(If this is actually a troll, I apologize to the group in advance.)Its amazing to me that after all this time, you guys still find joy in bashing Rich Fields.
I find no joy in it. I will point out that his announcing style is sub-par and needs improvement.
And no, I am not the one person who thinks he is the best ever, but do feel he has done a great job, and feel he was the best choice for TPIR.
Another poll on his popularity?
C'mon.... what purpose does this serve?
I was unaware there was more than one. The poll allows us to discuss why we don't care for Rich, as opposed to abject bashing.
But after Rich has proven to be a decent and strong announcer,
That's incorrect too.
why do you continue to hate him so much?
I don't hate him. I'm merely saddened that the show went the wrong way.
He is doing a decent job, regardless of your personal feelings.
That is incorrect. Three down, seven to go, and on to Mr. Cerf.
Personally,I can't stand Randy West's announcing style and feel he is the one that is like a cartoon character announcer.
That's a first. You're certainly allowed to that, but you are the first person I've ever seen who had Thing One bad to say about Randy.
He had equal chance at the job, perhaps even more of a chance as he knew the producres going in etc. Obviously ... they did not think he was the best choice.
Incorrect. The "best choice" and "our choice" are clearly two different things.
The same goes for the folks that cast the GSM gig. He lost that to Rich as well.
I was unaware Randy was even up for the GSM gig, since he's out doing the TPIR Live thing.
So how can he be as bad as you all say?
Have you even
heard an episode of TPIR? QED.
I am so tired of all the hinting around at how he got the job, being somehow shady??? Yet no one comes through with any evidence of any such thing. So...put up or shut up!
That's easy for you to say, since there's no way any of us could know with any degree of certainty, since we're not on the TPIR staff.
Face it! Rich was the better choice, and the majority of the viewing audience agrees. Bob loves the job he is doing.
Pardon me while I have a minute-long laugh.
But you guys don't like Bob either do you.
Not a whit, no. And that's in terms of Bob as a person and as a presenter. I do approve of the spay/neuter and saving of animals, but that's about it.
Hmm, must be a pattern of disdain for anyone with talent.
Yawn, another misplaced ad hominem.
How can you guys not think Barker, at 82, is not the king of game show host.
Because he goes through the motions every day, content to cash his paycheck, rather than out of concern for the show?
But you know.. its Truly amazing how so many people talk out of both sides of their mouths on this subject. Yes, I am a Rich Fields fan. And sadly....a lot of you have "pretended" to be.
I can assure you I've been single-minded in my beliefs on the TPIR subject, and I don't pretend to be a Fields Fanatic.