[quote name='Playpal' date='Jun 28 2006, 04:08 PM' post='122702']
Its amazing to me that after all this time, you guys still find joy in bashing Rich Fields.[/quote]
I don't "find joy" in "bashing" Rich. The question was brought up, so I chimed in with what I consider to be constructive criticism.
And no, I am not the one person who thinks he is the best ever, but do feel he has done a great job, and feel he was the best choice for TPIR. Another poll on his popularity?
C'mon.... what purpose does this serve?
I don't know exactly what Chris's intention was in starting this thread, but all I can say is that perhaps one or more of the TPTB will read this thread, and maybe, just maybe, they'll help him work on the bad habits that a number of us thinks he has.
The majority of you are still sore that your buddy, and a frequent poster on this board .....did not get the job. Fair enough.
I can't speak for others on this board, but my feeling that Randy should've gotten the job have little if anything to do with the fact that he posts at a message board where I mostly lurk.
But after Rich has proven to be a decent and strong announcer, why do you continue to hate him so much?
First off, I don't have anything personal against Rich. And it's only your opinion that he's a "decent and strong announcer" - I don't think he's absolutely terrible, but after hearing some of his early TPiR performances and hearing his recent work on GSM, I think that he's currently not announcing at his full potential on TPiR. I also think there are others (not just Randy) that would have done a better job.
He is doing a decent job, regardless of your personal feelings.
Someone could just as easily say "He is doing a terrible job, regardless of your personal feelings." What makes you think that your opinion holds more weight than anyone else's?
Try and be objective.
Go back and read most of the posts in this thread, and you'll find that we ARE being objective. You seem to be the one who can't deal with the fact that people are criticizing your beloved Rich.
Personally,I can't stand Randy West's announcing style and feel he is the one that is like a cartoon character announcer. No offense to Randy personally, but that is my opinion.
If that's your opinion, fine, but just because other people disagree with it doesn't mean that they're biased or that they think there's some kind of conspiracy. I could understand where you're coming from with the "cartoon character" comment, as his announcing does have a certain wackiness to it. But that's just his personality showing through, and I think that style is easier on the ears and more well-suited to the show than Rich's nasally screaming.
He had equal chance at the job, perhaps even more of a chance as he knew the producres going in etc. Obviously ... they did not think he was the best choice. The same goes for the folks that cast the GSM gig. He lost that to Rich as well. So how can he be as bad as you all say? I am so tired of all the hinting around at how he got the job, being somehow shady??? Yet no one comes through with any evidence of any such thing. So...put up or shut up! Tell us this secret, unfair way, he got the job, once and for all, or stop the unfair rumors. Its unfortunate that people can spread lies like that, without any proof. Face it!
I don't see anyone "spreading lies" in this thread. I do remember hearing some buzz about how his looks may have had something to do with why he was hired, but I've taken that with a grain of salt.
Rich was the better choice, and the majority of the viewing audience agrees.
Bob loves the job he is doing. But you guys don't like Bob either do you. Hmm, must be a pattern of disdain for anyone with talent. How can you guys not think Barker, at 82, is not the king of game show host.
I was unaware that being 82 automatically made you "the king of game show host
". He may have hosted the show for over three decades, but that doesn't mean that he's beneath criticism. I do think that Bob gets a bit too much flack from some people over his hosting (his behind-the-scenes antics are another issue), but I don't think he's this perfect, untouchable hosting deity either.
Give it a rest already people! I have been coming here and visiting this site for a long time, quietly watching all the post. I have ignored most of this type of thing. But you know.. its Truly amazing how so many people talk out of both sides of their mouths on this subject. Yes, I am a Rich Fields fan. And sadly....a lot of you have "pretended" to be.
[quote name='TLEberle' date='Jun 28 2006, 05:40 PM' post='122706']
I was unaware Randy was even up for the GSM gig, since he's out doing the TPIR Live thing.[/quote]
FWIW, Randy said that he was the in-studio announcer on the LMaD episode.