[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'118071\' date=\'May 9 2006, 04:13 PM\']
[quote name=\'remlap\' post=\'118068\' date=\'May 9 2006, 07:42 AM\']
I dont get really why so many of you really care, I understand you think its sh*ting on US version.
Leave it be what it is tacky, and I like it like that because Im happy we have PiR back here whatever the set might be like, the host, the prizes and games played.
Its much better than having reruns from Granada or Carlton archive which we where having before yesterday.
Don't take it personally. Realize that trying to parodize the Holy Church Of Barker is about the biggest offense you can perpetrate upon the TPiR fanbois.
I'd be interesting in knowing if pickles are being crapped over at Golden Road, for sure.

Im a Barker fanboi, its the reason I started to like PiR is because of the US version airing here on and off in the early 90's.
But I still get why its over the top, and golden-road seems to have less the uproar than the posts here.
This show is in no-way as wild and as tacky as Cash en Carlo was in Holland.