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Author Topic: Chain Reaction Debuts Tomorrow!  (Read 3078 times)

Moe Train

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Chain Reaction Debuts Tomorrow!
« on: July 31, 2006, 05:59:11 PM »
Hey, what's up everyone?  I'm Moe, a contestant from the soon to debut show, Chain Reaction.  I've gotta tell you all that Chain Reaction is awesome. Everyone who worked on the show from the front to back were great fun to work with. Very accomodating, and made all of us contestants feel at home. We were joking around with everyone there, and all seemed to genuinely enjoy their job, which showed through in the production.

I can't give away any details of our show yet, because I don't want to break any confidentiality issues, but I hope that everyone watches! We had many people come up to us after the show and tell us that it was the favorite show that they had attended.

Talk about adrenaline! From the moment we stepped into the studio, the blood was pumping, and the energy just didn't stop till probably the next morning! I didn't feel nervous at all, just had extreme amounts of energy (which I'm sure you'll be able to see on the show).

I've been around TV/Music productions many times, and they did a very professional job. None of the three hour show production times (although I wouldn't have minded being on stage for that long), and everything ran like clockwork. I've read some reviews of the pilot taping, and it seems they've overcome all of those problems.

I wish I knew what night my show is going to air, but I haven't heard anything about it yet. When we were standing at the podium, I was the one in the center, Matt is to my left, and Ryan is to my right. I'm considerably taller than the other 2 so they had to put them on little "lifts" to get us all at the same height. I've read in a few different forums about Dylan's height, and when I stood next to him, I was much taller than him. (I'm 6'4) No one ever said you need to be a giant to be a gameshow host! Speaking of being a host... I would LOVE to have his job, so if any of you GSN people out there are reading... *CoughHIREMECough*

This forum has a ton of great info and contributors, and I'm sure that I'll be sticking around. If any of you see the show, feel free to give me your review of our show!

