Funny this comes up because, last night, thanks to not having any homework left to work on (dangerous, huh?), I started brainstorming ideas for the syndie DoND.
Here were some I came up with; do with them what you please...

-Make the top prize $200,000; it would still be one of the biggest prize purses on syndie shows!
-Reduce the number of cases to something like, maybe, 20 to make a concentrated effort to get a game in in the half hour.
-GET RID OF THE FAMILIES/GIMMICKS! I would have no problem with the family, say, sitting in the front row of the audience and having the contestant maybe turn to them for help, but I'd rather see it done like TTD did it instead of making them seem like contestants themselves. And, I think the gimmicks are self-explanatory.
-For the people holding the cases, I'd reserve the models for the nighttime version and instead have a weekly pool of contestants (a la Jackpot). When a person's case is selected, he/she makes a guess as to what's in it. If he/she is correct, then he/she wins $50,000 minus $2,000 for each case revealed prior. Draw the main game contestants from this weekly pool (but each player only gets one shot at picking cases!), and that way, if somebody crapped out, he/she has a chance to win some decent money (or vice versa).
I don't really have any good suggestions for a possible host, but George Gray isn't too bad of an idea. I certainly loved him on TWL.