Is there a nested-quotes tutorial somewhere? I'd really have liked to trim this some, but I made a bigger mess than the one to which I refer below.
[quote name=\'TLEberle\' post=\'118240\' date=\'May 11 2006, 06:21 PM\']
[quote name=\'Clay Zambo\' post=\'118200\' date=\'May 11 2006, 06:53 AM\']
Modor wrote, quoting Travis when he meant to quote me (when I jokingly asked about the price of Hot Pockets),[/quote]
[quote name=\'Modor\' post=\'118139\' date=\'May 10 2006, 01:04 PM\']
Why don't you go over there and ask them?
Erm...this wasn't me. I don't mind being thought of as snarky, especially when I'm being snarky, but not when I'm not...

But then, when I was in London I skipped the Eel Pie, so I'm not sure I'd want to try this, either.
I had a bit o' the pie. You're not missing much. The rest of British food gets a bad rap, but it's things like eel pie that ruin their reputation.
I watched another episode of the show, and if this was somehow the only version of "Price" that you'd seen, you'd enjoy it. Everyone who said that Bruce's PIR did things so well was correct. It seems like they're trying to overcorrect this time...
I snarked about the price of HPs. Modor quoted me (and snarked back, which is fine), and in the same post quoted Travis about something else, and the multi-quote thing made the post appear as if it were TLE who'd snarked about the Hot Pockets. (So I'm not the only one who has trouble with the quoting interface, which is also fine).
did comment about the Eel Pie. But when my London producer, with whom I was staying and who was playing Johnny Tour Guide for me every chance he got, said, "That's a local delicacy. And no, you don't want to try it," I decided to take him at his word.
So, clearly, the point here is that Eel Pie, brushstroke-looking Plinko fonts, and high-voiced hosts are all pretty much the same: local delicacies that not all tourists will enjoy.