[quote name=\'Matt Ottinger\' post=\'122760\' date=\'Jun 29 2006, 07:52 AM\']
Anybody want an
Ed coffee mug?
I really miss that show. Not just because I went to high school with the guy who played Ed's best friend, but because it was a genuinely good show.
On a slightly related tip, in doing a little Web searching this morning I came across the rules for the DoND card game, the one in the whimsical little replica briefcase. Here it is, in a nutshell:
1) Deal out the Cash Cards, cover each with a numbered Briefcase Card.
2) "Open" briefcases as usual. (I'm gonna guess that providing your own "whooshing" sound effects are optional.) Mark off "opened" cases on a specially printed scorepad.
3) When Bank Offer time comes, draw a card from the Bank Offer deck, and receive a completely random offer, no matter what point in the game you are at or what dollar values you've left laying, between $400 and $400,000.
Can you say "friggin' broken"?
(That said, as a collector's item, I'll probably snag one when they're in the $2.99 clearance pile at We B Toyz or on Amazon.com. I'm guessing sometime after this Christmas.)
The last time I was in the city, the NBC gift shop was a relatively modest little place. Now it's this multi-level monstrosity they call the NBC Experience, located -- not surprisingly -- right next to the courtyard where the yokels wave at the Today cameras.
Every time I see another one of these megastores opening in NYC (see Cube, Big Glass Apple), I can't help but think that for all of their perception and posturing that they are the Center Of The Known Universe, the Big Apple has the biggest case of Small Dick Syndrome I've ever seen.