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Author Topic: Name that show: The Big Clock  (Read 1341 times)

Charlie Owens

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Name that show: The Big Clock
« on: May 01, 2006, 12:50:25 AM »
I vaguely remember this game show bonus round, and maybe someone could tell me more about the show.

The show involved male/female couples. The bonus round was played on a large clock-shaped staircase, the woman started on 12, the man on 6. They were asked alternating questions, correct answers moved them a step toward their mate, incorrect answers moved them a step away. The object was to get to the same space before time ran out.

That's all I remember, Don't remember the host, or the network it was on(I wanna say USA, they ran a block of game shows in the afternoon in the 80s-90s). This ringing a bell for anyone?


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  • Posts: 465
Name that show: The Big Clock
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2006, 06:37:23 AM »
Love Me, Love Me Not was shown weekdays on USA Network in the late 1980's.  The clock-shaped staircase was more like an 8-petal daisy.  Ross Shafer hosted this show, and went on from there to host the 1990 remake of Match Game.

To find out more of what this show was about, you can visit:


Charlie Owens

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Name that show: The Big Clock
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2006, 04:15:02 PM »
Yeah, that's the show. I think I even saw Ross's tumble, you'd think they'dve edited that out.