Seeing a list where the top 10 (thus far) include Wheel, Feud, Concentration, and Hollywood Squares (plus, a relatively good idea of what's still yet to come), this is the first list of its kind I've seen that I can actually say has a decent amount of "credibility..."
Though Concentration is my 2nd favorite GS of them all, I ranked it 8th (
optimism: come on NBC, do the right thing and bring it back!), Feud 4th, HS 6th, and TTTT 11th. One of the reasons why I had Feud and HS higher than maybe a lot of others is that I also took into account what I felt each show's impact on pop culture, and "everyday life" have been. With FF and HS having more current,
substantial runs in recent history, that is the main reason I placed them higher than Concentration and TTTT.
[quote name=\'Matt Ottinger\' post=\'130878\' date=\'Sep 9 2006, 11:53 PM\']
7 Wheel of Fortune (1975-present)[/color]
(3086 77/80)(1 first place vote)(GSN: 6)(TVG: 25)
Aside from a couple of modern shows, the only one on the list that's never been out of production since its premiere. Woolery left, though.
I like being an individual, hehehe!!

Though, from an analytical standpoint, having only 1 first place vote, while making it to number 7, as compared to the rest of the top 10 so far, which have at least 2 first place ones, it looks like Wheel may have been averaging a higher place on a lot more lists than one might expect...