When GSN first started their 50 greatest list, and after the first couple of weeks seeing... you know, I decided I should make my own list, given that by that point, I had thrown the credibility of GSN's out the window. I did spend some time on it, at least a couple of hours, since I obsess about these kind of things.
When I made the list, I decided I was going to take into account many aspects, including the shows' originality, individuality, hosting, gameplay, popularity (and in some cases, infamy), longevity, but probably most importantly, the effect of the show(s) on the current "status" of culture, mindset, and popular TV in the U.S.
I started by writing down EVERY game show I knew and deserved to be in a "Top" status of anything. With that, my list was about 100 or so. I then went through it, and scratched off about 30 or so that I felt weren't high enough, and from that point on, that's where I had to start thinking. In my original list, the top 3 are tied (and if Matt allowed ties, that's exactly how I would've submitted them).
*Struggles to remember list, not having it on the computer being used*
Well, neither GO nor CR made my list, but I remember Gong being in top half. Deal or no Deal was in the 40's I believe, WWW and BtB didn't make it, but YBYL was in the teens or high twenties, same with College Bowl (I'm in College Bowl right now, so I HAD to give it some credit). And yes, I'll admit it, I placed Twenty-One in 21st place, though it was not my original intention. Though all the scandal surrounds it, I still thought, and did when it came back, that it was still one hell of a good game. Originally, it was like 22 or 23, and reviewing the list at one point, I just said "eh, what the heck".