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Author Topic: Toss-Up Tuesday  (Read 8081 times)

Game Show Man

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Toss-Up Tuesday
« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2006, 06:54:58 PM »
Toss Up: Which Game Show Marathon game should Fremantle give another chance in syndication next year--Match Game or Card Sharks?

No doubt: Sale of the Century.  :D  Actually, having actually seen the CS taping in person, I think they'd do well to try CS.

Toss Up: Bigger waste of network money--Big Brother: All-Stars or the Stanley Cup Finals?

Big Brother sucks.  I can't figure out why the show is still on the air.

Toss Up: When should The Amazing Race 10 have been scheduled--fall or midseason?


Toss Up: When should Dancing with the Stars 3 have been scheduled--fall or midseason?


Toss Up: Which game should ABC have chosen to take over the 8:00 Tuesday hour after Dancing ends--Set for the Rest of Your Life or Super Millionaire?

Super Millionaire, by far.

Toss Up: More surprising ABC renewal--The Bachelor or What About Brian?

The Bachelor.
 Unlike some people, J.J. Abrams is a damned good storyteller.  He needs to give Amy Jo Johnson her own show, though.  Besides, The Bachelor=teh suck.

Toss Up: More promising new fall drama: Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip or Shark?


Toss Up: More annoying--Gilbert Gottfried or Patrick Wayne?

Wayne.  Gottfried=teh funny.

Toss Up: Which uberchampion would you take in a quiz bowl--Brad Rutter or Thom McKee?

No question: Rutter.

Last one! Toss Up: Which DoND model would you take in a steel-cage, no-holds-barred mud wrestling match--ex-dodgeballer Kim or wrestling diva wannabe Leyla?

I'd like to use the Joker to go off the board and pick Patricia for $50 please, Jack.

If it was a boxing match, I'd pick Kim.  :D
"Game Show Man" Joe Van Ginkel
"Remember, reality bites, so WATCH MORE GAME SHOWS!"


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Toss-Up Tuesday
« Reply #16 on: June 13, 2006, 09:19:24 PM »
[quote name=\'GS Warehouse\' post=\'121289\' date=\'Jun 13 2006, 01:12 PM\']
Toss Up: Which Game Show Marathon game should Fremantle give another chance in syndication next year--Match Game or Card Sharks?[/quote]
Would love to see a new MG, but the biggest thing would be the panel chemistry, and they would really have to do their homework on that. I'll just bank on CS.
Toss Up: Bigger waste of network money--Big Brother: All-Stars or the Stanley Cup Finals?
Toss Up: When should The Amazing Race 10 have been scheduled--fall or midseason?
Melman brought up a good point about football...go for midseason.
Toss Up: When should Dancing with the Stars 3 have been scheduled--fall or midseason?
Fall. No sense in having to compete with Idol.
Toss Up: Which game should ABC have chosen to take over the 8:00 Tuesday hour after Dancing ends--Set for the Rest of Your Life or Super Millionaire?
Millionaire was a proven hit, and could prolly hold Dancing's audience, maybe even build upon it. Save Set for midseason.
Toss Up: More surprising ABC renewal--The Bachelor or What About Brian?
Bachelor...didn't even know it was still on.
Toss Up: More promising new fall drama: Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip or Shark?
Never heard of Shark, but I think Aaron Sorkin will pull this off.
Toss Up: More annoying--Gilbert Gottfried or Patrick Wayne?
Patrick by default. I actually like Gilbert, and don't see why Patrick is STILL the punchline to jokes as being annoying or a bad host. No, he wasn't the best, but I'm sure he knew that he wasn't going to make a career out of this. Besides, how do we know the producers didn't want him to be so over-the-top. B&E was a pretty chintzy operation from what I've seen.
Toss Up: Which uberchampion would you take in a quiz bowl--Brad Rutter or Thom McKee?
Last one! Toss Up: Which DoND model would you take in a steel-cage, no-holds-barred mud wrestling match--ex-dodgeballer Kim or wrestling diva wannabe Leyla?
Flip a coin...the only model I know of is Claudia. :-P
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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Toss-Up Tuesday
« Reply #17 on: June 13, 2006, 10:31:06 PM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'121312\' date=\'Jun 13 2006, 04:32 PM\']
(I've found that people who crap on hockey are generally closed-minded folks who never gave the game a chance.)
I'm not one to crap on hockey; I just don't care for it, that's all.

BTW, I did give it a chance.  Huntsville, AL is a big hockey town, as Doug Morris can attest.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2006, 10:31:21 PM by Tony »


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Toss-Up Tuesday
« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2006, 11:20:51 PM »
[quote name=\'Tony\' post=\'121345\' date=\'Jun 13 2006, 07:31 PM\']
I'm not one to crap on hockey; I just don't care for it, that's all.
Well, condemn yourself to mediocrity, then.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Toss-Up Tuesday
« Reply #19 on: June 13, 2006, 11:40:39 PM »
Toss Up: Which Game Show Marathon game should Fremantle give another chance in syndication next year--Match Game or Card Sharks?
Wil: Oh God, I'm not really sure on this.  But I had a choice, It'd be Card Sharks. If done Correctly. (prays)

Toss Up: Bigger waste of network money--Big Brother: All-Stars or the Stanley Cup Finals?
Wil:Don't really care about BB, so that.

Toss Up: When should The Amazing Race 10 have been scheduled--fall or midseason?
Wil:Not sure, I'd prolly run into it midway

Toss Up: When should Dancing with the Stars 3 have been scheduled--fall or midseason?
Wil: uh.. With may Dissapointmants with the fall seasons lately (And T.V. Guide) I'd say Midseason
I'm Usualy waiting for some good stuff (Ha! I should say used to) to come in the fall.

Toss Up: Which game should ABC have chosen to take over the 8:00 Tuesday hour after Dancing ends--Set for the Rest of Your Life or Super Millionaire?
Wil: Hmm Since Millionare is doing somwhat good on  Semi-sindie, I'd let the rookie have their chance to shine, and let the Veteran stay  well on Sindie.

Toss Up: More surprising ABC renewal--The Bachelor or What About Brian?
Wil: Don't care, next question.

Toss Up: More promising new fall drama: Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip or Shark?
Wil: I don't have any Idea about these. so No answer.

Toss Up: More annoying--Gilbert Gottfried or Patrick Wayne?
Wil: Gottfried is Tollerable Compaired to Wayne, man Wayne makes me wanna punch him.

Toss Up: Which uberchampion would you take in a quiz bowl--Brad Rutter or Thom McKee?
Wil: If it were Tic Tac Dough then McKee. However You said Quiz Bowl then Rutter. but I'd prolly be the one That dosn't buzz-in.

Last one! Toss Up: Which DoND model would you take in a steel-cage, no-holds-barred mud wrestling match--ex-dodgeballer Kim or wrestling diva wannabe Leyla?
Wil: uh I guess Kim. I never knew'em by name just Number. meh Look at me , I'm treating women like objects again. or in this case Numbers. :-p
« Last Edit: June 14, 2006, 09:46:35 PM by William_S. »

GS Warehouse

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Toss-Up Tuesday
« Reply #20 on: June 14, 2006, 12:31:02 AM »
Okay guys, allow me to show you how it's done:

MG or CS: I may be biased on this one, because CS is near the top of my list.  You could make a case for MG because it's been tried less recently, but MG7x worked pushed you can push test the limits.  MG98 went too far, and I'm not sure these standards even exist anymore.  NEXT!

Big Brother or Stanley Cup: I'm in the majority here.  The fact that hordes of young adults keep watching BB year after year is today's sign that there's no intelligent life on earth.  What's more, over at alt.tv.survivor, the All-Star season was widely regarded as the second-worst of all Survivor seasons, ahead only of Thailand, so if BB hasn't jumped the shark before, it will this summer.  And I forgot that NBC isn't paying the NHL any rights fees, so nothing to lose here.  NEXT!

Amazing Race 10: Speaking of jumping the shark, last fall's family edition coupled with time slot roulette led to irrepairable damage in the ratings.  CBS ordered only one cycle for next season, and should have held it for midseason.  And my mom never liked it before and she definitely hates it now because it's bumping Cold Case, which she does like, back an hour.  NEXT!

Dancing with the Stars 3: ABC is taking a gamble thinking DwtS is ready for a fall launch.  It's no secret than midseason entries have a much better success rate than fall premieres nowadays.  But it will be not the time slot, but the celebrity casting that will determine its success.  NEXT!

Life or Millionaire: Super Jeopardy! didn't work because the material was too hard for the average viewer to play along.  And I wonder who Brad Rutter or Ken Jennings would have done with the seven-figure questions from two years ago.  Again, it looks like Millionaire has run its course, but I'm not optimistic ABC will do any better with Set than they did with According to Jim.  NEXT!

Bachelor or Brian: I would not have renewed either, but I agree The Bachelor has run its course.  But we can't have Lacey Pemberton not drawing a paycheck, can we?  She needs to put her son Travis through college!  NEXT!

Studio 60 or Shark: For those wondering, Shark is the new CBS legal drama with James Woods (ObGSn: from Poker Royale).  It's right after CSI: Original Recipe, while Studio 60 is against CSI: Extra Crispy and leading out of the unproven Heroes.  I like Woods's chances against Matthew Perry better than against Phil Laak.  NEXT!

Gottfried or Wayne: [Wilbon]PUSH![/Wilbon]  No, seriously, if Gilbert isn't really like this off-stage, I'll take Patrick.  NEXT!

Rutter or McKee: If reflexes are part of the game, the younger Rutter would have the edge.  NEXT!

Kim or Leyla: FoxSportsFan had the correct answer:
[quote name=\'FOXSportsFan\' post=\'121300\' date=\'Jun 13 2006, 02:33 PM\']-> I don't know if one should pick, because in the end we'd all be winners wouldn't be.  Uncle Wilbon will love that matchup![/quote]Congratulations on Line of the Day honors.  But I win, and I do the penguin dance of victory!

Catching up on some of the responses:
[quote name=\'SRIV94\' post=\'121313\' date=\'Jun 13 2006, 05:42 PM\'][quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'121312\' date=\'Jun 13 2006, 04:32 PM\']Ditto the Cup Finals, which have been some exceptional (if, alas, Shark-free) hockey. I mean, REALLY good. I'm hoping it makes it back to Edmonton for a Game Six just to hear those fans again. Damn.[/quote]Normally, I'd agree with you, except for the fact that I'm going to a concert Saturday and would miss it ... So I'd just as soon Carolina ends it Wednesday, for purely selfish reasons.  And given NBC's ratings, they might be rooting the same way.  :)[/quote]
Point to Doug on this one.  I got an Elkhart Express basketball game on Saturday (15-2, baby!), and I don't see the Oilers stretching this series out to seven games.

[quote name=\'Game Show Man\' post=\'121326\' date=\'Jun 13 2006, 06:54 PM\']... Unlike some people, J.J. Abrams is a damned good storyteller.  He needs to give Amy Jo Johnson her own show, though.[/quote][color=\"#FF0000\"](-2 points)[/color]  Whatever happened to Amy Jo, anyway?  Heaven help her career if she turns up on Dancing this fall.

[quote name=\'Game Show Man\' post=\'121326\' date=\'Jun 13 2006, 06:54 PM\']I'd like to use the Joker to go off the board and pick Patricia for $50 please, Jack.[/quote]She's my date!  [color=\"#FF0000\"][mutes Joe][/color]
« Last Edit: June 14, 2006, 12:34:02 AM by GS Warehouse »


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Toss-Up Tuesday
« Reply #21 on: June 14, 2006, 12:46:15 AM »
[quote name=\'GS Warehouse\' post=\'121355\' date=\'Jun 14 2006, 12:31 AM\']
Big Brother or Stanley Cup: I'm in the majority here.  The fact that hordes of young adults keep watching BB year after year is today's sign that there's no intelligent life on earth. [/quote]
Now that's a bit unfair. I don't like BB myself, but to insult the people who do is just wrong. I'm sure there's people who don't like your choice of shows, game shows included. But would that make you any less intelligent?
What's more, over at alt.tv.survivor, the All-Star season was widely regarded as the second-worst of all Survivor seasons, ahead only of Thailand, so if BB hasn't jumped the shark before, it will this summer.  And I forgot that NBC isn't paying the NHL any rights fees, so nothing to lose here.  NEXT!
I'm a little confused. Because many Survivor fans hated the all-star season automatically means that this BB season will be the JTS point?
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Toss-Up Tuesday
« Reply #22 on: June 14, 2006, 12:59:51 AM »
[quote name=\'GS Warehouse\' post=\'121355\' date=\'Jun 13 2006, 09:31 PM\']
Big Brother or Stanley Cup: I'm in the majority here.  The fact that hordes of young adults keep watching BB year after year is today's sign that there's no intelligent life on earth.  [/quote]No, it merely exposes your own biases. I will keep hammering at this point until someone gives me a concrete reason they don't watch the show. I have not seen it yet.

What's more, over at alt.tv.survivor, the All-Star season was widely regarded as the second-worst of all Survivor seasons, ahead only of Thailand, so if BB hasn't jumped the shark before, it will this summer.  
Look, Cletus! Another person misused the phrase "Jump the Shark." Chug!

Life or Millionaire: Super Jeopardy! didn't work because the material was too hard for the average viewer to play along.  
Also wrong. The material was not any harder, Merv just arbitrarily increased the clue values, and had a fourth player for the quarter-finals. It was all an illuuuuusion!

And I wonder who Brad Rutter or Ken Jennings would have done with the seven-figure questions from two years ago.  
I'm guessing they'd answer if they knew, or would bail out if they didn't...

Again, it looks like Millionaire has run its course, but I'm not optimistic ABC will do any better with Set than they did with According to Jim.  
I see no evidence that Millionaire is out of gas.
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Toss-Up Tuesday
« Reply #23 on: June 14, 2006, 01:00:46 AM »
[quote name=\'fostergray82\' post=\'121357\' date=\'Jun 13 2006, 09:46 PM\']
I'm a little confused. Because many Survivor fans hated the all-star season automatically means that this BB season will be the JTS point?
Not to mention that it's a ridiculous assumption. I know quite a lot of people who VERY MUCH ENJOYED All-Stars.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Toss-Up Tuesday
« Reply #24 on: June 14, 2006, 01:04:16 AM »
[quote name=\'GS Warehouse\' post=\'121355\' date=\'Jun 13 2006, 09:31 PM\']
Okay guys, allow me to show you how it's done:
Oh, yeah, by the way: if you are really going to insist on doing these once a week, and you actually hope to stimulate discussion with them, then I would suggest that dismissing what responses you DID get with a statement like this might not be the best way to go.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe

Ian Wallis

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Toss-Up Tuesday
« Reply #25 on: June 14, 2006, 08:59:22 AM »
Normally, I'd agree with you, except for the fact that I'm going to a concert Saturday and would miss it (and while taping a sporting event is an option, it's not a very good one, considering I'm going to be spoiled on what happens before I'd get the chance to view it anyway).

I'd like to see it go 6 just to make it more exciting.  When it's over in 4 or 5 games, it lacks a bit of drama.   As for taping...considering I think the Stanley Cup is sports most beautiful trophy, I get a thrill seeing whichever team wins it skate around with it.  Ever since the early '80s I've always taped the last few minutes of the clinching game and the Cup presentation.  As a hockey fan, it's a neat archive to have!

What's more, over at alt.tv.survivor, the All-Star season was widely regarded as the second-worst of all Survivor seasons,

Oddly enough, that's one of the few that are on DVD.

No, it merely exposes your own biases. I will keep hammering at this point until someone gives me a concrete reason they don't watch the show. I have not seen it yet.

I watched "Big Brother" most of the first two seasons, and after that I lost interest.  I found that it's all the same...the episodes I watched during the third season were all about groups getting together to decide who they're going to nominate and vote off - that's all it was episode after episode.  Plus there's the usual back-stabbing and deceit that goes with these type of shows, and I really thought this is a waste of time.  For the record, I pretty much feel the same way about "Survivor".  Usually I'll watch only the first episode of "BB" and "S" just to see who's on, and the conclusion to see who wins - and that's it.  

It wouldn't disappoint me if either one went away...and the sooner the better.
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Toss-Up Tuesday
« Reply #26 on: June 14, 2006, 09:08:27 AM »
[quote name=\'GS Warehouse\' post=\'121289\' date=\'Jun 13 2006, 01:12 PM\']

Toss Up: Which Game Show Marathon game should Fremantle give another chance in syndication next year--Match Game or Card Sharks?

I'll go off the board and say $ale of the Century

Toss Up: Bigger waste of network money--Big Brother: All-Stars or the Stanley Cup Finals?

I'm not a big fan of either and both have no following amongst my inner circle...so um...whatever mediocrity I'm condemning myself to?


Toss Up: When should The Amazing Race 10 have been scheduled--fall or midseason?


Toss Up: When should Dancing with the Stars 3 have been scheduled--fall or midseason?

see above

Toss Up: Which game should ABC have chosen to take over the 8:00 Tuesday hour after Dancing ends--Set for the Rest of Your Life or Super Millionaire?

Whatever they've already set up to begin with.

Toss Up: More surprising ABC renewal--The Bachelor or What About Brian?

I'll tell you when my local affiliate goes digital.

Toss Up: More promising new fall drama: Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip or Shark?

Don't really care

Toss Up: More annoying--Gilbert Gottfried or Patrick Wayne?

Wayne, I guess, but I haven't seen TTD90 in many years.

Toss Up: Which uberchampion would you take in a quiz bowl--Brad Rutter or Thom McKee?

I'd go straight to the top and challenge Ken Jennings, forget those two jobbers :P

Last one! Toss Up: Which DoND model would you take in a steel-cage, no-holds-barred mud wrestling match--ex-dodgeballer Kim or wrestling diva wannabe Leyla?
Wrestling diva...everytime


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Toss-Up Tuesday
« Reply #27 on: June 14, 2006, 10:13:02 AM »
[quote name=\'Ian Wallis\' post=\'121370\' date=\'Jun 14 2006, 05:59 AM\']
I watched "Big Brother" most of the first two seasons, and after that I lost interest.
The difference here is that your decision is informed; you watched it, found you didn't like it, and moved on. That's perfectly fine. I think the ire here is directed to those who are saying "Big Brother? That crap? I've never watched it even once because it sucks and don't plan to start now. The completely illogical nature of that statement is what's so irritating.
I found that it's all the same...the episodes I watched during the third season were all about groups getting together to decide who they're going to nominate and vote off - that's all it was episode after episode.
Fair enough. And you're not wrong, though you do seem to be dismissing out of hand the contests and activities they were put through to win food and HoH and veto power and whatnot. But I'm guessing you're not interested in the interpersonal dynamics, which I enjoy following. And as someone who worked in television, I like to follow the production from season to season to see if the producers learned from past errors on previous series, although I fully allow that not everyone is going to have that interest.

But, again, different strokes. At least you gave it a shot.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Toss-Up Tuesday
« Reply #28 on: June 14, 2006, 10:53:53 AM »
[quote name=\'Ian Wallis\' post=\'121370\' date=\'Jun 14 2006, 07:59 AM\']
I'd like to see it go 6 just to make it more exciting.  When it's over in 4 or 5 games, it lacks a bit of drama.   As for taping...considering I think the Stanley Cup is sports most beautiful trophy, I get a thrill seeing whichever team wins it skate around with it.  Ever since the early '80s I've always taped the last few minutes of the clinching game and the Cup presentation.  As a hockey fan, it's a neat archive to have!
Point taken.  To me, recording a live sporting event and watching it later kinda takes the thrill out, especially if you know what happened.  You don't get the exhiliration of seeing it "as it happens."  Sure, it's a neat archive to have, but since you're most likely watching as you're taping, you're experiencing what happens live and can relive it.  I'd be experiencing it on a delayed basis and can never relive it, since I never really "lived" it.

On the other hand, I usually have no qualms about viewing an ESPN Classic presentation (that is, for the two hours a day that they don't show poker or boxing :-) ).

"When you see the crawl at the end of the show you will see a group of talented people who will all be moving over to other shows...the cameramen aren't are on that list, but they're not talented people."  John Davidson, TIME MACHINE (4/26/85)

Don Howard

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Toss-Up Tuesday
« Reply #29 on: June 14, 2006, 11:04:44 AM »
Right or wrong on the answering procedure, here are The Don Howard Responses:

Toss Up: Which Game Show Marathon game should Fremantle give another chance in syndication next year--Match Game or Card Sharks?
Off the board: Press Your Luck.

Toss Up: Bigger waste of network money--Big Brother: All-Stars or the Stanley Cup Finals?
BB:A-S because I don't give a speck of fecal waste about anything Julie Chen does or ever will do. She's a CBS employee because of what she does on her back.

Toss Up: When should The Amazing Race 10 have been scheduled--fall or midseason?
Neither. Cancel the trash and bring back Press Your Luck.

Toss Up: When should Dancing with the Stars 3 have been scheduled--fall or midseason?
Neither. Cancel the trash and bring back Super Millionaire.

Toss Up: Which game should ABC have chosen to take over the 8:00 Tuesday hour after Dancing ends--Set for the Rest of Your Life or Super Millionaire?

Toss Up: More surprising ABC renewal--The Bachelor or What About Brian?
Both as they're both trash.

Toss Up: More promising new fall drama: Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip or Shark?

Toss Up: More annoying--Gilbert Gottfried or Patrick Wayne?
Patrick Wayne as Gilbert knows what he's doing. In spite of Jim Lange's glowing recommendation, Patrick is simply lost.

Toss Up: Which uberchampion would you take in a quiz bowl--Brad Rutter or Thom McKee?
Brad Rutter.

Last one! Toss Up: Which DoND model would you take in a steel-cage, no-holds-barred mud wrestling match--ex-dodgeballer Kim or wrestling diva wannabe Leyla?
May I have them both? My birthday is coming soon.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2006, 11:07:45 AM by Don Howard »