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Author Topic: "Supporters" on "Deal" still eligible to be contes  (Read 1675 times)


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"Supporters" on "Deal" still eligible to be contes
« on: September 03, 2006, 07:32:59 PM »
Hi everyone,

I was just wondering if anyone here knows if the people who go on Deal or No Deal as "supporters" of the contestants are still eligible to be contestants themselves on Deal later. (I'm referring to the people who stand off to the side on the stage and root for the contestant and advise them whether to take the deal or not.)

I have read the Deal application which goes over the requirements but it doesn't mention this. I also emailed the show awhile ago but haven't received a reply. If anyone has any input on this I would appreciate it very much. I have applied as a contestant and a supporter of mine wants the answer to this question. Thanks a lot!



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"Supporters" on "Deal" still eligible to be contes
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2006, 07:51:11 PM »
[quote name=\'GameShowBW\' post=\'130294\' date=\'Sep 3 2006, 07:32 PM\']Hi everyone,

I was just wondering if anyone here knows if the people who go on Deal or No Deal as "supporters" of the contestants are still eligible to be contestants themselves on Deal later. (I'm referring to the people who stand off to the side on the stage and root for the contestant and advise them whether to take the deal or not.)

I have read the Deal application which goes over the requirements but it doesn't mention this. I also emailed the show awhile ago but haven't received a reply. If anyone has any input on this I would appreciate it very much. I have applied as a contestant and a supporter of mine wants the answer to this question.[/quote]
I don't see why not.  The friends of the contestant don't win anything for being there.

Related side note:  One of the contestants on the season premiere was a supporter of his daughter, who applied to be a contestant at one of the search locations.  The supporter did not apply to be a contestant at that time.  Instead of choosing the daughter as a contestant, the powers that be chose him.


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"Supporters" on "Deal" still eligible to be contes
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2006, 08:50:08 PM »
Thanks for the feedback Mike. I appreciate it.

My own guess is that if I got on my supporters might not be technically ineligible to be on the show as contestants themselves, but likely the producers would pass them by in favor of other people who would be considered "fresh faces". Or... if they liked them enough to be contestants in the first place, they might indeed pass on me and instead go straight for them - as in the example that you gave! I suspected that this could happen, so I warned my supporters of this. But I hadn't heard of it actually occuring, so thanks for that info. Good to know!