Is this what Wikipedia has become? I think that once you get to the point of pages focused on single episodes of television shows, singles from the latest album, and indeed game show home pages, Wikipedia has gone way past what an encyclopedia should be.
Why does there need to be a page devoted to the box game? Why not append a note to the "Wheel of Fortune" page saying that various and sundry board game versions were there? WOF-the Board Game already has two very serviceable pages devoted to it; Matt O's page, and one on And neither are riddled with spelling errors.
And that brings me to my third paragraph. (Funny how that works, innit?) Why can't someone complain? The page has spelling errors on it, and they should be fixed. If I cared, I would go in myself and fix them, but someone else can just as easily undo my work. My record isn't perfect either; sometimes my pinky twitches and a letter sneaks in where it isn't supposed to be. Even so, I still complain when things aren't spelled properly. Should the board adopt some sort of system like the RPG Paranoia, where members with fewer Spelling Misteak Points can criticize the typing of those with fewer points? (Maybe a better option would be a gentle nudge via e-mail or instant messaging program, quoting the I after E rule, or some such.) Because yes, repeat misspellers do look less smart than those who aren't. That's just the way it is. (To me, anyway; YMMV.)
/The Computer says the spelling of 'misteak' was indeed correct. The Computer is your friend. Have a good Threeday.