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Author Topic: Audition Information & Tips  (Read 13665 times)


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Audition Information & Tips
« Reply #30 on: August 15, 2006, 10:56:52 AM »
[quote name=\'cmjb13\' post=\'127474\' date=\'Aug 15 2006, 07:35 AM\']
Funny you should mention this. I was discussing this with someone recently regarding Wheel. Apparently the contestant coordinators want people rooting for others telling the contestants to act like you are playing against the house, not each other.
Sure they do. Happy supportive contestants make for good TV.
I'm sorry, but unless all 3 of us are making it to the bonus round, I'm not playing like that.
Then you, sir, will not be on a game show. :)

The key here is "act", I think. Give 'em the performance they want, all the while secretly wishing for them to undergo a fatal case of dyspepsia right in the middle of the game. :)
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe


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« Reply #31 on: August 15, 2006, 11:07:53 AM »
[quote name=\'goongas\' post=\'127471\' date=\'Aug 15 2006, 10:09 AM\']
For those interested, here are the questions that were on the last application that I filled out to tryout for Millionaire:

1. What is the first thing you would do with $1 million?
2. What would Meredith Vieira find most interesting about you?
3. What are the three things you want to do before you die?
4. Complete this sentence You'd never believe it but I...
5. What is your most embarrassing moment?
6. I could be in the Guinness Book of World Records for...?
7. Do you have any bad habits or habits you know annoy other people?
8. If you had three wishes what would they be?

When did you take the test.  That almost sounds like an application for love connection.  Do I really have to be truthful on that application with those type of question or can I just leave them blank.  I am afraid of that kind of information getting out (not on Millionaire).
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« Reply #32 on: August 15, 2006, 11:40:28 AM »
[quote name=\'cmjb13\' post=\'127474\' date=\'Aug 15 2006, 10:35 AM\']

Funny you should mention this. I was discussing this with someone recently regarding Wheel. Apparently the contestant coordinators want people rooting for others telling the contestants to act like you are playing against the house, not each other.

I'm sorry, but unless all 3 of us are making it to the bonus round, I'm not playing like that.

I said this way back on page one of this thread.

If they want you to clap for others, you clap for others.  If you don't, don't expect to be picked.  I clapped, I got picked for Wheel of Fortune...it's pretty basic.


Moe Train

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« Reply #33 on: August 15, 2006, 12:27:27 PM »
I wish I was in California.  It would be so much easier to be exposed to TV and gameshows.  Instead, I'm in Philadelphia, and don't have many shows produced on the East Coast.


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« Reply #34 on: August 15, 2006, 12:47:28 PM »
[quote name=\'FlashStash\' post=\'127484\' date=\'Aug 15 2006, 11:40 AM\']
If they want you to clap for others, you clap for others.  If you don't, don't expect to be picked.  I clapped, I got picked for Wheel of Fortune...it's pretty basic.

I don't think rooting so much for others is the problem, rather telling contestants to be in the mindset that you are playing against the house. I don't know of any other show where if you are playing against others, to be in the mindset that you are playing against the house.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2006, 12:47:53 PM by cmjb13 »
Enjoy lots and lots of backstage TPIR photos and other fun stuff here. And yes, I did park in Syd Vinnedge's parking spot at CBS

Matt Ottinger

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« Reply #35 on: August 15, 2006, 01:13:57 PM »
[quote name=\'cmjb13\' post=\'127499\' date=\'Aug 15 2006, 12:47 PM\']I don't think rooting so much for others is the problem, rather telling contestants to be in the mindset that you are playing against the house. I don't know of any other show where if you are playing against others, to be in the mindset that you are playing against the house.[/quote]
Everybody else's point is that you shouldn't let that comment affect you whatsoever.  You should, however, give the appearance of providing them what they're looking for, or else you won't get picked.  And if that bothers you, contestant coordinators will be able to pick up on that, so you won't get picked anyway.
This has been another installment of Matt Ottinger's Masters of the Obvious.
Stay tuned for all the obsessive-compulsive fun of Words Have Meanings.


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« Reply #36 on: August 15, 2006, 01:20:44 PM »
Speaking as someone who passed the (syndicated) WWTBaM test twice and never got into the contestant pool: I agree with the advice "Be yourself" - it's just that being myself kind of conflicted with my desire to make a good impression. And I'd like to think I did make a good impression - it just wasn't good enough. It's sheer speculation on my part, but I suspect my vocation puts me into the area of being a "professional nerd" - someone you'd expect to know a fair amount of trivia. It harkens back to Dr. Joyce Brothers, who made herself an expert on boxing so she would be considered offbeat enough to qualify for "The $64,000 Question." (Well, what sounds better from the game show's point of view: "Our contestant is Dr. Joyce Brothers, a psychologist who will answer questions about psychology" or "Our contestant is Dr. Joyce Brothers, a psychologist who will answer questions about professional boxing"?)

But it is oddly satisfying to pass the WWTBaM test when so many in the room flunk it.


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« Reply #37 on: August 15, 2006, 08:08:17 PM »
[quote name=\'MrBuddwing\' post=\'127505\' date=\'Aug 15 2006, 10:20 AM\']
Speaking as someone who passed the (syndicated) WWTBaM test twice and never got into the contestant pool[/quote]

I hear ya, I've also tried out twice, passed the test twice, and didn't make it into the pool. I do agree with this statement:

[quote name=\'goongas\' post=\'127074\' date=\'Aug 11 2006, 11:39 AM\']
As far as Millionaire producers are concerned, you are auditioning for a talk show, not a game show.

Millionaire is a show that relies on the host's interaction with the contestant much more than most other game shows. That's why on the application and interview you have to present yourself as having different interests and experiences, which can help you carry an entertaining enough conversation with Meredith during the show.


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« Reply #38 on: August 15, 2006, 09:30:02 PM »
As I about to take my journey to the steel city, I have decided on a blue dress shirt and tan slacks.  Hopefully the test will be easy for me, and the interview will be easy as well.  I have heeded your advice.  I am one unique person with a great personality (or thats what people actually say to me) so hopefully be myself is enough to please the contestant coordinators.  Looks like I will be the only person from the forum attending this audition.  Also, this is my experience to check out the city I want to live in after college.  Thanks all for the audience, and I hope I have some tips for others when they try out for Millionaire.
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« Reply #39 on: August 16, 2006, 09:51:33 PM »
I went to the Chicago area audition yesterday and I was FLOORED by how many people
showed up.  Well over a thousand and definitely more than they expected. I got in line
at 9:30 AM and was in the second to last testing group at around 3:30.  The application had
several of the questions posted earlier (1,4,5,6) plus a page of movie related questions
like what film most influenced you, what movie have you seen the most times, and, of
course, are you a Netflix(tm) subscriber.

I passed the movie test and had a brief interview with a contestant coordinator. She
just asked me to tell her about myself and my love of movies, and asked about one
of the questions on my form. She also asked me to talk about the last movie I saw.
I thought it went fine, but I can't imagine getting picked for the show-- for one week
of movie shows they only need what, 10-15 people plus alternates?? They got half that
from my session alone! But whatever happens it was a fun experience getting to hang
out in line with fellow Millionaire fans all day.


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« Reply #40 on: August 16, 2006, 10:19:54 PM »
u got there at 930 and were 2nd to last in the group.

I even wonder if I should go at all.

Although, PGH is a lot smaller than Chi-town


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« Reply #41 on: August 16, 2006, 10:38:38 PM »
[quote name=\'Matt\' post=\'127739\' date=\'Aug 16 2006, 10:19 PM\']
u got there at 930 and were 2nd to last in the group.

I even wonder if I should go at all.

Although, PGH is a lot smaller than Chi-town

I knew there would be another person from the forum to tryout in Pittsburgh.  Anyway hope to see you there.  I hope to get in line before 7 AM.
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« Reply #42 on: August 17, 2006, 07:10:57 PM »
Well the journey of pencils and cheap magnets has come to an end.  I got in line at 7 AM and already there were at least 150 people in line.  They gave us the contestant applications along with our magnets which they write our number for that session.  I happen to be in the first session along with 250 more people.  I fill out the application including the questions such as "What would you do if you won the million?", "What is your most embarassing moment?", and "Fill in the sentence: You wouldn't believe it if I told you, but...?" (my answer was " I was once mistaken for a stripper (true story)."  

I was taken into a room with fold out chairs, and everyone was asked to show their enthusiasm which is quite a lot at 8 AM (even though the tryout was intended to start at 9 AM, they started one hour early).  We got to ask questions to the contestant coordinator, and he couldn't reveal the answers to the questions what is the passing score and what is the percentage of people who take the test, pass it.  They pass out the tests with the official Millionaire pencil and you get 10 minutes to take a 30 question test.  The first test (movie week) is finished, and it is time to play how much can you get hurt in order to catch a cheap T-shirt.  It is time for the second test (regular test), take test, pass test over to be graded, get nervous all over again.  They reveal the scores for the movie test and 10 people out of the group pass (one more piece of advice, they tend to use questions from past shows as test questions).  The numbers are called are out like the pick 3 game.  The numbers seems to float in air, and everyone hopes to match.  1  6  1, my numbers match! I passed the test! We are quickly scurried out of the room for to contestant interview, and rarely the people know which face matches the number, but don't worry because you probably didn't see my face, but you heard me.  About 30 people passed the test in the group.

We took our test in a Margarita Mama, pass by a Hooters, and ended up Saddleside (you can make up your own joke).  They take us into the bar room, and a Polaroid is taken of us.  A little chit chat is made with people who also passed the test.  Hoping to gain an edge with the contestant coordinators, I talk and make the others beside me laugh (or is it a hindering).  They call your name again for a 90 second interview in which the basic questions and also the important question: is there anything else about you you would like us to know?  I let my true self shine and answer that nothing makes more happier than to see others enjoy themselves (clinched it).  They say goodbye with your magnet, pencil, and Netflix free trial offer, but before they do.  They tell you that you will receive a postcard within 3 weeks to show if you are in the contestant pool.  However, they also tell you that you may get a call to be on the show before you get the postcard.   Back to normal life and a 3 hour drive home.  When I got out at 9 AM, there were 1,000 people in line baking in 80 degree weather.  A quick change of clothes and it is off to tour Pittsburgh (a fabulous destination).  Time to go home and a quick victory lunch at Ponderosa, at least passing the test is a great honor.  Is my journey over?  One more thing, I think the layout of roads in Pittsburgh is the inspiration of the Labyrinth game with all the holes leading to the Hill district.  I am amazed you have made it this far.
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« Reply #43 on: August 17, 2006, 08:20:58 PM »
[quote name=\'rebelwrest\' post=\'127845\' date=\'Aug 17 2006, 07:10 PM\']One more thing, I think the layout of roads in Pittsburgh is the inspiration of the Labyrinth game with all the holes leading to the Hill district.[/quote]
How true.  Someone must've been drunk and/or stoned when Pittsburgh's street alignment was drafted.

I wish I could've been there.  Alas, us teachers have to get prepared for the young'ins to return next week.


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« Reply #44 on: September 26, 2006, 07:43:24 PM »
Figure I bump my own thread rather than start a new one.

I signed up online Jeopardy College Test, and will be taking it tomorrow night.  Is there any time I should get on the site to take the test?  Is there any tips you can give on taking the test?  If you are taking the test tomorrow night, I wish you the best of luck.

Oh yeah, I was rejected for Millionaire.  As my mom explained to me, you probably answered to many questions correctly.
My favorite Win Ben Stein's Money Category:

Where Am I Doc? Urinalysis Restaurant.