[quote name=\'wheelloon\' post=\'129784\' date=\'Aug 30 2006, 02:00 PM\']
One question. Has anybody considered the possibility of GSN actually making FF their number 1? Maybe it's a bit of a long shot, trying to bring logic into a non-logic area, but given the fact the show hasn't been off the air more than a handful of years at a time in its 30 year history, along with the fact that, unlike
44 of their other *cough* TOP 50, it's in the middle of a current run...
Certainly plausible. Isn't MG GSN's biggest ratings booster, though? That's why I've thought MG would've finished ahead of FF. But that's not a bad call.
And aside to Jason W., you're permanently ineligible for the stills for even bringing up the STARFACE promo.

Doug -- and the countdown to 2200 continues (and for that matter, the countdown in this thread to 1000 also continues)