[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'128890\' date=\'Aug 24 2006, 11:15 AM\']
Do you REALLY think, HONESTLY think, that these people in charge of a national cable channel, even one that pulls mostly dashes like GSN, would just wave their hand and say "Aw, it doesn't matter, nobody will notice"? Because that's what all of you are suggesting. And someone just suggested that in ADDITION to that, they're gonna blow off the Number One Friggin' Syndicated Show Of All Time. Let me repeat that: not just among game shows. Among ALL SYNDICATED SHOWS. NUMBER ONE. Come the hell ON.
'Cuz, I mean, goddamn. Maybe I'm giving them more credit than they deserve, this is, after all, the network who has managed to take a great game like
Chain Reaction and completely cock it up. But I just refuse to believe that someone in that position, making at least three, probably four time my salary, could make that decision.
I'm not entirely disagreeing with you on this - I think they absolutely SHOULD run an episode of TPiR, considering it is going to rank up there so high. However, I don't believe as strongly as you do that they are going to. While I definitely think they SHOULD, this is GSN we're talking about. If I come across as anti-GSN in this post, I'm very sorry, as that's not how I mean to come across. However, I've seen over the years, all of the bonehead moves that they've made - only having a handful of episodes of certain shows, the amount of times daily that a certain show is run, just to name a few. That said, if they get down to where TPiR is, and they show a bunch of stills and a quick history lesson on it, but no show, I'm TOTALLY not going to be surprised. This is GSN we're talking about - it would just be the latest in a long line of moves they have which have made no sense.
I am very happy to have GSN. While it's not perfect, it's better than no place at all to watch game shows (you should have seen the frequency at which I wrote USA Network as a child and asked them to run "Match Game"..). I just question a lot of decisions they have made over the years, and would not be surprised if the extent of TPiR on the countdown came down to a quick history lesson and some still shots.
Everyone, of course, is entitled to their opinion (and it sure as hell wouldn't be exciting around here if the opinions were all the same), so I wait anxiously to see how this resolves out. If they show an episode, great! If they don't, great! No one is going to look like a fool if they were wrong on this.
P.S. Part of me hopes they DON'T show an episode, just to see what minus minus Richard will say, as he seems quite fixated on thinking all hell will break loose if an episode is not shown.