Went looking for the DoND DVD game and came home with this........(never found DoND)
I have to say I didn't know this one was coming out, and I'm usually good at keeping up on this stuff. I found it at K-Mart for $19.99 and picked it up. The game is made by MGA. Contents are the DVD and a sand timer.
I'll try my best to describe it now, but I haven't messed with it much yet.
It's set up in "episodes" like the Shout About ..... games are. The look of it is a mixture of Clark's and Osmond's Pyramids (leaning more towards Osmonds, dark set, etc). Really the only thing from Clarks would be the triangular "borders" on each side of the Pyramid, which there are four of on this one, the logo, and the "host" podium (host is not seen, only heard). I guess it's a kind of an "in the round" set. The set has one central "rotating" Pyramid. No separate pyramids for main game/winner's circle. No contestant desks. Score is kept on the rotating pyramid and the clues show up there too, there is one side of the 4- sided pyramid that has one large screen that displays clues and winnings. The music is like WWTBAM's music. You can't pick any category you want in the main game, you pick 1st from the bottom tier, then once those are gone, you can pick from the remaining 3. The score is not measured in points, it's measured in money. Correct answers nets your team $2000. For a correct answer you push the up arrow on your DVD remote, illegal clues you push the right arrow, pass you push the down arrow and for time's up, the left arrow. BOTH teams play the Winner's Circle to try to add to their bank. Bottom row worth $6000 each, middle row worth $10,000 each and the top is worth $20,000. The team with the most money after they each play the Winner's Circle wins the game, no round two. The look of it is odd, and the play is a little different, but this might be a good party game. I'll try it in a group setting down the road. The credits in the game show production design drawings when the game was being put together and some of the drawings showed the game with more of a classic flare to it than a modern one (chase lights on the borders, sign at the top, actual Winner's Circle on stage, etc), but they chose to make it more of an original work. It's kind of cool, but really doesn't look like you think a Pyramid game would.
If I get around to it, I may post some pics and/or video if anyone's interested. I dont have vidcap software, so it would be me taping my tv with my digital camcorder, but something's better than nothing I guess.