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Author Topic: GSN August 2003 Ratings  (Read 22339 times)


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GSN August 2003 Ratings
« Reply #30 on: September 07, 2003, 02:11:58 PM »
[quote name=\'HSquares2003\' date=\'Sep 7 2003, 12:03 PM\'] [quote name=\'Seth Thrasher\' date=\'Sep 7 2003, 10:16 AM\'] It all started in April 2002.       It's been sliding ever since. [/quote]
Yep! I actually had some hopes for the programming dept. to wake the heck up and put SOME more classics on the lineup when they did Feast of Fav's on Thanksgiving. I am having trouble understanding why TTD and TJW, for example, made the Favorites but we haven't seen any of them since 2001. I think Cronin is intentionally trying to piss off the die hard fans and lose ratings. Silly idea, but it sure looks that way folks. And he has the ratings to show it for sure.

Why couldn't GSN do like other networks(mtv,mtv2,discovery has a zillion spinoff chaneels also) and have one channel for the originals and one for the classics. Might solve the problems once and for all! [/quote]
Like I said, this would make a great Orwell-style book.  \"Game Show Farm,\" anyone?  (\"All games are created equal...but some games, particularly originals, are more equal than others\" ;-))  

With regards to the TJW/TTD thing, yeah, again there's my McMahon/WWE comparison: that Cronin will only get over what he wants to get over on the channel (in this case, TJW can be the Chris Benoit to the Katie Vick angle that is Cram), and you will like it or else.  I'm surprised we haven't seen an anti-internet backlash by now, aka Extreme Gong Incident II (I'm sure many old-timers get that reference).

This might be from way left field, but someone mentioned Kevin Belinkoff.  I will not pry any further as to what exactly happened, as per the comments of another poster, but I do recall him being very nasty to the old ATGS.  You don't think his ego is such that he'd work to spite classic GS fans as a result?  Again I said this was a silly theory, I'm not really always this paranoid!  

Unfortunately lots of entertainment is like what I described nowadays, not just wrestling and GSN.  Producers and such are in it for themselves, and the heart and soul of things are dying out, sadly, if not dead already.  Television we already discussed to death, music has Britina Loguilyonce, and so on and so on.  It's too easy for me to get all angsty when it seems that things I once enjoyed are a dying breed.  I wish I didn't have to.

« Last Edit: September 07, 2003, 03:09:47 PM by JMFabiano »
I'm a pacifist, and even I would like to see a little more action.

Ian Wallis

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GSN August 2003 Ratings
« Reply #31 on: September 07, 2003, 03:10:37 PM »
I think Cronin is intentionally trying to piss off the die hard fans and lose ratings. Silly idea, but it sure looks that way folks. And he has the ratings to show it for sure.

Well...I wouldn't go that far.  From what I've heard they've looked at the past ratings and determined that *some* shows just don't get the ratings.   My argument is that many of those shows haven't aired regularly on GSN in a couple of years.  Maybe they didn't get good enough ratings then, but maybe things would be different now - especially since two of those shows were voted for so heavily in the Feast of Favorites.

Why couldn't GSN do like other networks(mtv,mtv2,discovery has a zillion spinoff chaneels also) and have one channel for the originals and one for the classics. Might solve the problems once and for all!

I guess that's what we're all hoping for.  I still like to remember what \"thericker\" said on the GSN boards about that topic --- don't rule it out!  I guess the only question is the timeline for such a thing to occur...
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Ian Wallis

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GSN August 2003 Ratings
« Reply #32 on: September 07, 2003, 03:12:46 PM »
IMO, this is the time there should be a MAJOR shakeup of what's on. The failing originals [FOF, WT] should be cut, the successful originals should get more eps, and the morning hours could be used to make the diehards happy. TTTT90 and Trivia Trap in 9:30 were a start, now let's replace the morning vertivision with some rare stuff like Play the Percentages, TTTT80, and Break the Bank. I think something like that would make a lot of people happy.

It would certainly make me happy!  I agree that we should have a major shakeup - things have gotten too predictable and boring.  It's not exciting right now.  I've seen similar comments made on both GSN boards and here, but (I know) GSN \"doesn't program for us\".
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GSN August 2003 Ratings
« Reply #33 on: September 07, 2003, 03:40:11 PM »
[quote name=\'JMFabiano\' date=\'Sep 7 2003, 01:27 AM\'][quote name=\'whampyl03\' date=\'Sep 6 2003, 03:29 PM\']
Boy, billcullen5555/bc1234/bc5 [or whatever he's calling himself this week] is gonna have a FIELD DAY with this at the GSN Boards.

>Well I look at it that way, or hopefully, this will be a sign to someone that >it's time for a change.  Of course, I also hope Cronin won't pull a McMahon >and not want to admit he's wrong, and that us internet game show >fans \"know nothing about the business.\"  

>Actually, there's an interesting thought.  All it needs is Bob Boden to l>egally change his middle name to something beginning with \"B,\" so he >can call himself Triple B.  He'd also need to remind us semi-regularly >that \"I am the Game (Show)!\"  Then Kevin Belinkoff can write a weekly >column on GSN's website under the handle \"Good Ol' KB\" and state, once >again, that us internet game show fans know nothing about the >business.  Oh, and that Graham Elwood is a hoss, by gawd, and that >Gene Rayburn should have learned how to work GSN style.  

Of course, if Icey appears on Cram accusing Graham of killing Allen Ludden, and then shows a video with her and a male mannequin in intimate contact, then I'll throw my hands up and quit, as I'd have seen everything.[/QUOTE]

1.) We also need Mrs. Boden to come out and tell Bob she just acquired 51% of GSN.  Then, a masked game show host breaks into the family estate and tells Bob he knows how to negotiate a contract and winks into the camera.
2.) Two new judges are assigned to GSN Originals: Stone Cold Steve Austin and Eric Bischoff.  Boden tells them to come to an agreement on a new fall schedule.
3.) One show gets on: a revival of \"Lover's Lounge\" with hosts Moolah and Mae Young
4.) Stephanie Boden, the long lost daughter, assumes Icy's job on Cram.
5.) Whammy gets a new look as the whammy starts setting fires and pushing people into dumpsters.
6.) The new season of Friend or Foe involves people attached to jumper cables instead of hands in truth boxes.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2003, 03:44:04 PM by Jim »


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GSN August 2003 Ratings
« Reply #34 on: September 08, 2003, 12:34:35 AM »
[quote name=\'JMFabiano\' date=\'Sep 7 2003, 11:11 AM\'] Like I said, this would make a great Orwell-style book.  \"Game Show Farm,\" anyone?  (\"All games are created equal...but some games, particularly originals, are more equal than others\" ;-)) [/quote]
Wrong book, I think.  Try \"Channel 1984\":

\"It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen, because Game Show Network had added an extra hour to its programming schedule for two extra showings of 'National Lampoon's Funny Money.'\"

\"But it was all right, everything was all right,  the struggle was all right.  He had won the victory over the returning champion.  He loved Rich Cronin.\"
« Last Edit: September 08, 2003, 12:35:10 AM by trainman »
trainman is a man of trains

Dan Sadro

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GSN August 2003 Ratings
« Reply #35 on: September 08, 2003, 01:33:44 AM »
[quote name=\'PeterMarshallFan\' date=\'Sep 7 2003, 12:29 PM\'] The failing originals [FOF, WT] should be cut, the successful originals should get more eps, and the morning hours could be used to make the diehards happy. [/quote]
 I apologize to the wrestling fanatics to bring the conversation back to what we were discussing (although back to reality might be a step in the right direction for most of you).

To cut Friend or Foe and WinTuition would be to admit that they were wrong.  They had to introduce enough originals to fill up half the schedule, and good or bad the originals had to stay on until they could be replaced.  Apparently, GSN doesn't currently have anything ready, so they can't cut the failing ones.  I stated at our old stomping grounds (unfortunately I can't find it in Groupsgle) that GSN needed its first crop of originals to be successful or the \"half-originals\" goal would not work.

In this era of television, if you don't succeed immediately, you're toast.  Cronin can't admit that some of his originals aren't up to scratch because then he's lost.  It's better to replace them with something new and cut the non-preforming ones without having to say that the shows didn't work out.