It is not your fault, whoserman. I can understand your being adamant about doing something like this. I was the same way. What I say to this is that you make sure you know the people with whom you are trading. I trust the people on this board enough to trade and commisserate (sp.?) with them whenever they need me. It can be a fun and rewarding process.
I also understand why Mr. Raygor was so passionate about the subject. He has had 50 successful trades with many people (2 with me!). So, I can understand his take on it, though it was a bit strong.
So, my friends, come on. No hard feelings, okay?
Going back on topic, I just wish that GSN did not cater to a crowd by using such smutty methods as the ones I have seen in the Cram promos. There are so many innuendos, I do not know where to begin. No, GSN is not unwatchable. However, using methods that have made MTV and the former TNN (Spike TV, ugh) such crappy cesspools can turn off the more sophisticated viewers. Also, I like my
Pyramid signoffs! More music, less promo!

The Inquisitive One