I may be showing my WOF "nerd-dom" here, but I noticed this and wondered if anybody here could confirm.
While watching the intro Pat and Vanna did this evening, about how 1 year ago, they were taping the shows in New Orleans, they showed part of the wheel, and it appears the colors were changed (note: not the Wheel's layout), maybe they showed what the "new" wheel layout will be. I saw a blue $500, and a pale pink $900, for example. They may have rearranged other parts of it not shown, but it wouldn't be a bad thing though if they were to rearrrange its layout anyway, since it's been the same now for about 10 years.
Sure, its not a major change, but since Wheel is going HD, this could be an appropriate change, to show off their new technology with a new rainbow of colors. Or, is this just showing that my TV is on the fritz? :/