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Author Topic: Syndie shows in Norfolk  (Read 7860 times)


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Syndie shows in Norfolk
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2006, 12:55:11 PM »
[quote name=\'Gus\' post=\'130710\' date=\'Sep 8 2006, 12:51 PM\']
[quote name=\'MikeK\' post=\'130542\' date=\'Sep 6 2006, 08:45 PM\']
Cleveland:  The Feud is now an hour later, from 10 to 11 AM on WOIO.

Wait, Price is Right is on 19 at 11:00. Did you mean 43?
I think he meant it was on at 9, and now is on from 10am-11am.

At least, that's what I'm speculating , after not posting the same question a few days ago! :)


- "May all of your consequences be happy ones!"


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Syndie shows in Norfolk
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2006, 05:02:01 PM »
[quote name=\'cweaver\' post=\'130643\' date=\'Sep 7 2006, 04:49 PM\']
WAFF 48 is the only Huntsville station I get on my cable, and I noticed they don't often put their station bug in the corner of the screen on local and syndicated programming.  I don't know if this is on purpose or if I just happen to tune in when they forget, but props either way.
I can tell you for a fact that WAFF's non-use of their bug during local/syndie programs is indeed standard procedure for the station.  Coincidentally, WHNT (the only other Huntsville station to air any syndie games) also refrains from using its logo bug during local/syndie programs.

I don't know if you did or don't read an earlier post of mine about Wheel and Jeopardy! competing against each other in Birmingham, but does that situation ring a bit odd to you, as it does to me?  AFAIK, Birmingham is the only market in the US where that is the case.  (BTW I don't get any Birmingham stations where I live, which is the northern part of Madison County, but I do have grandparents in the Tuscaloosa area.)


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Syndie shows in Norfolk
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2006, 06:09:47 PM »
[quote name=\'Gus\' post=\'130710\' date=\'Sep 8 2006, 12:51 PM\']
[quote name=\'MikeK\' post=\'130542\' date=\'Sep 6 2006, 08:45 PM\']
Cleveland:  The Feud is now an hour later, from 10 to 11 AM on WOIO.

Wait, Price is Right is on 19 at 11:00. Did you mean 43?
Connecti-Matt got it right.  The hour went from 9 to 10 on WOIO, and will be on from 10 to 11 AM on said station.

Me no good at Eenglish.

aaron sica

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Syndie shows in Norfolk
« Reply #18 on: September 08, 2006, 06:20:06 PM »
[quote name=\'MikeK\' post=\'130752\' date=\'Sep 8 2006, 06:09 PM\']
Me no good at Eenglish.

I hear Iris Mason teaches a class. You'll be speaking paragraphs without taking a breath in no time!


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Syndie shows in Norfolk
« Reply #19 on: September 08, 2006, 06:41:16 PM »
[quote name=\'aaron sica\' post=\'130754\' date=\'Sep 8 2006, 06:20 PM\']
[quote name=\'MikeK\' post=\'130752\' date=\'Sep 8 2006, 06:09 PM\']
Me no good at Eenglish.

I hear Iris Mason teaches a class. You'll be speaking paragraphs without taking a breath in no time!
Oh that sounds real great Aaron and I hope I learn a lot from him or her or it or whatever species Iris Mason is because she/he/it/we/you/they sound like a very smart and intelligent and great person I'd like to emulate around here starting on September 8, 2006 which happens to be today's date, which is just three days before John O'Hurley starts hosting Family Feud which airs on WOIO in my area from 10 to 11 AM, not on WUAB as Gus said earlier...

I give up.  That's what I get for having passed English 101 and 102 after less than 4 attempts apiece.


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Syndie shows in Norfolk
« Reply #20 on: September 08, 2006, 07:20:45 PM »
It appears that "Family Feud" has been completely removed from the Des Moines, IA schedules. Everything else is staying put and all on the same channel, WHO 13.

Millionaire?: 4:00 PM
Jeopardy!: 4:30 PM
Wheel of Fortune: 6:30 PM

-Joe R.
-Joe Raygor


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Syndie shows in Norfolk
« Reply #21 on: September 08, 2006, 11:20:33 PM »
[quote name=\'Tony\' post=\'130737\' date=\'Sep 8 2006, 04:02 PM\']
I don't know if you did or don't read an earlier post of mine about Wheel and Jeopardy! competing against each other in Birmingham, but does that situation ring a bit odd to you, as it does to me?  AFAIK, Birmingham is the only market in the US where that is the case.  

Yes it is a bit odd, and it's also very recent, just in the last few years.  Both ran on my station (Fox 6) for years and years before they migrated to the ABC affiliate (Wheel) and the CBS station (Jeopardy!).

GS Warehouse

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Syndie shows in Norfolk
« Reply #22 on: September 09, 2006, 12:09:53 AM »
[quote name=\'MikeK\' post=\'130758\' date=\'Sep 8 2006, 06:41 PM\']
[iris-babble snipped]

I give up.  That's what I get for having passed English 101 and 102 after less than 4 attempts apiece.
Thr onlu calss I neeeded tp retske in hihg scool was keyboardiong.  To this dat, I stilll hunt-snd-peck...amd I stull can;t tyoe.

Jason Wuthrich, making game show fans' spellcheckers throw up since 1999 :-D

/no change in South Bend, IN that I'm aware of
//yes, I ended a sentence in a preposition
///I hated English class, too
« Last Edit: September 09, 2006, 12:11:14 AM by GS Warehouse »


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Syndie shows in Norfolk
« Reply #23 on: September 09, 2006, 12:22:36 PM »
[quote name=\'GS Warehouse\' post=\'130809\' date=\'Sep 9 2006, 12:09 AM\']
[quote name=\'MikeK\' post=\'130758\' date=\'Sep 8 2006, 06:41 PM\']
[iris-babble snipped]

I give up.  That's what I get for having passed English 101 and 102 after less than 4 attempts apiece.
Excuse me.  That was Klauss-babble, not Iris-babble.  There is a big difference--I know paragraph and sentence structure.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2006, 12:23:15 PM by MikeK »


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Syndie shows in Norfolk
« Reply #24 on: September 09, 2006, 09:31:36 PM »
Yeah, actually, I'm an idiot, I thought you said it started at 11. Or something. Which is why I asked. I'm not quite sure what went into that post, but it wasn't math. Or something. Just... just let me go to my happy place...


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Syndie shows in Norfolk
« Reply #25 on: September 10, 2006, 03:03:14 PM »
Correction on FF in Sacramento-Stockton! KTXL FOX 40 will air it from 11am-noon starting tomorrow,as Martha Stewart takes over FF's old slot on KOVR CBS 13. And now Dr. Phil will air on BOTH CBS 13 and CW 31 at 3pm on 13 and 7pm on 31 plus I also get it on WSBK Boston on satellite.

And you people who want to see Guiding Light in Sacramento, I hate to burst your bubble!. CBS 13 will stick with Montel at 2pm after As The World Turns. Try to catch GL on KHSL-TV 12 Chico or KPIX CBS 5 San Francisco for GL,if you can get either station. Sacramento has not seen GL since the early 1990's when KXTV had CBS shows and KOVR the ABC ones.