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Author Topic: My Wheel of Fortune Experience  (Read 3179 times)


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My Wheel of Fortune Experience
« on: June 04, 2006, 09:10:01 PM »

Wheel of Fortune has been a show that I have been fascinated with for years. I remember being home sick from school and turning on morning television in time to see a contestant use their prize winnings to buy a ceramic dalmatian. So it is no surprise that anytime Wheel of Fortune came to South Florida, I attempted to audition.

I say attempted because something always came in the way. Back in 1994, Wheel came to tape shows in Miami and I went to audition and was never randomly selected. Then in 2002, I tried again and here was my account from back then:

 There must have been at least a thousand people at the event and with those odds, I was sure we were out of luck.

We arrived at 10AM for the 12 Noon start time because we figured the crowd would be HUGE. The Wheel of Fortune staffers began handing out the mini-applications and we filled them out. The Swap Shot is a flea market and normally it has a circus. Well the circus ring was where the auditions would be held.

We all poured into the bleachers and as we entered we dropped our mini-applications into a box. As I dropped my application into the box I told the attendant "This One is a Winner :-)." He just smiled back at me and we made our merrily way into the area.

After a pre-show with our local TV news trivia, they started calling out the names from a giant tumbler. 4 names are called and who do you think is #5? ME!!! I screamed my bloody head off and ran to the front of the stage. They took my Polaroid and stapled it to the application form.

They then called us in groups of five and we jumped onto the stage. The MC then went through the five of us, asking us the basics as in what we do for a living, what do we like to do for fun. I enthusiastically tell him that I played basketball with Alonzo Mourning (basically the same spiel I used for WWTBAM). After the introductions we played a mock version of the game. We all called letters. I stayed with the staples of R-S-T-L-N and E. Plus, I bought other vowels as I saw necessary.

I did not end up solving the puzzle but I do not think that is what they were looking for at that moment. They were really looking at the level of enthusiasm displayed by each contestant. After the puzzle was solved we all collected our prize (from the wheel spun by the MC we won a hat and a pen).

They told us if they like us they will send us a letter inviting us back to a final audition. I am hoping I had what it takes even though I did not solve the puzzle. We shall see.

Either way it was a blast and I was lucky just to be called on stage. I am crossing my fingers for the letter but if not that is ok too.

Well, I did not get a letter back then. I received an e-mail inviting me to a private Wheel of Fortune audition. In the interim of the Wheelmobile event and the e-mail, my wife Erika won a cruise. Of course Murphy's Law would have the cruise smack in the middle of the audition. We decided to take the cruise and hope Wheel would have auditions again.

Fast forward three years, YES three years. It was announced that Wheel of Fortune would be taping four weeks of shows in South Florida and Erika immediately told me about it. I was determined to get on the show this time.

I went to the audition being held at the Car Max in Davie, FL. Very much like the last Wheelmobile audition, everyone filled out a color coded application and waited for the host to call our name. Much to my surprise, my name was one of the first ones called.

I heard my name and bounced to the stage. The host asked me my name and where I was from. In a large enthusiastic voice, I tell him what I do for a living and for fun. It is a group of five of us on the stage playing a mock game of Wheel of Fortune in front of the crowd. A wipe board serves as the puzzle board and the prize wheel serves as the Wheel. Off to the side is a marketing representative from Wheel. That is who you are really trying to impress. Knowing the process from the previous auditions made this easier. I know who would be looking at me and made sure to be as enthusiastic as possible and I smiled a lot. When the host jumped up and down on the stage, I mimicked him. It was fun and I solved the puzzle "CAPTIVE AUDIENCE."

They told us if we made it through we would be contacted very shortly. I didn't realize how quick that would happen. By the time I got home that evening I had an e-mail from Wheel of Fortune inviting me to a final audition that Tuesday at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel in Hollywood, FL.

I arrived at the final audition a little early and met up with some contestants who would end up on the show. I met Carolyn who was from New York, John from Miami and some other great people.

The final audition is where you should really shine. It is at this audition that the contestant coordinators are looking at you. They are the ones who make the final decision on who is selected. The head contestant coordinator is Gary O'Brien. Gary is a very personable guy who gets the wannabes all 'juiced' up. When you first go in the room you are greeted by Gary who directs you to the chairs. On the chairs is a clipboard, application and a pen. The audition for me started as soon as I entered the hotel. You never know when someone is watching you. I sat towards the front of the room so the coordinators could see me.

The coordinators first do a seating plan so they know who is who. They go around the room and write down everyone's name. This comes in handy for the coordinators when the auditioners play the mock game. After they write down the names, they pick people to play Wheel of Fortune. A game of Wheel is projected onto a big screen and a contestant coordinator spins a stand-up wheel.  When they call your name, auditioners stand up and call a letter in a LOUD CLEAR VOICE. You can also buy vowels or solve a puzzle. They want to see how focused you are able to be while smiling at the same time. For those who solve the puzzle, they win a Wheel of Fortune prize.

After everyone has a chance to play the mock game, it is time to take a written test. The written test is comprised of 16 puzzles (4 puzzles in 4 categories) that are partially filled in. You have five minutes to fill in as many words as possible. Five minutes goes by so fast and before you know it the buzzer rings and it is time to put the pencils down. TIP: Partially filled in puzzles count on the written test, so fill in as many words as you can.

The coordinators then take the tests and grade them. They are gone for about twenty minutes and while they are out, a Wheel of Fortune video retrospective is shown to the auditioners. After the coordinators come back, they make their cuts. About twenty contestants are asked to stay for the remainder of the audition. Who stays is determined from a combination of the written test and how the auditioners play the mock game. The first name called was.....MINE! :-)

The second part of the audition consists of the finalists being called down to the front of the room in groups of four. Each group tells the coordinators a little bit about themselves (as in the interview with Pat on the show). The coordinators have the finalists pretend to spin the real wheel and call letters. After all of the finalists get a chance to play, they call up some again to get a second look at them. I was not called up again for another look. They told us we would hear from them within two weeks if selected for the Fort Lauderdale shows.

To be continued (soon).......


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My Wheel of Fortune Experience
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2006, 02:54:59 PM »

My story continued....

Well the two weeks could have easily been two years. Everyday, I would call my wife Erika on her cell phone to see if Wheel called (I would check my own cell phone for messages every five minutes - I was manic). At one point during the two weeks, I had thought they had forgotten about me. Sadness started to seep into my sub-conscious as I thought my sure feeling of getting on the show was for not. Thanksgiving 2005 came and went and still no phone call. Then on November 30th it happened - well into week #3. I was at work and my cell phone rings..... 310-XXX-XXXX, I immediately start to go into panic mode. "Oh my goodness! That has to be Wheel, I mean it is area code 310...." so I pick up the phone and NO ONE WAS THERE! I was freaking out and wondering if I should call the number back. Then about two seconds later my phone rings again, I think this was the quickest I ever picked up that darn thing. On the other end it was like a voice from heaven..."Hi, may I speak to Timothy please?" I said, "Yes, this is Timothy." The voice continued, "Hi Timothy! This is Gary calling from Wheel of Fortune." I almost pee'd my pants, I kid you not. I am at work so in a calm (well kind of sort of) way we carry on the conversation. "Timothy, the reason why I am calling is we would like to invite you to our tapings at the Broward County Convention Center - AS AN ALTERNATE." I thought for one second and remembered them saying at the audition that if you were selected as an alternate, chance are you would eventually be invited to Culver City, CA to tape a show. Without hesitation I said, "I am so there, what do I have to do?" We continued the conversation with Gary asking me what name I wanted on my name tag, telling me about studio guests, etc.

I spent the next two weeks preparing for my Wheel of Fortune adventure. Since I knew I was most likely not going to be taping that day, I told myself not to be disappointed and just enjoy the experience. I relayed that same information to my friends and family. When taping day for "Fun in the Sun" week came, I felt no pressure whatsoever. I was there to be an observer and a rooting section for the 15 other contestants. When I got there I met Carolyn Sherman who was my fellow alternate. What was funny was that we became friendly at the audition. It was like we were destined to share this experience together. Carolyn was the nicest person and I pulled for her as hard as I pulled for myself to get on the show. Carolyn did end up on the show during "World Class Spas" week and became the big winner - yay Carolyn! The rest of the contestants that day were a nice bunch as well.  The rest of the contestants that day bonded as well, it was really a solid group. My day as an alternate was a long one. Carolyn and I would watch as our fellow contestants got makeup, did their hometown howdy and played the game. The day progressed and slowly the contestants dwindled until it was just Carolyn and I left in the contestant holding area. We took down each other's phone numbers and promised to keep in touch.

December would fly by and January came and I was sure I was going to get called. When January was close to ending, my hopes again started to dwindle. I know, I know it was only a month and a half since the Fort Lauderdale taping but I was so sure they would call me back right away.  Then January 26th came. It was a special day, why? I didn't know yet but I had this unexplained good feeling all morning. Around 2pm my cell phone rings and once again I see the area code 310. I freak out, more so than last time - I know what this means. I picked up the phone quickly and said hello.... "Hi, is this Timothy?" I said "YES!" and she said "Hi Timothy! This is Jackie from Wheel of Fortune." Not caring about being at work anymore I SCREAMED "HI JACKIE!!!" my whole office heard me and I was shouting "It is Wheel of Fortune, Wheel of Fortune!" as I calmed down Jackie continued by saying they wanted me to come to the Sony Picture Studios in Culver City to tape an episode of Wheel. I was excited and without hesitation I said "OF COURSE!" After the conversation, I went to my supervisor and asked for the necessary days off. Then the process set in motion and my wife Erika and I began planning our trip to Wheel of Fortune. Airplane tickets - CHECK! Hotel Reservations - CHECK! Buy a new suit - CHECK! Get a haircut - CHECK! Take care of our cat Blackie - CHECK!

When the day came to fly to Los Angeles, I was on top of the world. I promised my boss as a stipulation of my leaving that I would do the company payroll from Los Angeles. So I armed myself with my laptop and we made our way across the great United States of America. The taping day was Friday, February 10th so we flew into Los Angeles on Wednesday, February 8th. Much to our surprise Internet buddies who we never met in person, Jason and his mom Julie flew in from Minnesota to meet us.

That really touched me, I had the greatest people in my corner - so regardless taping day was going to be a good day and it was. We relaxed on Wednesday. Thursday morning I did the company payroll and we drove Jason and Julie to CBS Television city so they can see an episode of The Price is Right. My wife and I did not join them for the taping. Instead, we opted for a stroll around the Farmer's Market and the Grove. We went into Nordstrom's to look for shoes and ran into Jason Alexander from Seinfeld leaving the store. That day went pretty quickly and I went to bed feeling good. D-Day was upon us and I was finally going to get my chance to spin the wheel for real.......

To be continued (sorry folks, I promise shortly! ;-) )......


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My Wheel of Fortune Experience
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2006, 04:19:57 PM »
[quote name=\'Timsterino\' post=\'121063\' date=\'Jun 11 2006, 02:54 PM\']
To be continued (sorry folks, I promise shortly! ;-) )......

Faster, faster, FASTER!!!! :-P