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Author Topic: You Don't Say 1975  (Read 6154 times)

Ian Wallis

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You Don't Say 1975
« on: August 23, 2006, 02:41:19 PM »
I was recently watching the two 1975 episodes of You Don't Say that are floating around, and am wondering a few things about that version.

One episode has a slate, and was recorded Oct 17, 1975.  It states that it's episode 93.  I figured it should have aired on Nov 12, 1975.  It features Rex Reed on the panel.  That's the one where Tom mentions that children will be playing during Christmas week.

The other episode doesn't have a slate, but it looks like it could have been recorded on Halloween.  It features Bob Ridgely, Ann Elder and Larry Hovis.

To me, it looks like it could have been the last episode.  The stars are goofing around more than normal, and Tom doesn't say to "join us next week", although the game does end part way through.

Since ABC picked up Edge of Night from CBS starting Dec 1, 1975, my thinking is that You Don't Say was probably cancelled abruptly.

Does anybody here remember the final episode?  Was there any kind of good-bye? It probably would have aired the day after Thanksgiving in 1975.
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Jimmy Owen

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You Don't Say 1975
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2006, 03:56:57 PM »
According to back issues of TV Guide, the last show was Wednesday 11/26/75 (In the east Speed Buggy was on Thursday and Texas v. Texas A&M football on Fri; in the west "$10,000 Pyramid" filled the Friday slot after the game).  

I didn't see the show (the next paragraph will explain why) but the celebs listed were Elder, Hovis, Ridgely and Conny Van Dyke, so you may indeed have the last show.

Something odd happened with YDS! in Detroit.  When it was announced that EON would be moving, the CBS affil in Detroit immediately dropped it, I guess they didn't want to air a show that would be moving and it would cause a break in continuity for the soap's fans, thus killing the momentum.  The ABC station (which was an O&O at the time) picked up the CBS feed of EON a couple of weeks (by mid November) and aired it at 4 in place of YDS!  Usually, there might have been a delayed airing the next day but they didn't bother. That's one of the few times I can remember an O&O pre-empting a network offering on other than a one-time-only basis.
Let's Make a Deal was the first show to air on Buzzr. 6/1/15 8PM.

Ian Wallis

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You Don't Say 1975
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2006, 01:34:45 PM »
According to back issues of TV Guide, the last show was Wednesday 11/26/75 (In the east Speed Buggy was on Thursday and Texas v. Texas A&M football on Fri; in the west "$10,000 Pyramid" filled the Friday slot after the game).

I didn't see the show ... but the celebs listed were Elder, Hovis, Ridgely and Conny Van Dyke, so you may indeed have the last show.

Thanks for the info, that's a big help in trying to determine the actual air date.  It was carried in my area but was part of a morning block with Dailing for Dollars, so the celebrities were never listed; and I don't have an out-of-town TVGuide for that week.

Looks like we could have had the finale all this time and not realized it!  :)
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Jimmy Owen

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You Don't Say 1975
« Reply #3 on: August 24, 2006, 07:40:58 PM »
There was a story in the 10/11/75 TVG issue (Family Holvak cover) about the daytime changes in the New York Report.  

That issue would have been on newsstands on October 7, so Tom must have been bamboozled into thinking the show would be making it to Xmas when he taped it on the 17th. More than likely, Tom didn't read TVG like we did.  

Variety would have had the story even earlier, so maybe the crew at YDS! were told something else by ABC.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2006, 07:42:57 PM by Jimmy Owen »
Let's Make a Deal was the first show to air on Buzzr. 6/1/15 8PM.


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You Don't Say 1975
« Reply #4 on: August 24, 2006, 10:38:38 PM »
[quote name=\'Jimmy Owen\' post=\'128988\' date=\'Aug 24 2006, 06:40 PM\']
There was a story in the 10/11/75 TVG issue (Family Holvak cover) about the daytime changes in the New York Report.  

That issue would have been on newsstands on October 7, so Tom must have been bamboozled into thinking the show would be making it to Xmas when he taped it on the 17th. More than likely, Tom didn't read TVG like we did.  

Variety would have had the story even earlier, so maybe the crew at YDS! were told something else by ABC.
Ralph Andrews:  "Don't worry, Tom, you're fine; they're gonna get rid of Showoffs."

Tom:  "Oh, okay."

The New York and Hollywood reports were printed weeks after the fact.  Sounds like wishful thinking on the part of the YDS! crew.

Eric Paddon

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You Don't Say 1975
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2006, 01:53:49 AM »
I had always figured that the YDS with Hovis, Elder etc. was the last aired episode since it did add up properly to the day before Thanksgiving which was the last day it did air.   Though clearly more episodes I'm sure were taped but never aired.