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Author Topic: Celebrities that played the game well  (Read 1800 times)


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Celebrities that played the game well
« on: July 27, 2006, 05:05:50 PM »
We talked about celebs that acted like jerks, but what about celebs that were actually good players and made a good impression, but never returned to do the show again?

Here are some examples...

Groucho Marx made a one shot appearance on Nighttime HS. According to Peter, Groucho was spending so much time cracking jokes and making wisecrack remarks, and while he was funny, he also ate up a lot of the show's time. After the show, Peter asked him if he wanted to return, and Groucho said "I'll be seeing you, but only SOCIALLY."

Joe Flynn made a one week appearance on MG 74. Joe was on Mc.Hale's Navy. He was hilarious on MG, and coined the phrase "nanookie" as a term for making love. After seeing him, I thought he could've made an excellent regular on MG. Sadly Joe Flynn died later that year in a drowning accident.

Robin Williams- Of course we can't really expect a star of Robin's stature to be a regular on a game show, but what an impression he made on HS when he was on. He appeared for 3 shows.