But they don't. Every final 2 cases offer has been exactly the average of the two together. They "could" play into the psychology and study the player to see how low the offer could be low-balled for him to take, but they don't.
Nitpick alert: The infamous $1 or $5 game had a bank offer of $2; if they had gone the average route, it would have been $3.
This nitpick alert has been brought to you by Geritol, America's Number One Tonic!
Uh, anyway, my experience with watching the show has been that they'll usually shy away from the exact average until near the end, and then they'll get closer and closer to it. However, as the nitpick alert above shows (and I think we all know who's going next with another one...

), they're not being as formulaic as it seems. And that, personally, is why I love the show...
