[quote name=\'goongas\' post=\'115533\' date=\'Apr 6 2006, 07:25 PM\']
If Meredith does leave, I am guessing they will pick someone with talk show host experience, not a game show host. The show has morphed into a talk show would occassional questions being asked.
Seriously, I'm thinking Tom Bergeron would be great for this. He's part of the Mouse House. I don't think "Dancing with the Stars" will be renewed, so he's in need of something to do, and he does have talk show credit ("Fox After Breakfast") and an Emmy ("H²").
Yeah, Modor, it's me. I've been lurking, but the typing bug has been biting a little bit lately. The real world has kept me pretty busy between finishing an accounting degree and preparing for a teaching credential. I still play the netgames a bit.
Now who's got the number to BVTV? I've got a call to make. (

--Charlie, MPW