[quote name=\'cmjb13\' post=\'123091\' date=\'Jul 2 2006, 08:30 AM\']
I was hoping with this show taping in NY, they would go for a demographic cross-section. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be the case.
It seems, once again, they are focusing on good-looking people who don't know how to play the damn game. I guess from a budget perspective, this is a good thing. It would also seem that they are picking teams based on quirky occupations/relations. (ie: female standup comics)
Unfortunately, we may be seeing a lot of the grunge/hippie type contestants. That's what one get's when you audition so close to NYU.
Well, I'll take the good-looking part, but I made sure my team knew how the play the game, and they still picked us!

Our episode tapes next Thursday if anyone's going to be at the taping! Wish us luck, and hope we get a good looking female team who doesn't know how to play the damn game to go up against!
