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Author Topic: Audition Information & Tips  (Read 13660 times)


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Audition Information & Tips
« on: August 11, 2006, 12:13:37 AM »
This is suppose to be a thread to help other forum members with information and tips when going to game show auditions.

Anyway WWTBAM is holding tryouts at Margarita Mama's at the Station Square mall in Pittsburgh on August 17th.  Auditions are from 9AM to 4PM but I am wondering when should I get in line to guarantee an audition.  Should I wear any certain clothing, how should I act, can I actually prepare for this?  It would be a great help to me to anymore who has attended a tryout for this show.

I know that I already asked this question in another thread, but since there wasn't any place on the forum for first timers to a certain show on what to expect.  So I hope this thread is a first go to for anyone who is a little nervous about the process (like me).  Wish me the best of luck and hope to see you there?

P.S. If anyone is traveling to Pittsburgh for this and is staying overnight.  The cheapest hotel I found is the Comfort Inn on Banksville Road with a $54 a night rate and a public transportation system from the hotel.  The rate was found through choicehotels.com
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« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2006, 11:43:04 AM »
You can't prepare. You take a test of 25-30 questions, and you either know em or you don't. If you don't score reasonably well, you go home.

If you pass the test, you interview with producers. Be personable, but don't be fake. If they see something in you that they like, they'll engage you in more conversation. But they know EXACTLY what they're looking for, and they'll know if you have that even before you open your mouth.

I've been on many auditions. Passed many, failed a few, and got on one game show, with a call to be on two more. Be yourself is all you can do, and that in the end will either sink you or let you succeed.


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« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2006, 01:18:04 PM »
[quote name=\'tvwxman\' post=\'127057\' date=\'Aug 11 2006, 08:43 AM\']
You can't prepare. You take a test of 25-30 questions, and you either know em or you don't. If you don't score reasonably well, you go home.

If you pass the test, you interview with producers. Be personable, but don't be fake. If they see something in you that they like, they'll engage you in more conversation. But they know EXACTLY what they're looking for, and they'll know if you have that even before you open your mouth.... Be yourself is all you can do, and that in the end will either sink you or let you succeed.
I was a contestant on 9 shows and on a bevy of pilots, and I don't remember hearing it all said so concisely and accurately. You nailed it, tvwxman. I've watched the contestant selection process for thousands of prospective players, and you are absolutely correct that the experienced contestant coordinators and producers can spot what they need in a few very quick seconds.

What I learned over the years is how much they WANT to like the auditionees. Let the most likeable parts of your true personality shine through and have fun. Good luck!

« Last Edit: August 11, 2006, 01:19:33 PM by tvrandywest »
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« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2006, 02:31:37 PM »
I'm going to generalize a bit in my response...

1.  In some cases you can prepare...for Millionaire?  That's kind of hard, but for a Wheel of Fortune or Chain Reaction, you can play computer games or make up sample questions.  We were the only ones in the room during our first CR audition that knew the game, and I'm sure that helped us out.

2.  This is going to sound so simple, but I always mention it because people just don't listen.  *DO* what the contestant co-ordinators tell you to do...sounds easy right?  You'd think.  When I went to my Wheel of Fortune audition, there were about 40 of us who passed the initial test, and they played a mock game with a litle wheel just going around the room.  They told you to make sure you were "on", cheering and clapping, even when it wasn't your turn as they were watching you even if you weren't playing.  Half the people sat there like lumps when it wasn't their turn, and none of those people were picked.  When I went through the Match Game audition, they told you to make sure you sat on the edge of your seat, because it made you look interested in the game.  Again, many of the people sat back and slouched in their chair throughout the audition, and they weren't picked either.  

Although it's better for me if you don't listen to them, but I wanted to be helpful :)



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« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2006, 02:39:22 PM »
Come up with interesting stories about yourself that have nothing to do with game shows, trivia, etc.  I don't have the audition applications in front of me, but some of the questions are of the form, What would Meredith find most interesting about you, and tell us about your most embarassing moment.  As far as Millionaire producers are concerned, you are auditioning for a talk show, not a game show.


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« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2006, 05:27:47 PM »
[quote name=\'tvwxman\' post=\'127057\' date=\'Aug 11 2006, 11:43 AM\']
I've been on many auditions. Passed many, failed a few, and got on one game show, with a call to be on two more.

Which game show did you manage to get on?


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« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2006, 06:35:24 PM »
IIRC, I believe Matt made it onto an episode of "The Weakest Link".
Dave Walls


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« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2006, 07:03:55 PM »
[quote name=\'Allstar87\' post=\'127092\' date=\'Aug 11 2006, 05:27 PM\']
Which game show did you manage to get on?
Indeed.... Weakest Link, primetime..... Only contestant ever to lose, and get more publicity than the winner about it!
« Last Edit: August 11, 2006, 07:04:13 PM by tvwxman »


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« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2006, 07:09:31 PM »
[quote name=\'tvwxman\' post=\'127097\' date=\'Aug 11 2006, 07:03 PM\']
[quote name=\'Allstar87\' post=\'127092\' date=\'Aug 11 2006, 05:27 PM\']
Which game show did you manage to get on?
Indeed.... Weakest Link, primetime..... Only contestant ever to lose, and get more publicity than the winner about it!
Awesome. I'll have to watch for your episode.

I haven't been on any game shows yet, but I'll keep your tips in mind when I do audition for one.


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« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2006, 07:11:42 PM »
[quote name=\'tvrandywest\' post=\'127068\' date=\'Aug 11 2006, 01:18 PM\']
I was a contestant on 9 shows and on a bevy of pilots, and I don't remember hearing it all said so concisely and accurately. You nailed it, tvwxman. I've watched the contestant selection process for thousands of prospective players, and you are absolutely correct that the experienced contestant coordinators and producers can spot what they need in a few very quick seconds.

What I learned over the years is how much they WANT to like the auditionees. Let the most likeable parts of your true personality shine through and have fun. Good luck!
Accolades from the master. Thanks for the props.


- "May all of your consequences be happy ones!"


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« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2006, 07:29:39 PM »
FWIW, I took the Millionaire test twice and passed each time. I did not do well in my first interview, but my second interview was good enough to get me into the pool. I was one of the first ones interviewed and had a good rapport with the contestant producer I spoke to, and I guess that easygoingness put me in the pool. I have yet to get the actual contestant call... stay tuned.

Brandon Brooks

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« Reply #11 on: August 13, 2006, 12:08:08 PM »
Another suggestion: use the bathroom before you audition, and don't drink a lot of water or consume an unusual amount of fiber beforehand. It doesn't make you look attractive when "you gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now" while your completing your test.


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« Reply #12 on: August 13, 2006, 01:47:35 PM »
[quote name=\'Brandon Brooks\' post=\'127232\' date=\'Aug 13 2006, 12:08 PM\']
Another suggestion: use the bathroom before you audition, and don't drink a lot of water or consume an unusual amount of fiber beforehand. It doesn't make you look attractive when "you gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now" while your completing your test.

You don't think about that going in, but that is a good piece of advice.

Also for anyone who has gone in for an audition.  I am thinking of getting in line at 630 AM.  Just in case something goes wrong, what is the latest I can get in line and still get an audition.  The audition is from 9 AM to 4 PM.  I hope nothing goes wrong.  I have this planned to the T (light rail system in Pittsburgh).  Now my next challenge to see if I can complete this trip for less than $100 (el cheapo).

Thanks for the tips.
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« Reply #13 on: August 13, 2006, 03:51:29 PM »
[quote name=\'rebelwrest\' post=\'127246\' date=\'Aug 13 2006, 12:47 PM\']
[quote name=\'Brandon Brooks\' post=\'127232\' date=\'Aug 13 2006, 12:08 PM\']
Another suggestion: use the bathroom before you audition, and don't drink a lot of water or consume an unusual amount of fiber beforehand. It doesn't make you look attractive when "you gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now" while your completing your test.

You don't think about that going in, but that is a good piece of advice.

Also for anyone who has gone in for an audition.  I am thinking of getting in line at 630 AM.  Just in case something goes wrong, what is the latest I can get in line and still get an audition.  The audition is from 9 AM to 4 PM.  I hope nothing goes wrong.  I have this planned to the T (light rail system in Pittsburgh).  Now my next challenge to see if I can complete this trip for less than $100 (el cheapo).

Thanks for the tips.
I remember when I took the test a few years ago in Cedar Rapids, auditions started at 8:00.  I got there at about 6:15, and was in the second group.
Phil 4:13


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« Reply #14 on: August 13, 2006, 10:34:17 PM »
Another question popped into my head.  Does it matter how well dressed you are or does the contestant coordinators see through that (no superman vision jokes please)?  I am thinking of showing up in a t-shirt, jeans, and a sport coat over it.  Does that sound too different to detract them from picking me?
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Where Am I Doc? Urinalysis Restaurant.