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Author Topic: Idiotic Contestants...  (Read 5217 times)


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Idiotic Contestants...
« Reply #15 on: March 01, 2006, 09:32:29 PM »
As far as the "idiotic contestants" are concerned, I'm surprised nobody's mentioned "Hit Me" contestants who can't/won't do basic arithmetic (if you want the 10, you'll have to pick a product whose inflated price ends in 0!)

I know it's possible to make mistakes under the lights and with the cameras rolling, but still, the game's been played enough times that people should know what to do.
-- Ted Schuerzinger, now blogging at <a href=\"http://justacineast.blogspot.com/\" target=\"_blank\">http://justacineast.blogspot.com/[/url]

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Kevin Prather

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Idiotic Contestants...
« Reply #16 on: March 01, 2006, 09:43:56 PM »
[quote name=\'Fedya\' date=\'Mar 1 2006, 07:32 PM\'](if you want the 10, you'll have to pick a product whose inflated price ends in 0!)
You mean the Utterly Smooth DOESN'T sell for 3 dollars and 259 mills? I'll be damned!

« Last Edit: March 01, 2006, 09:44:09 PM by whoserman »

Robert Hutchinson

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Idiotic Contestants...
« Reply #17 on: March 01, 2006, 10:59:52 PM »
Heh, mills.

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Jeremy Nelson

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Idiotic Contestants...
« Reply #18 on: March 02, 2006, 01:19:49 PM »
There was this contestant named Kati Knudsen (sp) on Millionaire a few years back. Anytime I see that episode with her missing the 500K question and flipping out, I laugh my ass off.

Most people would have taken the 250K and not so much as thought about analyzing the question. I think Kati took so long to make up her mind that she actually tricked herself into believing that she knew that answer.
Fun Fact To Make You Feel Old: Syndicated Jeopeardy has allowed champs to play until they lose longer than they've retired them after five days.

Kevin Prather

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Idiotic Contestants...
« Reply #19 on: March 02, 2006, 08:56:04 PM »
Besides which, her main motivation for going on was that she HAD to be the show's first millionairess. Total greed, and it rightly bit her in the ass.

To this day, I wonder, had she gone with Tonga like she was about too from the beginning, would she have gone on to botch the million? We'll never know, but THAT would be a story.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2006, 08:57:46 PM by whoserman »


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Idiotic Contestants...
« Reply #20 on: March 02, 2006, 11:12:15 PM »
And don't forget how she complained to the press (later claiming the "I was misrepresented" defense) about how Regis made her change her mind, and how she could see a "make her sweat" message on his screen.  Then, of course, there was her exit, when she virtually pushed her husband out of the way.  Oh, that Kati...klass with a capital "K."


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Idiotic Contestants...
« Reply #21 on: March 05, 2006, 04:37:16 AM »
[quote name=\'tvwxman\' date=\'Mar 1 2006, 07:02 AM\']
At the contestant search in NYC, they asked everyone this question : If it were down to $20K and the million, do you deal or no deal an offer of $400K? I'm fairly confident that anyone who said Deal, got the boot. I said Deal, and i didn't get a call back.

They want risktakers. But it sounds like they don't want rational folks taking risks.

That's a mighty stupid question to use to trim the applicants down, because so far every single person on the show who's got down to one big amount and one tiny amount has taken the deal, if I remember correctly.

A much more reasonable test would be the $1, $5, $20K and a million situation, where just about all of us would take the deal, and where the contestants have pretty much always gone for it.