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Author Topic: Transferring Aging VHS Stuff to DVD  (Read 5011 times)


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Transferring Aging VHS Stuff to DVD
« Reply #15 on: May 28, 2006, 08:23:46 PM »
Thanks for the informative thread!

I'm just getting serious about VHS-->DVD transferring, and have opted to go with a video capture device and accompanying video editing software that will allow me to burn DVDs on the Dell PC. Anything I should know for optimum results?


« Last Edit: May 28, 2006, 08:26:22 PM by tvrandywest »
The story behind the voice you know and love... the voice of a generation of game shows: Johnny Olson!

Celebrate the centennial of the America's favorite announcer with "Johnny Olson: A Voice in Time."

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Transferring Aging VHS Stuff to DVD
« Reply #16 on: May 28, 2006, 09:36:51 PM »
[quote name=\'tvrandywest\' post=\'119683\' date=\'May 28 2006, 08:23 PM\']...have opted to go with a video capture device and accompanying video editing software that will allow me to burn DVDs on the Dell PC. Anything I should know for optimum results?[/quote]

Just that you should spend a few hours of free time doing research so you know what you're doing and getting into.  For HTPC (Home Theater PC), which is what you're talking about, I'd start in this thread (http://www.avsforum.com/avs-vb/forumdisplay.php?f=26) from this website: http://www.avsforum.com/.  This is where A/V geeks go to share their hands-on findings.  Very informative but you have to spend some serious time reading and re-learning stuff you thought you already knew.  I'm shopping for an HDTV set and the A/V folks at this site have been extremely helpful in guiding me away from HDTV sets that aren't good at reproducing Standard Definition material (480i).  Like, you know, thousands of VHS tapes and DVD discs full of gameshows!

P.S.: just curious Randy, what did you ever do with that car you won on 'PYL' back in '83?  I've wanted to ask you for the longest time but, like Wayne and Garth, I didn't feel I was worthy of asking!
« Last Edit: May 28, 2006, 09:39:45 PM by dad1153 »


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Transferring Aging VHS Stuff to DVD
« Reply #17 on: May 28, 2006, 10:34:45 PM »
Thanks for the links, and any other advice on VHS--> PC video capture -->DVD

[quote name=\'dad1153\' post=\'119686\' date=\'May 28 2006, 06:36 PM\']
P.S.: just curious Randy, what did you ever do with that car you won on 'PYL' back in '83?  I've wanted to ask you for the longest time but, like Wayne and Garth, I didn't feel I was worthy of asking!
Great story.

On a couple of car shopping trips I met with the General Manager of Downtown L.A. Motors. We became friendly to where I learned that CBS would be cutting a check for the value of the 1983 Sentra to the dealership directly, no matter what car I picked out. So he let me peruse his stock of Mercedes, Saabs, Volvos and other imports. I eventually returned to the Nissan line where my expensive tastes had me hot for a fully loaded new model year Maxima.

The last of my PYL episodes aired on October 3rd when the 1984s where already on the dealer's floor. Knowing that I would have to kick in the difference between the stripped Sentra and the loaded Maxima (about $12,000), I thought to ask CBS about the fact that I couldn't get the 1984 car for the 1983 credit alloted. CBS cut an additional check reflecting the increase in the cost between the 1983 and 1984 Sentras.

I ended up buying 3 Maximas since that first one. And I've helped give away a few dozen cars since then; most recently a Mustang this week at TPiR-Live!

« Last Edit: May 28, 2006, 10:47:07 PM by tvrandywest »
The story behind the voice you know and love... the voice of a generation of game shows: Johnny Olson!

Celebrate the centennial of the America's favorite announcer with "Johnny Olson: A Voice in Time."

Preview the book free: click "Johnny O Tribute" http://www.tvrandywest.com


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Transferring Aging VHS Stuff to DVD
« Reply #18 on: May 28, 2006, 11:52:16 PM »
This is a really interesting thread.

It's somewhat off topic, but for those interested in media preservation and restoration, you might be interested in  this article from Radio Netherlands on the discovery of a copy of the "lost" silent film "Beyond the Rocks".

Now if only there were as big an interest in old game shows as there is in silent movies....
-- Ted Schuerzinger, now blogging at <a href=\"http://justacineast.blogspot.com/\" target=\"_blank\">http://justacineast.blogspot.com/[/url]

No Fark slashes were harmed in the making of this post


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Transferring Aging VHS Stuff to DVD
« Reply #19 on: May 29, 2006, 12:34:44 PM »
Hi there, have questions regarding the dvd's.

How does one edit out commercials before finalizing the dvd? Do you need a program to do that? Can you edit them on the DVD player itself?

Matt Ottinger

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Transferring Aging VHS Stuff to DVD
« Reply #20 on: May 29, 2006, 02:15:18 PM »
[quote name=\'DJDustman\' post=\'119713\' date=\'May 29 2006, 12:34 PM\']How does one edit out commercials before finalizing the dvd? Do you need a program to do that? Can you edit them on the DVD player itself?[/quote]

If you're watching the transfer as you go, you can pause the DVD recorder when you get to a commercial, then release pause when the program starts again.  That method removes the commercial entirely, but unless you're unbelievably accurate, you're going to make some sloppy edits and you may cut off a small piece of the program.

On most DVD recorders, you can go back after you've transferred your entire VHS tape, mark the beginning and end point of the commercial break as a 'chapter', and then tell the DVD recorder to skip over that chapter when finalizing the disc. (I may be getting some of the terminology wrong, but that's the general idea.) The thing is, that doesn't mean that the commercials have gone away, that just means that when you play the disc, you're not going to see them. They're still taking up space on the disc.  

The best way to perfectly clip the commericals (or anything else you don't want) is to capture your video on a computer and use some kind of editing and DVD authoring software.  I'm fond of Adobe (Premiere and Encore respectively) myself.  That's wildly time consuming compared to a DVD recorder, though.
This has been another installment of Matt Ottinger's Masters of the Obvious.
Stay tuned for all the obsessive-compulsive fun of Words Have Meanings.


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Transferring Aging VHS Stuff to DVD
« Reply #21 on: May 29, 2006, 02:15:37 PM »
[quote name=\'DJDustman\' post=\'119713\' date=\'May 29 2006, 09:34 AM\']
Hi there, have questions regarding the dvd's.

How does one edit out commercials before finalizing the dvd? Do you need a program to do that? Can you edit them on the DVD player itself?
I'd be interested in hearing a response for this from someone with an actual standalone recorder, ('cuz I do this stuff on my PC where I can edit to my heart's content) but my hunch is that you'd have to do it on a computer, or pause recording in realtime (just like with a VCR) as you go. In order to take a full show and then chop out the commercials, you'd need to be able to store all of that data somewhere and reorganize it. And barring a hard drive being inside the recorder (which I realize some better models do have), that isn't gonna happen.

(I suppose it could be done with markers of some kind...that is, the DVD still has the commercials on it, and the editing is merely inserting a marker A that tells the DVD to skip to marker B when it sees it, bypassing that part of the program. Even then, though, it couldn't write to the disc until those markers were in place.)
« Last Edit: May 29, 2006, 02:16:17 PM by clemon79 »
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Transferring Aging VHS Stuff to DVD
« Reply #22 on: May 29, 2006, 02:54:41 PM »
If you're watching the transfer as you go, you can pause the DVD recorder when you get to a commercial, then release pause when the program starts again.

Count me as one person who employs this method. Right after the show cuts to commercial, I simply pause the recorder, fast forward through the commercials, and start recording again once I've reached the right spot.

There's a small problem with video quality, however:
When you go back to watch your finished DVD transfer, the picture is horribly pixelized for about 4 seconds in the spots where you unpaused recording. To remedy that, I simply record the last 5 seconds of the commercial so that the pixelization goes away before the show returns.

« Last Edit: May 29, 2006, 02:54:54 PM by Jimmy Fiono Coyne »
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Transferring Aging VHS Stuff to DVD
« Reply #23 on: May 29, 2006, 04:33:50 PM »
[quote name=\'DJDustman\' post=\'119713\' date=\'May 29 2006, 09:34 AM\']
Hi there, have questions regarding the dvd's.

How does one edit out commercials before finalizing the dvd? Do you need a program to do that? Can you edit them on the DVD player itself?

Different strokes for different folks.  I have a DVR (TiVO-like device that digitally tapes multiple shows off TV) that records shows in their entirely.  I have my DVD recorder hooked-up to the DVR and, when I play back the shows I've taped that I want to permanently record on DVD, I cue them and record them in real-time while pausing the DVD recorder when commercials come up.  When I'm dubbing VHS tapes or DVD discs with gameshows to a DVD recorder it's the same thing: play the source, record with the DVD recorder, pause the recorder when commercials come-up (unless the fellow that did the original VHS/DVD tape was kind-enough to already skipped the commercial) and unpause it when commercials are over.  

Now, once you stop your recording of a particular program there should still be space in the disc to record more material unless your recording fills the length of the speed recording selected (60m, 120m, 240m and 360m).  STOPPING A RECORDING SESSION DOES NOT AUTOMATICALLY MEAN THE DVD IS READY TO PLAYBACK ON ANOTHER DVD MACHINE.  You can start and stop a recording as many times as the selected recording speed will allow.  Example: you tape 25 min. of 'WML?' off of GSN by hitting Record (starting with the opening, pausing when commercials come on and then stopping as soon as the credits are over) and hit the Stop button at the end.  If you selected the SP 120m speed you have 95 min. of free space left; if you selected XP 60m speed you only have 35 min. left, and so on.  If you're adventurous and know what you're doing you can change recording speeds between recording sessions to increase/decrease the amount of recording space left in the disc.  Using the above 'WML?' example, after recording a commercial-free 25m episode at SP 120m speed I can switch over to SLP 240m mode and, instead of having 95m left, I would have 190 min. of recording space (i.e. double the 95 min. from SP speed, which is approx. double the recording capacity if I were to switch to XP 60 min. mode).  Just remember: XP 60m recording speed = excellent, SP 120m recording speed =  good, SLP 240m recording speed = mediocre-to-bad (except for B&W kinescoped shows in good condition, which look OK) and SLP 360m recording speed = BAD

Now, once you've filled the disc to capacity (or recorded what you wanted and you're sure you don't want to record anymore) you're ready to FINALIZE the disc.  ONCE A DVD-R OR DVD+R DISC IS FINALIZED ITS CONTENTS CANNOT BE RECORDED OVER OR ERASED; IT'S DONE.  This is why you should go the extra mile and try to remove the commercials manually when recording the disc because, whatever you record in a disc, is there from when you hit Record until you hit Stop EXCEPT THE COMMERCIALS OR PORTIONS OF SHOW YOU DON'T WANT that you've paused.  There are Rewritable discs (DVD-RW or DVD+RW) that theoretically you can Record and Erase over and over (like a VCR cassette) but these discs are the most likely to be corrupted and/or not be compatible with other DVD players.  Just remember not to hit Stop when taking out commercials in a recording session, because DVD's recognize Stop as the end of a chapter.  Record at the start of a show, pause to take out commercials/unwanted segments, then Stop when the show is over.  When you get around to finalizing the disc each recorded show will be its own chapter that you can click and watch w/o commercials (or w/commercials if you have no other choice than to let them in, but you can fast-forward thru them like we do/did with VHS since forever).
« Last Edit: May 29, 2006, 04:47:54 PM by dad1153 »


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Transferring Aging VHS Stuff to DVD
« Reply #24 on: May 30, 2006, 07:42:26 PM »
I'll throw in my two cents...I have two DVD recorders: a Gateway/Lite-On SVW-5001 (model number IIRC) on which I upgraded/hacked the firmware. It records to DVD+R/W discs and has been fairly reliable for me. It feels and looks super chintzy.

About two months ago, I was very lucky to walk through the Target electronics section right after a new batch of clearance stuff came out, and I got a newer Samsung floor model DVD-R/W recorder for $40. (The Lovely Hayley rolled her eyes, of course! "Yeah...I'm gonna eBay this one...") It was originally $199. I think the last three digits of the model number are 120. If you are looking to get a DVD recorder, watch for Target and Circuit City open box specials. You'll save a ton of cash. Use coupons, too...you can buy CC coupons from eBay.

This Samsung has been more solid for me so far, and I like using DVD-R because I know the disc will be more compatible in other people's equipment. I am fairly certain that this Samsung is a cousin of a Panasonic DVD recorder...it looks and plays the part. Might be wrong about that though.

I use the record/pause/record method that dad1153 describes in previous posts. I also do the same thing he does with a DVR. At one point, I mistakingly dissed the Comcast DVR, but now that I have one, it's incredible. We wouldn't give it up for the world. I think I would like it better than TiVo...costs the same per month, comes with 120GB hard drive, and dual tuners. I can always get the newest equipment when it comes out, too. Great for recording GSN stuff. We're moving in a week or so and I have about 20 hours of Super Password to go through from that thing.


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Transferring Aging VHS Stuff to DVD
« Reply #25 on: May 30, 2006, 11:29:30 PM »
[quote name=\'mitchgroff\' post=\'119846\' date=\'May 30 2006, 07:42 PM\']
At one point, I mistakingly dissed the Comcast DVR, but now that I have one, it's incredible. We wouldn't give it up for the world. I think I would like it better than TiVo...costs the same per month, comes with 120GB hard drive, and dual tuners. I can always get the newest equipment when it comes out, too. Great for recording GSN stuff. We're moving in a week or so and I have about 20 hours of Super Password to go through from that thing.[/quote]

I have a Scientific Atlantic DVR from Time Warner cable in NYC and I also have about 20 hours of shows to go through, only mine are 'What's My Line?' shows.  This DVR lets me tape two shows simultanously while watching any show that's already recorded, which is great when 'Amazing Race' and 'Deal or No Deal' are on at the same time.  DVR is like HDTV: once you experience it there's no going back to the old VCR time-shifting mode.  Watching 'TPIR' or same-day recordings of GSN daytime shows in primetime (when GSN is dead to me with its tired mix of 'Millionaire,' 'Greed,' 'Dog Eat Dog,' etc.) is what it's all about people!


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Transferring Aging VHS Stuff to DVD
« Reply #26 on: June 03, 2006, 11:20:28 PM »
Entering this thread late, but since I was out of town and Internet-less, I have an excuse. :-)

[quote name=\'dad1153\' post=\'119668\' date=\'May 28 2006, 05:57 PM\']
 Apple DVD drives for its computers and laptops definitely do not record or support +R discs (unless those new Intel Core Duo chips do something I'm not aware of).
That was true until a couple of years ago.  I used to cringe when I'd read that Apple actually had flashed dual-format drives with special firmware to remove +R compatibility just to maintain "consistency" with its older models that had -R-only capability.  Of course, unofficial re-flashing utilities quickly appeared, but even those users who knew where to find the utilities learned that they couldn't use the discs with iDVD; Apple had programmed its consumer-level authoring program to detect and reject +R discs.  (Naturally, the professional counterpart, DVD Studio Pro, could use both +R and -R discs, but it was a separate purchase and not a cheap one.)

The most recent models of the Power Mac G5, MacBook, MacBook Pro, Mac Mini and iMac Core Duo can read and write both +R/RW and -R/RW discs, and if memory serves, so could the last revisions of the PowerBook G4 and iMac G5.  All but the MacBook Pro, and possibly the MacBook (haven't seen the latest specs) can also use +R dual-layer discs.