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Author Topic: Price is Right Question  (Read 6038 times)

Ian Wallis

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Price is Right Question
« on: March 23, 2006, 12:28:09 PM »
I know some of this might have been covered before, and I've looked at the CBS website, but I wanted to get some current thoughts from people who have done this:  my wife and I are considering heading out to LA this summer, and we'd like part of our trip to include a visit to The Price is Right.  I'm thinking it might be best to try to attend a Monday taping because of the fact they tape 2 shows on Mondays.  Some questions:

1. When I request the tickets, can I request them for both of the Monday tapings?

2. If I have tickets for the early taping and for some reason don't get in, if I wait will my tickets be honored for the second taping?

3. Is it better to write for tickets, or get them e-mailed?

4. These days what's the best time to get to CBS - I think I've heard 5 a.m. - is that about right?  I guess it shouldn't be too hard to get a cab from my accomodations to the studio at that hour?

Thanks in advance for any info - I guess once I decide for sure on a date I hope the taping doesn't end up getting cancelled for any reason!
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« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2006, 01:37:44 PM »
[quote name=\'Ian Wallis\' date=\'Mar 23 2006, 12:28 PM\']1. When I request the tickets, can I request them for both of the Monday tapings?
Yes, you can request both shows on Monday.
2. If I have tickets for the early taping and for some reason don't get in, if I wait will my tickets be honored for the second taping?
If you are in early, you will get in for 1 of the 2 shows.  However, a few people can go to both shows if you are near the exit and run fast.
4. These days what's the best time to get to CBS - I think I've heard 5 a.m. - is that about right?  I guess it shouldn't be too hard to get a cab from my accomodations to the studio at that hour?
When I went there numberous times, the lastest coming in was 3:30 am and I got 80something.  5 AM is really pushing it.  That's when everyone shows up.  If you want to go in, better make it at 4 am.

Charles Atkins

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Price is Right Question
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2006, 02:03:16 PM »
[quote name=\'Ian Wallis\' date=\'Mar 23 2006, 11:28 AM\']3. Is it better to write for tickets, or get them e-mailed?

4. These days what's the best time to get to CBS - I think I've heard 5 a.m. - is that about right?  I guess it shouldn't be too hard to get a cab from my accomodations to the studio at that hour?
I can help with the last two, since the taping I attended two years ago was not on a Monday, so I'm not sure how it works (although I expect to be finding out this summer).

I did both writing for tickets and getting E-tickets as well (since distribution is in excess of studio capacity, it never hurts to get an extra ticket).  E-tickets are generally made available on the first day of the month before your taping (so if you're going in July, tickets would be available around June 1).

As far as what time to go, it really depends on how close you want to sit.  If you want to sit up front and have a great view of the stage as well as potential major face time on camera, 5AM would be way too late.  For my taping, I arrived at 1:10AM and was already 16th in line (staying across the street didn't hurt matters, though).  For my all-nighter efforts, I was rewarded with second row seats.  

5AM may be way too late anyway to guarantee a seat.  You get a number at 6AM, indicating your place in line--and they'll tell you what time to come back.  Once they've figured out how many slots are taken up by groups (who get guaranteed seating), they'll know how many of the campers can be let in.  The earlier you arrive (meaning the lower your number), the better your chances.

Hope that helps.

« Last Edit: March 23, 2006, 02:07:47 PM by SRIV94 »
"When you see the crawl at the end of the show you will see a group of talented people who will all be moving over to other shows...the cameramen aren't are on that list, but they're not talented people."  John Davidson, TIME MACHINE (4/26/85)


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Price is Right Question
« Reply #3 on: March 23, 2006, 02:49:07 PM »
This rookie showed up Monday at 6am two years ago while at Game Show Congress and barely - BARELY - got tix to the second show. I held tix to the first show, and as those who were with me will admit, put on my studly charm and got second-show seats from some passers-by who were already in line for the first show and had extras. Haha. For the record, my seat was terrible, just awful - I think it was the second row from the back, very last seat in the corner. I would have given anything to sit closer...I couldn't see some of the set.

Nothing was worse than arriving when I did and seeing that line careen around the block. What an awful feeling. Get there as super-early as you can, especially if there are two of you, because one can go get food or whatever while the other one waits. Like Doug said, this only applies until 6am, when you get your numbers and may roam around as you please after. Just don't be late getting back though - I witnessed some folks who had numbers in the early 40s and missed the line, and the pages wouldn't let them in.

So yeah, get tickets for both tapings, because tickets are only honored for the time stated on front, and plan to be there as early as possible if this is one of the highlights of your trip, which I'm sure it will be.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2006, 02:50:51 PM by mitchgroff »


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Price is Right Question
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2006, 02:52:16 PM »
Here is one way to get in:

1. Call Bob Barker and tell him you'd like to see the show as his guest. You'll be ineligible to appear on the show, but what the heck would you do with a cabin cruiser if you won one? Think of the taxes!

2. Bob will have someone on his staff clear you to come onto the lot.

3. Be sure to dress in attire commonly found in western civilization. Wearing the native garb of any country whose name ends in "stan", as well as appearing to pay too much attention to the location of the building entrances and exits, is not advised.

4. By the time CBS security is finished screwing things up, by the time you educate them who Bob Barker and where studio 33 are, you will be admitted to the building and find yourself on the stage of studio 33 just as everyone is leaving to go home at the end of the taping day.

5. Be sure to claim your driver's license or other form of identification from the CBS gate guards. Don't let them keep it.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2006, 03:00:43 PM by chris319 »


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Price is Right Question
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2006, 04:18:09 PM »
I'd get to TV City by 3 AM at the latest.  This past August, the crowds tended to arrive in the 2-3 AM hour.  If you're willing to show up a few hours earlier (Midnight-ish or even a smidge earlier), you might get front row seats, where you are close enough to see that the configuration of Bob's facial wrinkles looks eerily similar to a road map of Bulgaria.

Ian Wallis

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Price is Right Question
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2006, 04:18:38 PM »
Thanks for the reponses.  I can't believe how early we'll have to get there, but that's one of the reasons I posted here - to get some good info by people who have already gone.

I think what I'll probably do is send away for tickets for the first taping, and probably request e-mail tickets for the second.  That way I'm covered both ways and for both shows - and if we get there too late for the first, we can probably get in to the second one.

I'm looking at maybe trying for the Aug 21st tapings, which are right after their three-week break.  Either that or we might try for a mid-July date.  My vacation time is pretty flexable in the summer but a lot depends on when my wife can get hers'. I bet all those hours waiting kind of drag on a bit...but it'll be worth it if we can get in!!
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Price is Right Question
« Reply #7 on: March 23, 2006, 04:19:23 PM »
[quote name=\'catkins522\' date=\'Mar 23 2006, 01:37 PM\'][quote name=\'Ian Wallis\' date=\'Mar 23 2006, 12:28 PM\']2. If I have tickets for the early taping and for some reason don't get in, if I wait will my tickets be honored for the second taping?
If you are in early, you will get in for 1 of the 2 shows.  However, a few people can go to both shows if you are near the exit and run fast.
A couple of clarifications:

When tickets are numbered, you won't have to wait to find out whether your tickets for the 1:15 or the 4:30 taping will be honored. When the pages number the tickets, they go down the line of people, find out whether each person's tickets are for 1:15 or 4:30, and write down the appropriate number. When the pages reach you, at that point you'll have to decide whether to get your 1:15 or 4:30 tickets numbered -- you can't have both of them numbered.

Also, the only time people from the 1:15 taping can get into the 4:30 taping is when all the seats for the 4:30 taping haven't been filled, which only happens during slow tourism periods. Summer is not one of those periods, so count on only one Monday taping. If there are still seats available for the 4:30 taping, Rich will announce it at the 1:15 taping before the audience is dismissed.

Scott Robinson

Don Howard

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Price is Right Question
« Reply #8 on: March 23, 2006, 05:45:13 PM »
[quote name=\'Ian Wallis\' date=\'Mar 23 2006, 04:18 PM\']I'm looking at maybe trying for the Aug 21st tapings, which are right after their three-week break.
The day after the hiatus is when I attended in 2004 and 2005, so know this. In 2004, I got there at 12:04am and was 75th in line. I got there around the same time in 2005 and was 14th. Watch out for paint ball shooters and in the name of all that's holy, do not...I say DO NOT!!!!...talk when the public address announcer is talking.
If you do----YOU ARE WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Last Edit: March 24, 2006, 10:20:34 AM by Don Howard »


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« Reply #9 on: March 23, 2006, 06:40:07 PM »
[quote name=\'Ian Wallis\' date=\'Mar 23 2006, 04:18 PM\']I think what I'll probably do is send away for tickets for the first taping, and probably request e-mail tickets for the second.  That way I'm covered both ways and for both shows - and if we get there too late for the first, we can probably get in to the second one.

Or, if you are in a pinch, walk to the Customer Service Booth and get the tickets a day (or the week?) in advance.  They can not do today's shows.


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Price is Right Question
« Reply #10 on: March 23, 2006, 07:34:20 PM »
[quote name=\'Don Howard\' date=\'Mar 23 2006, 05:45 PM\'][quote name=\'Ian Wallis\' date=\'Mar 23 2006, 04:18 PM\']I'm looking at maybe trying for the Aug 21st tapings, which are right after their three-week break.
The day after the hiatus is when I attended in 2004 and 2005, so know this. In 2004, I got there at 12:04am and was 75th in line. I got there around the same time in 2005 and was 14th. Watch out for paint ball shooters and in the name of all that's holy, do not...I say DO NOT!!!!...talk when the public address announcer is talking. If you do----YOU ARE WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don does know what he's talking about!!!!

And as for the paintballs... well, it did make it for an interesting night (not that you want that).

Good luck for your campout!

Ryan :)


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« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2006, 07:46:14 PM »
If you're worried about how the time will drag on, don't...you'll have a bunch of people there who are just as ridiculous as you are (not an insult!), and they make for great conversation. If in doubt, bring a Red Bull or a Game Boy or two, but don't worry about the hours dragging on.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2006, 07:46:36 PM by mitchgroff »


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« Reply #12 on: March 23, 2006, 08:51:53 PM »
Here is my experience based on attending 2-1/2 years ago:

Staying across the street at the Farmer's Daughter hotel is the most logical place to stay.  Another good choice was the Comfort/Quality Inn on Highland Drive in Hollywood, near the Hollywood Bowl.  Only 15 minutes away in the middle of the night plus they had offered a special 2AM Continental Breakfast for the TPIR guests -- it may also help you get a slightly better space in line if you buddy buddy with some of the other hotel guests while downing donuts and they get to CBS TV City before you do!!!  Remember, 2 or 3AM isn't that bad if you just came from the East Coast and haven't adjusted to the time change yet!

We tried the Monday line up.  And after viewing the lines, we won't be the only one requesting tickets for both shows.  We got there about 4PM with early show tickets and we were already #126th in line.  We had already chose to get into the ticket line for the first show and were already bordering the stand-by section of the line (meaning you gotta hope not all the bussed-in groups get there or else you're screwed.)  So instead of spending a few more hours only to possibly get shut out, we went back to the ticket kiosk on Fairfax, got tickets for the Wednesday show, and showed up at 3AM.  We were 38th & 39th in line and got great seats.

At least back then (not sure now) you could still park in the Farmer's Market Lot for free.  DO NOT park in the giant parking garage behind the market (I forget the official name of *that* outdoor shopping village) unless you wish to pay to park nor you want to park in the bank lot between TV City & the Market.

You can bring chairs & blankets and take photos and videos but only while you are waiting on the sidewalk on Fairfax. I would suggest having someone in your party put all that stuff back in the car right before you get to enter the CBS grounds as photo/video taking while in line on the benches is taboo.

I also remember that not only could you get tickets in person at the CBS kiosk but at the nearby Beverly Center Mall by the east side street level parking garage entrance as well.  And while at the kiosk, it might be worth looking for some DoND ducats as well. ;-)

In summary, avoid the Monday fiasco if you can, get there around 3AM, and wear matching airbrushed "Just Married" T-Shirts -- The $60 investment netted us over $800 in prizes! ;-)

...Oh, and if you want some awesome Italian food at *very* reasonable prices,  you must visit the C&O Trattoria, located at the end of Washington Blvd on the Marina del Ray/Venice Beach border.  The hourly singing of Dean Martin's "That's Amore" while toasting wine (served in water coolers all around the walls on an 'honor system') with everyone in the joint is a hoot and the garlic knots are to die for!
« Last Edit: March 23, 2006, 08:58:04 PM by TimK2003 »


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Price is Right Question
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2006, 04:38:40 AM »
Scott -

What's with that menacing-looking SUV that parks on the sidewalk in front of the Fairfax entrance to the lot? I assume it is a CBS vehicle given that it is there every time I drive by on a Sunday night. Is it there to guard against paintballers?

It wouldn't be unrealistic to get in line for TPIR starting at 10 pm on Sunday night.

...Oh, and if you want some awesome Italian food at *very* reasonable prices, you must visit the C&O Trattoria, located at the end of Washington Blvd on the Marina del Rey/Venice Beach border. The hourly singing of Dean Martin's "That's Amore" while toasting wine (served in water coolers all around the walls on an 'honor system') with everyone in the joint is a hoot and the garlic knots are to die for!
Passe. Not worth the schlep from TV City to MDR. As dowdy and anachronistic as it is, some of us industry big-shots still do Canter's because a) it is open all the time, b) everybody knows where it is, and c) the waitresses will stay out of your way while you are conducting business (I had two show meetings there in the past month). For something more upscale there is Lawry's on La Cienega. For Italian there is Sisley at 10800 Pico.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2006, 04:41:35 AM by chris319 »

Ian Wallis

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Price is Right Question
« Reply #14 on: March 24, 2006, 09:13:47 AM »
The day after the hiatus is when I attended in 2004 and 2005, so know this. In 2004, I got there at 12:04am and was 75th in line. I got there around the same time in 2005 and was 14th.

I guess you got in both times?  What's the cut-off for guaranteeing a seat?  If you're 100th in line, are you assured of getting in - or does it depend on how many groups have already pre-arranged?
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