[quote name=\'Mr. Bill\' post=\'118797\' date=\'May 17 2006, 10:22 PM\']
[quote name=\'rugrats1\' post=\'118618\' date=\'May 16 2006, 03:06 PM\']
So on Wednesday's show, will East Coast viewers join that particular game in progress, or will it be seen in its entirety (meaning West Coasters will see that part again)?
Since it's late enough now that another contestant has been called, the answer is that our Hawaiian friend wis JIPped.

Which is why Joe Capitano does that recap at the top of the show, among other things, including the need to pad it out (which despite Howie's "watch this," is I presume added in post).
What got cut last Monday was the tease, the check presentations (robbing Eastern/Central viewers the opportunity of hearing that woman say Howie's full name a million times again) and the last contestant. You knew that Regis and Leno weren't getting cut.