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Author Topic: Rich Fields -- How Does He Rate?  (Read 13529 times)

Steve Gavazzi

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Rich Fields -- How Does He Rate?
« Reply #30 on: June 25, 2006, 11:41:34 PM »
[quote name=\'dzinkin\' post=\'122495\' date=\'Jun 25 2006, 08:43 PM\']
I'm amazed that I seem to be the only one here who thinks that Rich is neither God's nor Satan's gift to game show announcing.  (And before anyone says "I don't believe in either," you know what I mean and are free to substitute accordingly.)

Having met Rich in person, and knowing Randy through a mutual acquaintance as well as via this forum, I like and respect both of them.  Call me a diplomat (or a wuss -- same thing ;-), but that's how I feel.

I agree.  I don't think Rich is perfect -- hell, I find things pretty much every day that I wish he'd do differently.  At the same time, though, I like him, and with two years' hindsight, I honestly can't say any longer that I'm disappointed they hired him.


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Rich Fields -- How Does He Rate?
« Reply #31 on: June 26, 2006, 01:06:07 AM »
Talking? As I've said before, and with all due respect to Randy, not a terribly difficult vocation.

Randy, your ability to keep quiet impresses me on this one.  I'm sure you're reading every comment.

It's an unbelievably difficult job and your comment is VERY insulting to anyone who reads any copy, or does any voice work at all for a living.  I have over 15 years experience speaking in live TV, and VO's, and the fact is well over 90% of the people who try out for ANY sort of talent work fail miserably at it.  Honestly this is where I'm not even going to justify the comment with any further reaction.


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Rich Fields -- How Does He Rate?
« Reply #32 on: June 26, 2006, 01:17:13 AM »
[quote name=\'narzo\' post=\'122524\' date=\'Jun 25 2006, 10:06 PM\']
It's an unbelievably difficult job and your comment is VERY insulting to anyone who reads any copy, or does any voice work at all for a living.
Yeah, um, having done it myself, I'm not gonna worry about whether or not you're insulted by that statement, and since I know Randy isn't, I'm pretty confident in standing by it.

I'm not saying, when taken as a whole, that it's an easy job. However, saying "A NEW CAR!!!" in such a way as to not cause wincing by your audience, that isolated action, that isn't difficult.
Honestly this is where I'm not even going to justify the comment with any further reaction.
Well, thank Glub for small miracles.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe

Craig Karlberg

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Rich Fields -- How Does He Rate?
« Reply #33 on: June 26, 2006, 03:39:44 AM »
This was the first time I actually voted on these boards.  I went with those that think Rich is just good enought on TPIR.  Granted, he wasn't the best of the bunch, but it's all we have to go on for a while.  I'll admit, he does bring excitement to the show probably even more so than Rod ever did.  Certainly he's not Johnny O., but he has a style all his own wich I think the producers are aiming for these days.


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Rich Fields -- How Does He Rate?
« Reply #34 on: June 26, 2006, 10:24:52 PM »
[quote name=\'tjhornikel\' post=\'122508\' date=\'Jun 25 2006, 09:53 PM\']
I am not sure if shouting is Rich Fields style, or is the shouting a result of the direction he is given by Fremantle Media or more likely CBS brass.  It seems like the show is being told to go a' la Emeril, and "Kick it up a notch!"

I gotta find the aircheck I have of him when he was a DJ on oldies station KODJ in Los Angeles (c. 1989).  I want to see how his shouting today on TPIR matches up with his shouting back then.

(To those who lived outside of So. CA, KODJ "sounded" just like a Top 40/CHR teeny bopper FM station you'd hear in the 80's and 90's, except they played oldies and not new stuff.  Actually, it was a good concept, but short-lived, IIRC.)


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Rich Fields -- How Does He Rate?
« Reply #35 on: June 26, 2006, 10:57:43 PM »
[quote name='clemon79' date='Jun 25 2006, 11:10 PM' post='122509']
[quote name='tjhornikel' post='122508' date='Jun 25 2006, 07:53 PM']
Bob just impresses me more and more each year he goes on.
Do elaborate on this.
Tom Hornikel

I did NOT push Jim Peck. I just encouraged gravity.


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Rich Fields -- How Does He Rate?
« Reply #36 on: June 26, 2006, 11:02:23 PM »
[quote name='clemon79' date='Jun 25 2006, 11:10 PM' post='122509']
[quote name='tjhornikel' post='122508' date='Jun 25 2006, 07:53 PM']
Bob just impresses me more and more each year he goes on.
Do elaborate on this.

Did I not elaborate enough, Chris? Let me try that one again...

Again, I am an infrequent viewer these days.  But, in the shows I have seen, Bob has done a very good job of using his skills. Example: He cleverly jokes about his hearing loss whenever he mishears a contestant's response.  Isn't that the sign of a good host? When they are not "perfect", they can still keep the show going on in an entertaining way, while ensuring the contestant has a good time while winning?
Tom Hornikel

I did NOT push Jim Peck. I just encouraged gravity.


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Rich Fields -- How Does He Rate?
« Reply #37 on: June 26, 2006, 11:28:30 PM »
[quote name=\'tjhornikel\' post=\'122601\' date=\'Jun 26 2006, 08:02 PM\']
Did I not elaborate enough, Chris? Let me try that one again...
No, you didn't, which is why I asked.
But, in the shows I have seen, Bob has done a very good job of using his skills. Example: He cleverly jokes about his hearing loss whenever he mishears a contestant's response.  Isn't that the sign of a good host? When they are not "perfect", they can still keep the show going on in an entertaining way, while ensuring the contestant has a good time while winning?
Well, you're entitled to your opinion. But what you see as "using his skills", I see as "covering up that he can't do the stinkin' job anymore."
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Rich Fields -- How Does He Rate?
« Reply #38 on: June 26, 2006, 11:45:34 PM »
Far be it from me to defend Bob Barker, but unless you've been in the studio during a taping you don't know what he's up against. It is beyond loud in there -- it is DEAFENING. I've seen people on the crew plug their ears with their fingers during the warm-up, the din is so bad.


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Rich Fields -- How Does He Rate?
« Reply #39 on: June 27, 2006, 07:33:06 PM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'122604\' date=\'Jun 26 2006, 10:28 PM\']
Well, you're entitled to your opinion. But what you see as "using his skills", I see as "covering up that he can't do the stinkin' job anymore."
While it is true that Bob has made more mistakes in recent years, 1) your comments imply it happens regularly, when actually, it happens maybe a handful of times in a season, and 2) I think "he can't do the stinkin' job anymore" is grossly exagerated.


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Rich Fields -- How Does He Rate?
« Reply #40 on: June 27, 2006, 07:46:44 PM »
[quote name=\'isucgv\' post=\'122651\' date=\'Jun 27 2006, 04:33 PM\']
1) your comments imply it happens regularly, when actually, it happens maybe a handful of times in a season, and 2) I think "he can't do the stinkin' job anymore" is grossly exagerated.
Well, your opinion. Personally, I would like to see a graph of the number of game-breaking mistakes he makes in a season over time. I KNOW there's someone over at G-R.net who has copious stats to that end. ;)
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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Rich Fields -- How Does He Rate?
« Reply #41 on: June 28, 2006, 04:08:11 PM »
Its amazing to me that after all this time, you guys still find joy in bashing Rich Fields.  And no, I am not the one person who thinks he is the best ever, but do feel he has done a great job, and feel he was the best choice for TPIR.  Another poll on his popularity???? C'mon.... what purpose does this serve?  The majority of you are still sore that your buddy, and a frequent poster on this board .....did not get the job.  Fair enough.  But after Rich has proven to be a decent and strong announcer, why do you continue to hate him so much?  He is doing a decent job, regardless of your personal feelings.  Try and be objective.  Personally,I can't stand Randy West's announcing style and feel he is the one that is like a cartoon character announcer.  No offense to Randy personally, but that is my opinion.  He had equal chance at the job, perhaps even more of a chance as he knew the producres going in etc.  Obviously ... they did not think he was the best choice.  The same goes for the folks that cast the GSM gig.    He lost that to Rich as well.  So how can he be as bad as you all say?  I am so tired of all the hinting around at how he got the job, being somehow shady???  Yet no one comes through with any evidence of any such thing.  So...put up or shut up!  Tell us this secret, unfair way, he got the job, once and for all, or stop the unfair rumors.  Its unfortunate that people can spread lies like that, without any proof.  Face it!  Rich was the better choice, and the majority of the viewing audience agrees.  Bob loves the job he is doing.  But you guys don't like Bob either do you.  Hmm, must be a pattern of disdain for anyone with talent.  How can you guys not think Barker, at 82, is not the king of game show host.  Give it a rest already people! I have been coming here and visiting this site for a long time, quietly watching all the post.  I have ignored most of this type of thing.  But you know.. its Truly amazing how so many people talk out of both sides of their mouths on this subject.    Yes, I am a Rich Fields fan.  And sadly....a lot of you have "pretended" to be.


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Rich Fields -- How Does He Rate?
« Reply #42 on: June 28, 2006, 05:15:01 PM »
[quote name=\'Playpal\' post=\'122702\' date=\'Jun 28 2006, 04:08 PM\']
Its amazing to me that after all this time, you guys still find joy in bashing Rich Fields.  And no, I am not the one person who thinks he is the best ever, but do feel he has done a great job, and feel he was the best choice for TPIR.  Another poll on his popularity???? C'mon.... what purpose does this serve?  The majority of you are still sore that your buddy, and a frequent poster on this board .....did not get the job.  Fair enough.  But after Rich has proven to be a decent and strong announcer, why do you continue to hate him so much?  He is doing a decent job, regardless of your personal feelings.  Try and be objective.  Personally,I can't stand Randy West's announcing style and feel he is the one that is like a cartoon character announcer.  No offense to Randy personally, but that is my opinion.  He had equal chance at the job, perhaps even more of a chance as he knew the producres going in etc.  Obviously ... they did not think he was the best choice.  The same goes for the folks that cast the GSM gig.    He lost that to Rich as well.  So how can he be as bad as you all say?  I am so tired of all the hinting around at how he got the job, being somehow shady???  Yet no one comes through with any evidence of any such thing.  So...put up or shut up!  Tell us this secret, unfair way, he got the job, once and for all, or stop the unfair rumors.  Its unfortunate that people can spread lies like that, without any proof.  Face it!  Rich was the better choice, and the majority of the viewing audience agrees.  Bob loves the job he is doing.  But you guys don't like Bob either do you.  Hmm, must be a pattern of disdain for anyone with talent.  How can you guys not think Barker, at 82, is not the king of game show host.  Give it a rest already people! I have been coming here and visiting this site for a long time, quietly watching all the post.  I have ignored most of this type of thing.  But you know.. its Truly amazing how so many people talk out of both sides of their mouths on this subject.    Yes, I am a Rich Fields fan.  And sadly....a lot of you have "pretended" to be.
First post out of the gate, and this guy serves us this?

Thanks for posting , Rich.


- "May all of your consequences be happy ones!"


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Rich Fields -- How Does He Rate?
« Reply #43 on: June 28, 2006, 05:40:31 PM »
(If this is actually a troll, I apologize to the group in advance.)

Its amazing to me that after all this time, you guys still find joy in bashing Rich Fields.
I find no joy in it. I will point out that his announcing style is sub-par and needs improvement.

And no, I am not the one person who thinks he is the best ever, but do feel he has done a great job, and feel he was the best choice for TPIR.  

Another poll on his popularity???? C'mon.... what purpose does this serve?  
I was unaware there was more than one. The poll allows us to discuss why we don't care for Rich, as opposed to abject bashing.

But after Rich has proven to be a decent and strong announcer,
That's incorrect too.

why do you continue to hate him so much?  
I don't hate him. I'm merely saddened that the show went the wrong way.

He is doing a decent job, regardless of your personal feelings.  
That is incorrect. Three down, seven to go, and on to Mr. Cerf.

Personally,I can't stand Randy West's announcing style and feel he is the one that is like a cartoon character announcer.  
That's a first. You're certainly allowed to that, but you are the first person I've ever seen who had Thing One bad to say about Randy.

He had equal chance at the job, perhaps even more of a chance as he knew the producres going in etc.  Obviously ... they did not think he was the best choice.  
Incorrect. The "best choice" and "our choice" are clearly two different things.

The same goes for the folks that cast the GSM gig.    He lost that to Rich as well.  
I was unaware Randy was even up for the GSM gig, since he's out doing the TPIR Live thing.

So how can he be as bad as you all say?  
Have you even heard an episode of TPIR? QED.

I am so tired of all the hinting around at how he got the job, being somehow shady???  Yet no one comes through with any evidence of any such thing.  So...put up or shut up!  
That's easy for you to say, since there's no way any of us could know with any degree of certainty, since we're not on the TPIR staff.

Face it!  Rich was the better choice, and the majority of the viewing audience agrees.  Bob loves the job he is doing.  
Pardon me while I have a minute-long laugh.

But you guys don't like Bob either do you.  
Not a whit, no. And that's in terms of Bob as a person and as a presenter. I do approve of the spay/neuter and saving of animals, but that's about it.

Hmm, must be a pattern of disdain for anyone with talent.  
Yawn, another misplaced ad hominem.

How can you guys not think Barker, at 82, is not the king of game show host.  
Because he goes through the motions every day, content to cash his paycheck, rather than out of concern for the show?

But you know.. its Truly amazing how so many people talk out of both sides of their mouths on this subject.    Yes, I am a Rich Fields fan.  And sadly....a lot of you have "pretended" to be.
I can assure you I've been single-minded in my beliefs on the TPIR subject, and I don't pretend to be a Fields Fanatic.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2006, 06:17:52 PM by TLEberle »
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Rich Fields -- How Does He Rate?
« Reply #44 on: June 28, 2006, 05:47:01 PM »
why do you continue to hate him so much?
No one "hates" Rich Fields. A number of people here dislike his announcing style on TPIR and GSM, and that's what this thread is all about.

Another poll on his popularity????
This is the first poll we have ever had since we have been with this web host.

Rich was the better choice, and the majority of the viewing audience agrees.
You've taken a poll of the TPIR audience, have you?

I am so tired of all the hinting around at how he got the job, being somehow shady??? Yet no one comes through with any evidence of any such thing. So...put up or shut up! Tell us this secret, unfair way, he got the job, once and for all
Yeah, I'd like to hear this supposedly underhanded way that Fields got his job.