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Author Topic: EGGCRATE READOUTS  (Read 36731 times)


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« Reply #60 on: May 09, 2005, 11:47:47 AM »
Seems to me that Geoff Cooper has some of the NBC loops digitized.  The "Magnificent Marble Machine" answer reveal bell popped up on the Jay Wolpert FAM shows he sweetened and the Mother MacKenzie laugh tracks were heard on both shows.

Those of you who remember the "behind the scenes" promo on "Animal Planet ZooVenture" will recall Cooper gleefully revealing that he had the game SFX on the lower half of his sampling keyboard and the crowd responses on the upper half and did them both in real time.  Nice for the folks at Animal Planet to tell the kids who went down to the San Diego Zoo to be in the audience that their cheering was being covered up by Canned Crowd.


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« Reply #61 on: May 29, 2005, 02:31:22 AM »
[quote name=\'dale_grass\' date=\'Feb 7 2004, 06:44 PM\']The Card Sharks readout only needed enough bulbs for the digits, $, and the word BUST, wo 3 or 4 weren't even installed.  Since the Feud board displays all sorts of text, all pixels were available.

The NBC Card Sharks had only five digits; the $ used in that version was a display card (that is obvious since the "$" does not look like the normal eggcrate dollar sign) and never flashed with the numbers -- probably a money-saving measure instead of installing a new podium with six digits instead of five.


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« Reply #62 on: May 29, 2005, 12:11:56 PM »
[quote name=\'tvrandywest\' date=\'May 7 2005, 02:41 PM\'][quote name=\'Ryan_Conley194\' date=\'May 7 2005, 09:30 AM\']Speaking of which, after the NBC sound effects department closed for good, where do these sound effects reside today? I am definitely into audience sweetening and I had experimented one of NBC's audience tracks and inserted into different game show clips.
If it weren't for the increased concern for the environment, they would probably be where NBC dumped its "trash" decades ago... in the Pacific, about 3 miles off Santa Monica.

I was told that the entire room was destined for the dumpster. When I suggested a tax deductible gift to a college I was told that, unlike some other facilities, NBC Burbank hadn't taken that route with far more valuable outdated assets. And without someone like Ray Angona at CBS salvaging the broadcast legacy in the back of his car and delivering it to Pacific Pioneer Broadcasters, it's all just another memory to be mentioned on some obscure internet discussion site

Does it sound like I need to increase my Prozac? Hey, it's just the reality of the business known as show.

There is a sound effects manufacturer called Sound Ideas which is headquarted in Beaver Creek, Ontario and I think they may be interested in hunting down the complete NBC sound effects library, including the audience effects (or crowd effects, as I call them.)
I know Sound Ideas. Sorry, but I disagree. All jokes about Canada aside, I doubt that even a Canadian sound design firm would want mono effects with 5th generation dubbed analog tape hiss.   ;-)    
And I doubt  the "collector" / "fan" market is lucrative enough to make it worthwhile to pursue.


That would be a big mistake on the part of NBC dumping all of its sound effects department into the ocean (including the ones from Scrabble, Sale of the Century, Hit Man, etc) if that indeed was the case.  Its like Hanna Barbera dumping all of its sound effects into the ocean because its of no use; thankfully, those effects are still intact and very much alive.

You never know though...anything in this business is possible; some things may have been saved and locked away somewhere (such as the lost seasons of The Joker's Wild, which were discovered a few years ago).

To follow up on the eggcrate displays; I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this...but if it is possible, you could perhaps keep the eggcrates going by using LED lights...similar to what you see with traffic signals out here in SoCal.  May cost a bit more, but at least they will last longer.


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« Reply #63 on: November 27, 2005, 09:29:29 PM »
If it weren't for the increased concern for the environment, they would probably be where NBC dumped its "trash" decades ago... in the Pacific, about 3 miles off Santa Monica.

I was told that the entire room was destined for the dumpster. When I suggested a tax deductible gift to a college I was told that, unlike some other facilities, NBC Burbank hadn't taken that route with far more valuable outdated assets. And without someone like Ray Angona at CBS salvaging the broadcast legacy in the back of his car and delivering it to Pacific Pioneer Broadcasters, it's all just another memory to be mentioned on some obscure internet discussion site

Does it sound like I need to increase my Prozac? Hey, it's just the reality of the business known as show.


Hello again, it seems like about half a year sincee a reply was added to this thread but I do have some good news that may upset Mr. West (No, I didn't save a bunch of money on car insurance by switching to Geico), I came across the Internet today and found that Chuck Pharis has the entire NBC Sound Effects Library.  He has had it since July 2004 and has over 2,000 records and many of them were hand made by the now defunct NBC Sound Effects Department.  Some of them even have people talking in the background and every possible sound effect is there.  Mr. Pharis has about 400 to 500 duplicates in the library and might sell or trade for one set and has no plans to transfer the records to CD's.  He says it would take forever and simply doesn't have the time to do it.


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« Reply #64 on: November 28, 2005, 09:12:47 AM »
Are you talking out of your ass again??


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« Reply #65 on: November 28, 2005, 10:14:54 AM »
[quote name=\'sshuffield70\' date=\'Nov 28 2005, 08:12 AM\']Are you talking out of your ass again??
Actually, it would seem this one's legit.  Too bad I don't have a turntable.

Link:  Pharis' Latest Find

"When you see the crawl at the end of the show you will see a group of talented people who will all be moving over to other shows...the cameramen aren't are on that list, but they're not talented people."  John Davidson, TIME MACHINE (4/26/85)


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« Reply #66 on: November 28, 2005, 11:15:32 AM »
[quote name=\'SRIV94\' date=\'Nov 28 2005, 11:14 AM\']Link:  Pharis' Latest Find

Wooooooooooooooooow. That is a lot of vinyl...
« Last Edit: November 28, 2005, 11:15:58 AM by PYLdude »
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« Reply #67 on: November 28, 2005, 11:59:41 AM »
Ryan_Conley194,Nov 27 2005, 06:29 PM]

Hello again, it seems like about half a year sincee a reply was added to this thread but I do have some good news that may upset Mr. West (No, I didn't save a bunch of money on car insurance by switching to Geico), I came across the Internet today and found that Chuck Pharis has the entire NBC Sound Effects Library.
Upset? No. Actually I'm thrilled! Months ago when I said "And without someone like Ray Angona at CBS salvaging the broadcast legacy in the back of his car and delivering it to Pacific Pioneer Broadcasters, it's all just another memory..." I had no clue that someone would have the opportunity.

Chuck is a friend; I sponsored his membership to Pacific Pioneer Broadcasters. There's nobody who has saved more of early TV's hardware. Chuck has a backyard full of cameras, and always manages to add something exciting to his collection. The NBC material that he rescued could not find a better home. A public "Thanks", Chuck!

« Last Edit: November 28, 2005, 12:01:43 PM by tvrandywest »
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« Reply #68 on: November 29, 2005, 08:02:45 PM »
[quote name=\'tvrandywest\' date=\'Nov 28 2005, 12:59 PM\']Chuck is a friend; I sponsored his membership to Pacific Pioneer Broadcasters. There's nobody who has saved more of early TV's hardware. Chuck has a backyard full of cameras, and always manages to add something exciting to his collection. The NBC material that he rescued could not find a better home. A public "Thanks", Chuck!

I asked Chuck a long time ago if the ABC cameras shown in some of the scenes of "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind" were historically accurate. Never got an answer, but I'm sure he'd know. As you, Randy, know but others might not, Chuck Pharis was a staff video control operator at ABC in Hollywood for many years (he's now freelancing) and among his credits was a little show called "Family Feud".


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« Reply #69 on: November 29, 2005, 08:31:51 PM »
[quote name=\'davemackey\' date=\'Nov 29 2005, 05:02 PM\']I asked Chuck a long time ago if the ABC cameras shown in some of the scenes of "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind" were historically accurate. Never got an answer, but I'm sure he'd know. As you, Randy, know but others might not, Chuck Pharis was a staff video control operator at ABC in Hollywood for many years (he's now freelancing) and among his credits was a little show called "Family Feud".
Yep. Chuck Pharis worked the ABC Prospect lot for many years, although he doesn't look as old as his resume suggests. His last assignment on that lot, before ABC sold it, was on the soaps. But there's a long history on that real estate after it was converted from film to video... as they come to mind, FF, LMAD, All Star Blitz, American Bandstand, and some sitcoms, such as Rod's "Soap". The one time I met John Travolta was when he was working there on "Kotter".

Boy, I wish somebody would keep authoritative notes on what shot where, before it's all forgotten!

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« Reply #70 on: June 23, 2006, 09:38:57 PM »
UPDATE: I have just been informed from Chuck Pharis himself, that he has loaned the entire NBC collection to a private museum in Boston.  I don't know which museum it is.  As you know, he does not have to transfer the entire collection to CD, not even just the audience effects.  As for me, I suspect that the sounds of Mother MacKenzie came from these LPs.  Who knows, they might have taken the records and transferred them onto MacKenzie cartridges and carefully spliced each tape to make it sound endless.  Maybe even the screaming track with the bad splice came from one of their LPs.  I guess that the NBC sound effects department forgot to take the bell out in the splicing process.  From my point of view, given the information I pointed out, Mr. West mentioned in a post some time ago that they had many 78 rpm LPs containing every sound imaginable.

I also e-mailed John Moran, who is the main guy at the Hollywood Edge, and suggested to him that the company should make a new audience SFX CD entitled Canned Laughs, Cheers and Applause. I even told Moran about the NBC sound effects LP collection that Chuck Pharis had.  Along with that, I told about how certain sweetenerss, such as Bob LaMasney, Boyd Wheeler and Bobby Douglass, have their own audience tracks.  Shortly after I sent the E-Mail, I got a reply from Moran stating that my idea was excellent.  He would also make sure that everyone would have their fair share of royalties.  I have not told him that Chuck has lent the whole library to the private museum in Boston.  I assume that they are in the process of doing this right now.  Anyway, that's the story on the NBC sfx for now.


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« Reply #71 on: June 24, 2006, 03:53:35 AM »
[quote name=\'Ryan_Conley194\' post=\'122331\' date=\'Jun 23 2006, 06:38 PM\']
Shortly after I sent the E-Mail, I got a reply from Moran stating that my idea was excellent.  He would also make sure that everyone would have their fair share of royalties.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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« Reply #72 on: June 24, 2006, 01:06:50 PM »
[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'122346\' date=\'Jun 24 2006, 02:53 AM\']
[quote name=\'Ryan_Conley194\' post=\'122331\' date=\'Jun 23 2006, 06:38 PM\']
Shortly after I sent the E-Mail, I got a reply from Moran stating that my idea was excellent.  He would also make sure that everyone would have their fair share of royalties.
Ranks right up there with writing a piece of Family Feud fan fiction, getting 1 positive response, and saying "everyone liked it".
Phil 4:13


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« Reply #73 on: June 24, 2006, 02:13:34 PM »
[quote name=\'Modor\' post=\'122359\' date=\'Jun 24 2006, 10:06 AM\']
[quote name=\'clemon79\' post=\'122346\' date=\'Jun 24 2006, 02:53 AM\']
[quote name=\'Ryan_Conley194\' post=\'122331\' date=\'Jun 23 2006, 06:38 PM\']
Shortly after I sent the E-Mail, I got a reply from Moran stating that my idea was excellent.  He would also make sure that everyone would have their fair share of royalties.
Ranks right up there with writing a piece of Family Feud fan fiction, getting 1 positive response, and saying "everyone liked it".
I just find it terribly amusing when someone posts something like this, not realizing at all that they're being mocked. :)
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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« Reply #74 on: August 07, 2006, 02:10:30 AM »
ANOTHER UPDATE: I recently e-mailed Pharis about which museum in Boston he had loaned the NBC Sound Effects LPs to.  I receive a reply to him stating that the museum is actually in Rhode Island.  It is not fully built yet buck he said he would contact me when further information about the museum arrives.  To cut the long story of the NBC records short, that's all for now.