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Author Topic: Does DOND Still Thrill You?  (Read 22958 times)


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Does DOND Still Thrill You?
« Reply #90 on: September 26, 2006, 12:40:36 AM »
[quote name=\'itiparanoid13\' post=\'132640\' date=\'Sep 25 2006, 09:30 PM\']
She had quite a bit of money, $55,000, but got greedy,
I truly felt bad for her;
Mutually exclusive concepts, in my eyes. You roll the dice on that show, you get no sympathy from me when they come up snake-eyes.
I had a sinking feeling they would get the parents on somehow regardless.  I just kept hoping they wouldn't, but they brought the parents on anyway.
If you were the least bit surprised, you haven't been watching NBC.
NBC ruined what could have been a terrific lesson to all future contestants.
Do you really think that NBC wants to send future contestants a message that they should play prudently and make sure they take away some money?
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe

Joe Mello

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Does DOND Still Thrill You?
« Reply #91 on: September 26, 2006, 12:42:00 AM »
I think that the timing was a little off.  If I had to go through with this, I'd have waited until the game formally ended and then introduce the family.  That way, rational heads would prevail (not to say that it didn't in this instance).

/Stupid me thought it was domestic airfare they needed.
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Does DOND Still Thrill You?
« Reply #92 on: September 26, 2006, 09:03:26 AM »
[quote name=\'Joe Mello\' post=\'132616\' date=\'Sep 25 2006, 09:19 PM\']
I think it would be a little more accomodating if there was something along the lines of TPIR Live in that you are eligible to play X number of times and after that, you're merely a spectator.[/quote]
The Atlantic City run used to be that one was eligible 4 times (same for Feud). They recently changed it so you can play as many times as you want. However, once you are called, you have to wait out a few weeks before you be eligible again. Not sure if it's the same for the Vegas run.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2006, 09:12:46 AM by cmjb13 »
Enjoy lots and lots of backstage TPIR photos and other fun stuff here. And yes, I did park in Syd Vinnedge's parking spot at CBS


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Does DOND Still Thrill You?
« Reply #93 on: September 26, 2006, 11:41:00 AM »
[quote name=\'itiparanoid13\' post=\'132640\' date=\'Sep 25 2006, 11:30 PM\']
Tonight's show was a bit annoying.  The contestant's dream was to be able to fly to her husband's home country, because his parents have never seen their daughter.  She had quite a bit of money, $55,000, but got greedy, lost a big value, and was left with an offer of $4,000.  I truly felt bad for her; worse that I've really felt for any other contestant.  I had a sinking feeling they would get the parents on somehow regardless.  I just kept hoping they wouldn't, but they brought the parents on anyway.  I might be a complete jerk, but I think DOND needs that certain level of disappointment every now and then to make people realize "Hey, money is money.  Let's get the money for what we need and get out of here", not "Well screw it and No Deal the entire time, since if I need something bad enough, NBC will just buy it for me."  The scene reminds me of one VERY similar from a UK episode (Mike has a video of it.  It's Trevor's game).  I don't want to sound completely, uh, evil, but that gutted feeling is OK every now and then.  NBC ruined what could have been a terrific lesson to all future contestants.
Did they really have to trot out that now old and tired phony-satellite-link-that-intentionally-goes-whacko bit?  It's been done to death on the daytime talk shows:

"Look--it's your family on our big screen!  Say 'Hello' to...uh...ooooops!  Heh-heh, seems we've lost out signal...awwww...too bad..."

And if you can't guess what happens next, you'd probably think there is that one elusive episode out there where Gilligan and the castaways actually get off that island for good!
"Disconnect her buzzer...disconnect EVERYONE'S buzzer!"

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Does DOND Still Thrill You?
« Reply #94 on: September 29, 2006, 11:56:19 PM »
Watched some DOND Friday night. The contestant was grating, the game uncompelling, tuned out. Bla.


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Does DOND Still Thrill You?
« Reply #95 on: October 03, 2006, 11:30:17 AM »
I've really been enjoying the past few episodes. While they have not been thrilling. It's been rather refreshing to see smaller wins, weaker boards late in the game, people taking early deals, bad luck and gambles not working out.

Seeing "smaller" offers on a "weak" board makes the game more exciting and compelling. $1/$5,000/$1,000,000 and the offer is $300,000 should be a no-brainer, but $1/$5,000/$100,000 and the offer is $30,000 can be really difficult. That's how DoND should be done.

-Joe R.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2006, 11:31:49 AM by JRaygor »
-Joe Raygor


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Does DOND Still Thrill You?
« Reply #96 on: October 03, 2006, 01:39:38 PM »
[quote name=\'JRaygor\' post=\'133285\' date=\'Oct 3 2006, 08:30 AM\']
Seeing "smaller" offers on a "weak" board makes the game more exciting and compelling. $1/$5,000/$1,000,000 and the offer is $300,000 should be a no-brainer, but $1/$5,000/$100,000 and the offer is $30,000 can be really difficult. That's how DoND should be done.
You have discovered why the topheaviness of the board is a Bad Thing. Congratulations.
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
Email: clemon79@outlook.com  |  Skype: FredSmythe