Pyramid tonight: EXCELLENT! Do I think WWTBAM deserves to be higher in any GS list over Pyramid though? No, but, I don't think it should be higher than Password, Squares, or Concentration either. Oh well...
With regards to the the next few nights, GSN should not have thought twice (or even given any thought to it for that matter, it should have been an assumed plan from the beginning), that each of their top 10 shows, maybe even top 20, be shown. Sure, you have rights issues, but the only thing it does by not showing some of their higher rated choices (especially in their top 10, or maybe even in their top 5 *ugh*), is give even LESS credibility to their list, if that was possible at this point. Not that it really had any from the beginning for me, because, like everyone else says, "Freakin' Studs."
If they don't extend the thing for another week, I won't be expecting Price, Deal, or Wheel, and that, in my book, is game show BLASPHEMY!!