1) I am going over. I think you'll have multiple $100,000 screams out of Charlie O.
2) I'm going under...no more than 10 or 11 tops.
3) UNDER! No one has the testicular or ovarian fortitude to turn down an offer over 1/2 a mil.
4) WAY WAY WAY OVER! Why do you think they pitted races/ethnicities against each other? To freshen up an otherwise mundane series which got sorta caught up in the same rinse/repeat thing.
5) Under. You'll get 2.
6 I'm going over and will call for 5 DSWs.
a) I'll go over and say 2 total.
b) I'll go under and say 1 total.
c) I'll go over and wonder what peace pipe is the question originator smoking?
7) I'll go over. He'll be in the top 4.

Over for Starface, Under for Chain
9) Well since my show isn't being pitched...or even if it was UNDER!
10) Under...don't ask me why though.
11) I'm going over by 500,000.
12) I'll say I don't care but I'll say over.
That's it! Over/Under is OVER like my eggs!!!