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Author Topic: 10 Greatest Originals of GSN's time  (Read 13536 times)

Joe Mello

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10 Greatest Originals of GSN's time
« on: July 25, 2006, 02:50:36 AM »
Typical disclaimer here: Your mileage may vary. Feel free to disagree, but please act civilized.

I've limited it to actual games, so stuff like Anything to Win won't be making it.  Also, if it's not on BEFORE August 1, 2006, it's not here.  Sorry, Chain Reaction and StarFace.

Honorable Mention: Celebrity Blackjack
It's why CPS is good TV, too, although Caroline Rhea was probably too much for my tastes.

10: I've Got a Secret
The key to how good this show is depends on your opinion of the original.  If you liked it, you'll like this.  If not, you won't.  Plain and simple.  Nothing's really changed except the faces.

9: Poker Royale series
I liked it because of its fairly innovative formats and ability to attract some names.  Sure, there were some not-so-good series, but the complete body of work was sound.

8: BallBreakers
If Sal Masakela didn't get credibility with the non X-gamers, then he's the most underrated host on Earth.  He was tight, Ewa was...Ewa, the game was surprisingly fun, and the production values were pretty good.  The only thing they didn't need was Adrienne, but you can't win em all.  If you watched "Texas Hold Em Billiards" the other day, then you may have appreciated this show a little more.

7: Cram
Yeah, it was a little kitschy, but that was the point.  It had enough kitsch to be amusing, but had enough game to be not annoying.  It wasn't as tortuous as, say, The Chamber, but now that I've been awake longer than I should have, I feel new appreciation for it.

6: Hollywood Showdown
Quite possibly, the first credible original GSN ever had.  It made Jackpot more credible than it ever needed to be and introduced us to a Mr. Todd Newton.  There's a reason TV Guide Channel is keeping it alive, and it's because it's pretty damn good.

5: World Series of Blackjack
I may be overrating this because I have to write about it, but it has a place on this countdown.  I feel it's improving every season and this one has enough added goodness to make it good to watch.  It's certainly had moments and great finishes.  It's worth watching.

4: Whammy! The All-New Press Your Luck
You can destroy a lot of things, but you can't devalue the Random Element.  GSM proved it and so did Whammy.  It also didn't hurt that everything else wasn't so bad, either.  Sure, the budget wasn't that spectacular, but you still had people winning $10,000 regularly, and that's not bad.  Sure, it wasn't the old Press Your Luck, but it didn't want to be and it didn't have to be.  It was plenty enjoyable and some of the board innovations made it even better.

3: Russian Roulette
Yes, the dangling of a $100,000 carrot helped, but it was still a great game.  It had all the emotions: excitement, drama, tension, anger between players, and comedy.  This game probably would've freaked me out as a kid, but since I knew better, I realized it was freaking awesome.

2: High Stakes Poker
A common myth in game shows is that celebrities add cred to dying series.  A common truth in poker shows is that Doyle Brunson adds cred to an oversaturated genre.  Long story short: if Doyle's in it, it has to be good.  High Stakes Poker's greatest quality is in its simplicity: players play poker just like you would at home, only the stakes are.....unsurprisingly....high.  If you like poker on TV, the only reason you shouldn't be watching this is that you don't have GSN and stealing cable is a crime.  Otherwise, watch darn it.

And if you've been following along, you probably know what's coming next--both name AND number.

#1: Lingo
It's the little engine that could churn out over 250 episodes.  No other GSN original comes close.  Hell, they could've sold the reruns to some other game show channel and it would still probably turn out ratings.  Some people have been critical of the game's overnecessity of luck, but there's enough intellect and skill to overwhelm luck when necessary.  I honestly think it's not so much luck as it is inevitability, but that's a debate for another time.  It's a highly addictive, highly play-at-home, a nice bit of intangibles thrown in, and now that the money has (sort of) gone up, it's even better.  It's about a perfect a show that GSN will make and maybe the most perfect game show of the past 5 years period.

That's it.  That's the list.  I'm sure you disagree, so let's hear it.
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10 Greatest Originals of GSN's time
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2006, 07:06:16 AM »
I may not be in the majority on this but I'd rank "Inquizition" ahead of any of the poker/blackjack series. Very eye-catching for a while.
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10 Greatest Originals of GSN's time
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2006, 12:14:58 PM »
Chain Reaction and StarFace wouldn't make it on my list.  To be honest, I mostly agree with your list, but I'd switch Russian Roulette and Lingo.  Lingo has a few more flaws than Russian Roulette, and it's mostly because of the bonus round for me.  I absolutely hate that a team of morons who gets one bonus word can win tens of thousands of dollars more than a team who gets 10 words.  I personally think it would be a more interesting twist next season if they gave you the bonus jackpot if you get it on your first draw or if you get 10 words in 2 minutes.

Also, I still feel that Stacey is far better than Shandi.  From the little I've seen of this past season of Lingo, it seems like Chuck and Shandi get into a gab fest and forget there is a game going on.  During offtime, when the game isn't being played, that's just fine.  When it's during the playing of a word (which I saw last week), something's wrong.  In my mind, the only minor minor minor flaw of Russian Roulette was the way someone was eliminated after time was up.  I think that getting rid of the lowest score after time is up each round would have done well, but watching someone drop on random roulette after just surviving 5 drop zones never gets old.

And I'm sorry, but I place Friend or Foe above Cram.  It was one of those guilty pleasures for me.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2006, 12:15:46 PM by itiparanoid13 »

Joe Mello

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10 Greatest Originals of GSN's time
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2006, 01:56:05 PM »
Inquizition, for the handful of times I saw it, seemed too dull and repetitive.  Have you read any reviews of 100%? It's basically the same thing but people just get eliminated.

FoF I thought was way too slow, and you couldn't really claim Kennedy was eye candy because she was behind a podium or the Trust Box for a majority of the show.

I pretty much locked High Stakes Poker at #2 for fear of mutiny, even though it was probably the best non-traditional gaming show GSN has ever made.  1, 3, and 4 all had a chance to be the top, but Lingo won simply on sheer size.  Yes, either of the other series could have run for 200+ episodes, but for some reason, good or bad, they haven't.  Lingo has, and that does mean something.
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10 Greatest Originals of GSN's time
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2006, 01:57:48 PM »
No love for "Trivia Track?" :) Seriously though, the half an episode Jamie had up showed me it wasn't a bad little show. Well, at least with Peter at the helm; I prolly would be less than enthused with one of the GSN ladies hosting.

I loved the first series of WSoBJ. The presentation was stately and subdued and the play was top-notch. The second season had that dinky set at the Nugget, less hands and crappier graphics. Still wasn't horrible, but it was a marked step down. I haven't caught more than 5 seconds of the new series, but no Max Rubin makes me an unhappy camper. I'd love to be proven wrong.

For Alex on Stacey vs. Shandi, I would agree. The big difference between the two is their command of the medium. Stacey, as ditzy as she may have seemed, was a lot more confident and forceful in her role whereas Shandi is very laid back. I just saw a clip of her doing pageant coverage on NBC and it still didn't seem like she was as polished as she could've been. I think it's the thing that hurts her in the Mel vs. Shandi "PlayMania" debate. A friend of mine put it very well when he said Mel is way too concerned with the game than she is having fun with it. Although Mel's better from a technical point of view, I'd watch Shandi's "PlayMania" anyday.

I may post a list later on. My score for "Whammy" just keeps sinking as time goes on, especially now that GSN slotted it next to PYL with first season reruns. Since it's one of the few not represented on your list Joe, what did you think of "WinTuition?"

« Last Edit: July 25, 2006, 02:04:33 PM by JasonA1 »
Game Show Forum Muckety-Muck


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10 Greatest Originals of GSN's time
« Reply #5 on: July 25, 2006, 01:57:57 PM »
Mostly agree with your list, Joe. GMTA, I guess. Just a few shuffles and substitutions...

10) Extreme Dodgeball. Okay, not a game show, but the first season was fun before they ran the game into the ground.

9) Playmania. Got trashed here a while back, but it's harmless and varied enough in the gameplay.

8) World Series of Blackjack. Not as funny as the celeb version but better played.

7) High Stakes Poker. More like a real poker game than the usual tournament stuff, even if it's all-pro.

6) Cram. Yeah, it was cheesy and Elwood was cheesy and the set was cheesy. I like cheese.

5) Poker Royale. Funnier than the all-pro show. Except for the duo from hell on the battle-of-the-sexes series, surprisingly good commentary.

4) Inquizition. Pure quizzer. Unbelievably stripped-down and cheap, but I've got a soft spot for quizzers.

3) Celebrity blackjack. Occasionally goofball play but some of the jokes were actually funny.

2) Russian Roulette. Decent quizzer, great exit gimmick, super-competent host.

1) Lingo. Great game, icon host, tremendous play-along value, and now some nice eye candy.

EDIT: Forgot my honorable mentions: Hollywood Showdown, I've Got a Secret, Whammy, Ballbreakers...and since every list needs something offbeat, WinTuition. You ruled out non-trad stuff, but I already broke the rule with the dodgeball show. So I'll toss in Naturally Stoned if they could have de-snarked the narration a little, as they did in the final ep.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2006, 02:15:26 PM by CaseyAbell »


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10 Greatest Originals of GSN's time
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2006, 02:05:45 PM »
[quote name=\'Joe Mello\' post=\'125104\' date=\'Jul 25 2006, 10:56 AM\']
FoF I thought was way too slow, and you couldn't really claim Kennedy was eye candy because she was behind a podium or the Trust Box for a majority of the show.
FoF didn't suck because it was slow, it sucked because it was horribly BROKEN.

And anyone who would think of Kennedy as eye candy, either behind a podium or no, needs psychiatric help. Period. Eew. Just. Friggin'. Eew.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2006, 02:06:33 PM by clemon79 »
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
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10 Greatest Originals of GSN's time
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2006, 02:09:59 PM »
This is more for discussion purposes rather than my own inquiry, but what made FoF broken?

I wonder if all the Kennedy leering came because of the women who preceded her on the network. Marianne Curan? That, or everybody forgot the token piece on "Throut and Neck."

I feel dirty just for bringing that show up. Be lucky I didn't mention "DJ Games."


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10 Greatest Originals of GSN's time
« Reply #8 on: July 25, 2006, 02:33:13 PM »
[quote name=\'JasonA1\' post=\'125108\' date=\'Jul 25 2006, 11:09 AM\']
This is more for discussion purposes rather than my own inquiry, but what made FoF broken?
I've said it here about a dozen times. The end was never ever interesting. Either they share the money, and everyone shrugs, someone screws the other guy, or they both get nothing. So 3/4ths of the time you have the show ending on hard feelings, and that other fourth, nobody cares. It was horrible television.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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10 Greatest Originals of GSN's time
« Reply #9 on: July 25, 2006, 02:39:33 PM »
[quote name=\'JasonA1\' post=\'125108\' date=\'Jul 25 2006, 02:09 PM\']
Be lucky I didn't mention "DJ Games."
Bannination! ;-)
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-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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10 Greatest Originals of GSN's time
« Reply #10 on: July 25, 2006, 02:42:06 PM »
Hell...I'm hard pressed to come up with 5 GSN original gameshows that weren't horribly broken in some way, so I've thrown in some of their other programs.

1. Russian Roulette
2. Cram
3. I've Got a Secret
4. Hollywood Showdown
5. As Seen On
6. Inquizition
7. Anything to Win
8. Lingo (great game, horrible format).

Most everything else is/was utter crap.
Phil 4:13


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10 Greatest Originals of GSN's time
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2006, 02:53:02 PM »
Suprised nobody mentioned Mall Masters.

Didn't think it was that bad.
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Joe Mello

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10 Greatest Originals of GSN's time
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2006, 04:37:40 PM »
I honestly forgot all about Extreme Dodgeball.  There's probably a reason for that.  :P  And I had never seen Trivia Track enough to give a fair rating.

If Celebrity Blackjack is 11, then Mall Masters is probably 12 or 13.  It got points for using the Mall of America but the rest of it was kinda dull.

WinTuition had potential, but I thought it came up a little short.  Not enough questions in the front game and too many questions in the end game.  We should know by know that 10 answers in 60 seconds is pretty damn hard.

I know people don't like Whammy, but I never really knew why.  Maybe it's because I'm more concerned about the gameplay than the people involved.  I only make note of people when they're either really really good or really really bad.

Oh, and I like Alex's idea about the bonus game.
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10 Greatest Originals of GSN's time
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2006, 10:36:58 PM »
[quote name=\'cmjb13\' post=\'125113\' date=\'Jul 25 2006, 02:53 PM\']
Didn't think it was that bad.

Well, to be honest, it wasn't that good, either.

I mean, yeah, it at least had a game to it unlike DJ Games, but Mall Masters had to be one of the most non-notable, white-bread quizzers GSN has turned out.


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10 Greatest Originals of GSN's time
« Reply #14 on: July 26, 2006, 02:31:55 AM »
Maybe it's because I'm more concerned about the gameplay than the people involved

They removed most of the "and a spin" spaces from round 2 in season one (or in their eyes, round 3, but...) which would've helped give the gameplay some more drama. That end of things was fixed in season 2, not to mention the Big Bank. Though there were a lot of softball questions missed by the brain trust. Imagine what kind of hell it would've played on the budget if they got some knowledgable people on there!

Game Show Forum Muckety-Muck