[quote name=\'Gus\' post=\'133387\' date=\'Oct 4 2006, 12:53 AM\']
This is kinda funny to hear, because sitting next to them on their left, the viewers' right, were Travis Schario and myself. I was #001. I got there at 12:30. The guy in seat 3 was there at about 12:45, and Travis was there at 12:50ish. Then 003's buddies came along once they found a spot to park in. They were obnoxious like that the ENTIRE time in line that morning. Perhaps the hyperactivity just wore off during the taping. I didn't notice any pages commenting on their behavior in particular. I was too busy watching the show myself to notice them.
Shameless plug time: I'm also on the 10/5 show with the GSC contingent. BJ Brown, myself, and Mike Klauss are sitting right next to each other in the third row back, toward the left. Other folks y'all may know are down the line as well.
I thought I recognized a couple of our own!

Congrats on your ability to put up with them, something about me after I turned 30 (years ago) that I want to hurt people like that obnoxious group.
We'll all watch for you...