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Author Topic: Celebrities who acted like jerks...  (Read 23017 times)

Ian Wallis

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Celebrities who acted like jerks...
« Reply #30 on: July 26, 2006, 09:07:25 AM »
Jim asked Alan Sues to "be quiet". Big difference from "shut up", though I'm rather certain that's what Jim was thinking.

I think Jim had had enough of him by that point...he appeared on the last six weeks or so of the show, sitting in the No. 3 position next to Carol.
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aaron sica

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Celebrities who acted like jerks...
« Reply #31 on: July 26, 2006, 09:51:25 AM »
[quote name=\'davemackey\' post=\'125206\' date=\'Jul 26 2006, 08:01 AM\']
Never saw Alan Sues on "Cross-Wits" after that, that was for sure!

(He was probably beaten into submission by Jerry Payne and Bruce Belland after the show.)

Probably with Jerri Fiala's stick. :)


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Celebrities who acted like jerks...
« Reply #32 on: July 27, 2006, 02:37:00 PM »
[quote name=\'MrBuddwing\' post=\'125046\' date=\'Jul 24 2006, 10:21 PM\']
[Given what I perceive as the low stress level of being a contestant on "Squares" - the celebrities did all the heavy lifting, all the contestant had to do was agree or disagree - I'm wondering how or why Paul Lynde (or any of the other celebs) would take a strong enough dislike to any of the contestants to the point of actively trying to sabotage them.

There is at least one 1976 NBC ep on the trading circuit where the male contestant is a bit obnoxious and annoying.  He can't just say "I agree" or "I disagree," he had to overthink everything out loud, almost as if the celebrity just challenged him to a debate instead of giving an answer.  McLean Stevenson even makes a "tick tock" and buzzer noise while the guy is taking his time on one question.

Kevin Prather

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Celebrities who acted like jerks...
« Reply #33 on: July 27, 2006, 04:22:32 PM »
How about Lynn Redgrave on a 1994(?) Celebrity Jeopardy? She didn't seem to appreciate getting smashed in the first round by Stephen King and David Duchovney, and she let it show. It DID provide for a hell of a zinger from Alex, however.

Alex: And Lynn at $-100.
Lynn: Why?! Why am I minus?! Tell me! Give me a good reason! I've been answering, I've been beeping! These beastly people next to me aren't helping me in any way! They don't say "After you, Lynn," as any real gentleman would. What's the matter?
Alex: Does the word..."stupid" mean anything?


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Celebrities who acted like jerks...
« Reply #34 on: July 27, 2006, 04:55:36 PM »
I think that's part of Lynn's schtick, unfortunately, being a bit of an "overactor". I dreaded seeing her on WML reruns on GSN. It was obvious she had no questions prepared and spent her time just stalling... I kept yelling "JUST PASS! PLEASE!"

Let's not forget Peter Lawford on 20k Pyramid. In Pyramid's early years, he was a decent player, but in 1979, he was past his prime, and boy did it show. I got an email from a lady that was a contestant that week he was on. She said the producers argued over whether to let him play, especially since he refused to wear socks. Peter appeared obviously drunk and/or stoned, his speech slurred, and unable to stay in his seat throughout the game. His gameplay ability was hampered by being so frustrated with a contestant that was obviously nervous and not playing the game well.

Bob Zager

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Celebrities who acted like jerks...
« Reply #35 on: July 27, 2006, 05:16:22 PM »
I often wondered if Tony Randall was never invited to play on $25,000/$100,000 Pyramid from 1982-1988 because of how he would often voice his disagreement on the judges call, or if he just wasn't interested.

Another Pyramid guest whom I don't recall making any future appearances after her first was Kaye Ballard.  In an episode I have on tape, (which I believe is very early in the 1973 CBS series), her partner was having a difficult time guessing the word she was describing and at least twice she shouted "NO!"  to the contestant.  She really sounded rude, though I'm sure she didn't mean it.