked. [/quote]
 Because they are trying to attract an audience OTHER than the same insignificant chunk of die-hard game show fans that don't amount to a hill of beans in terms of an actual rating?

Just a guess.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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GSN, R.I.P.?
« Reply #68 on: August 25, 2003, 12:06:03 PM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' date=\'Aug 25 2003, 11:49 AM\'] [quote name=\'Rhudson765\' date=\'Aug 25 2003, 08:35 AM\'] Why waste money on this crap instead by trying to buy the rights to older programs that people actually liked. [/quote]
Because they are trying to attract an audience OTHER than the same insignificant chunk of die-hard game show fans that don't amount to a hill of beans in terms of an actual rating?

Just a guess. [/quote]
 He's got a good point though.....\"Twenty-One\" looks like a poor investment in particular. IMO, if that marathon even turns a profit it'll be a small one. I just can't see the 21 marathon making mucho bucks for GSN.

Maybe it's a stepping stone to the big prize, Concentration....[fat chance, but I can dream]


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GSN, R.I.P.?
« Reply #69 on: August 25, 2003, 01:22:29 PM »
I'm thinking they didn't pay that much for 21. And PeterMarshallFan may have something there...maybe this is a stepping stone to get more NBC shows....
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GSN, R.I.P.?
« Reply #70 on: August 27, 2003, 07:51:39 AM »
Has the theory been advanced here that the 21 marathon was some sort of bargaining chip to get Gurin on board for a 3rd season of Lingo... or just to grease his pockets a little extra?

(For that matter, has GSN ever officially announced that this marathon was legit?)


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GSN, R.I.P.?
« Reply #71 on: August 27, 2003, 08:58:21 AM »
[quote name=\'ChrisLambert!\' date=\'Aug 27 2003, 06:51 AM\'] Has the theory been advanced here that the 21 marathon was some sort of bargaining chip to get Gurin on board for a 3rd season of Lingo... or just to grease his pockets a little extra?

(For that matter, has GSN ever officially announced that this marathon was legit?) [/quote]
 THey haven't announced the Twenty One marathon as yet, but I\"m betting we start seeing promos on Labor Day this Monday, as it is scheduled to air September 20th or 21st IIRC.