Hi everyone,
So, after reading the many negative reviews of GSN's new "Chain Reaction" (being GSN-less out in Corn Country, I haven't been able to see it yet, but I'm kind of anxious to just to see what all the hubbub is about), I keep noticing that a lot of people are claiming the Cullen version as the epitome of the CR trilogy.
Now, I've seen both Cullen's and Edwards' versions, and, personally, I didn't care for Cullen's version all that much. The scoring system really bothered me (why should a 9-letter word be more than a 4-letter word, especially if the latter isn't as obvious?), and some of the celebrities annoyed me, seeming to be more about getting in some quick jokes as opposed to playing the game seriously.
As a result, I really enjoyed Edwards' version (well, the team version; I think that the switch to individual players was stupid!); yes, there was the good ol' Canadian cheapness, but I thought that the scoring system was much better executed, making each word a flat amount of points, and switching the game to all civilians was a big plus; it meant you had four people excited to play the game, and, more over, seriously playing the game. I also really liked that challenge option; if used wisely, it could really make a game for a team.
My question is to those of you who think Cullen's version is the best: what about the Edwards version do you think makes it inferior to Cullen's version?
Notice I'm not mentioning Emmons...sorry, Don...
