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Author Topic: Bert's Family Feud is in BIG trouble  (Read 5910 times)

Robert Hutchinson

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Bert's Family Feud is in BIG trouble
« Reply #15 on: March 08, 2006, 04:00:00 PM »
Well, it's a chicken-and-egg problem. Karn probably says the exact same lines at the exact same points during the game because the producers tell him to. But the producers probably tell him to because he's like a dying fish when he doesn't have a written line to fall back on.

"The Smiths have 34 points! And the Ja-- John-- Jones family has 33 points! But it's still anybody's game!"
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Bert's Family Feud is in BIG trouble
« Reply #16 on: March 08, 2006, 07:14:58 PM »
[quote name=\'cmjb13\' date=\'Mar 8 2006, 02:16 PM\']
I haven't watched Karn Feud enough, but did the $20,000/Double the points yelling occur with Louie as well?

I don't remember Louie shouting as much as Karn did. Technically, he'd only have made reference to Double points once in his three-year tenure. The only time there was a Double round on Louie's Feud was during the Family Circle TofC finals during season three; all other shows were Single-Single-Single-Triple


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Bert's Family Feud is in BIG trouble
« Reply #17 on: March 08, 2006, 07:19:07 PM »
[quote name=\'zachhoran\' date=\'Mar 8 2006, 07:14 PM\'][quote name=\'cmjb13\' date=\'Mar 8 2006, 02:16 PM\']
I haven't watched Karn Feud enough, but did the $20,000/Double the points yelling occur with Louie as well?

I don't remember Louie shouting as much as Karn did. Technically, he'd only have made reference to Double points once in his three-year tenure. The only time there was a Double round on Louie's Feud was during the Family Circle TofC finals during season three; all other shows were Single-Single-Single-Triple
To both of you, no, he didn't. I watched Louie's Feud quite a bit more than Karn's, and when there was the Triple round, Louie calmly explained that dollar values were tripled and there was one strike. Back then, the audience only got excited when $10K/$20K was mentioned. Never thought I'd miss the Louie days. :-P

The D0UBL3/TR1PL3 TH3 P01NTS!!!w00t!!11!! frenzy didn't start until the 2003 season, when they altered the point structure.
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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Bert's Family Feud is in BIG trouble
« Reply #18 on: March 15, 2006, 08:45:38 PM »
An update to the potential future of "Bert's Family Feud" came out in today's paper - it's also makes some interesting observations on the demographics of its viewers.

The Age (Melbourne) - "It's a raw deal for Bert" (Mar 16, 2006)
Chris Powney

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Bert's Family Feud is in BIG trouble
« Reply #19 on: March 15, 2006, 10:02:01 PM »
From The Age article:
But he has been handed a tired and clunky game-show format. Family Feud, after all, goes back to the 1970s.

The show's rival, Deal Or No Deal, is fresher. It is a slicker and much more suspenseful concept owned by Endemol, the Netherlands-based company responsible for Big Brother.
So apparently Aussies live in an age where Feud is old and busted and Deal is new hotness!  In that case, shouldn't Temptation be cancelled by now?