[quote name=\'whoserman\' post=\'124400\' date=\'Jul 17 2006, 07:29 PM\']
The drivers continued to curse, yell and honk, but one driver did not. One driver, instead, took it upon himself to lend a hand to this driver, and help him get his car out of the street. He hitched the stalled car to the back of his pick-up, and drove, freeing the traffic.
I ask you. Who's behavior do you think was most effective?
Think about it.

Thank you, Allen.

To continue your analogy, though, in this case, a good Samaritan DID try to lend a hand, several times in fact, and the stalled driver told him to screw, saying he knew that his car was supposed to work like this and he would move when he was damned good and ready.
So I ask YOU: who's the idiot here?