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Author Topic: Game Show Pet Peeves  (Read 19187 times)

Don Howard

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Game Show Pet Peeves
« Reply #45 on: October 06, 2006, 03:37:36 PM »
Here's an idea for you. Feel free to use this idea and if you get called upon and win cash and prizes, a simple thank you will be sufficient. Put together a T-shirt with a picture of Ralph Edwards on it and see if that helps you. Maybe even something that features the words, "Aren't we devils?". Could work.


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Game Show Pet Peeves
« Reply #46 on: October 06, 2006, 04:42:34 PM »
[quote name=\'JRaygor\' post=\'133723\' date=\'Oct 6 2006, 03:33 PM\']
It's just the ones that say "BOB IS GOD!" or "I WANNA PLAY PLINKO!!!" that bug me.

Funny you should say that; one of the golden-road.net members (actual_retail_tice) has a funny signature about that. It goes as follows:

"Her shirt says 'I want to play Plinko! Plinko! Plinko!'...well, you're going to play Double Prices, Double Prices, Double Prices."

--Barker really drives the point home, home, home in the late 1990s.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2006, 04:43:15 PM by Allstar87 »


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Game Show Pet Peeves
« Reply #47 on: October 06, 2006, 07:54:45 PM »
I like to watch the players' scores change. It annoys me on The Newlywed Game and the current edition of Family Feud when the score changes off camera or the score is never shown at all.
A Cliff Saber Production
email address: alfonzos@aol.com
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Jay Temple

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« Reply #48 on: October 06, 2006, 09:21:53 PM »
[quote name=\'Craig Karlberg\' post=\'133645\' date=\'Oct 6 2006, 02:53 AM\']
And what's wrong with kids being contestants?[/quote]
Nothing. I just meant the part that follows, where they use it as a budget-saver.

As for savings bonds instead of cash, they have an education future to consider so when they win, their parents will most likely put those bonds into a bank & then take that money out upon maturity.
Let the parents make that decision. My objection is to the fact that they make it look like a $500 win when they were actually spending considerably less. (I think it was $375 at the time; now it would only cost $250--and there's no guarantee it will ever be worth $500.)
Protecting idiots from themselves just leads to more idiots.


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Game Show Pet Peeves
« Reply #49 on: October 06, 2006, 10:05:44 PM »
[quote name=\'aaron sica\' post=\'133602\' date=\'Oct 5 2006, 04:22 PM\']
[quote name=\'rollercoaster87\' post=\'133599\' date=\'Oct 5 2006, 05:06 PM\']
My biggest pet peeve are people who forget the zero rule where it applies on TPiR.

That, too...That and totally botching "Hit Me".

(rant on)
Ohhhh... thank you, Aaron, for helping me remember what is probably my biggest pet peeve, one which will regularly bring me off the couch screaming at the telly.  What was it the other day... the lady picked $111.92, ostensibly as the one that was multiplied by 10?  "It must be the times 10... it's so BIG!"  Yes, you fool contestant you, it is big... BUT IT DOESN'T END IN A ZERO, SO IT CAN'T BE A MULTIPLE OF 10!  (Yeah, I know, she still won... but she was one of the few.)
(rant off)
I'm so glad we had this time together...

Kevin Prather

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« Reply #50 on: October 07, 2006, 01:11:31 AM »
[quote name=\'davidhammett\' post=\'133762\' date=\'Oct 6 2006, 07:05 PM\']
The lady picked $111.92, ostensibly as the one that was multiplied by 10?  "It must be the times 10... it's so BIG!"  Yes, you fool contestant you, it is big... BUT IT DOESN'T END IN A ZERO, SO IT CAN'T BE A MULTIPLE OF 10!
$11.192. If the prize was a gallon of gas in a year's time, then I could see it. :)


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Game Show Pet Peeves
« Reply #51 on: October 07, 2006, 02:20:39 AM »
Not to stand up too much for them, but given that there are several locations one could conceivably stand for a pricing game--wandering a bit isn't the worst thing in the world.
"Stay next to Bob until he says otherwise" is a pretty good general rule.

Add me to the "music cues for everything" group. And onscreen graphics that either serve no useful purpose, are oversized, cover anything more important, or otherwise detract from the show.
"If you ask me to repeat this I'm gonna punch you right in the nose" -- Geoff Edwards, Play the Percentages


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« Reply #52 on: October 07, 2006, 11:16:18 AM »
[quote name=\'SRIV94\' post=\'133682\' date=\'Oct 6 2006, 11:58 AM\']
Besides, once you get on stage, a lot of times logic goes straight out the window.

Have to agree...there is A LOT going on in that studio. Between the cameras up on stage moving in every direction, a SUPER loud audience, Rich, sound effects, lights. It's definately sensory overload. Frankly, I don't know how anyone up there can hear anything. I know I'd be a nervous wreck and probably do something stupid. I was nervous for the players just watching them.

They do make a big deal about two things though: walking up the wrong set of stairs and turning around asking for bids from the audience while you're in contestant's row.

On the show I saw, nobody did either of those two things but a guy walked right up on stage when he was called. I was so horrified for him...because it's SO something I could see myself doing! :-) Game show fanatic or not, under those circumstances I can now see how even the most 'together' person could easily do something stupid.


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« Reply #53 on: October 07, 2006, 04:15:51 PM »
[quote name=\'JRaygor\' post=\'133723\' date=\'Oct 6 2006, 02:33 PM\']
I should add that I'm not condemning all who want to wear a special shirt to TPIR. If you think wearing one will enhance your experience, then go right ahead! It's all in the name of fun and having a good time, after all.

I also have no problem with those with more subtle stuff like ones saying that it's their birthday, saying they've been watching for X amount of years (though they should prepare for the possibility for a rule explanation should they win their way up on stage), or what state they're from. Things like that.

In fact, I would like to wear a shirt with the state of Iowa with the TPIR logo in the middle on it. Nothing wrong with state pride! :-)

It's just the ones that say "BOB IS GOD!" or "I WANNA PLAY PLINKO!!!" that bug me.
If I were to wear a shirt to the show (except the show is too crappy-prize-centric for my tastes to ever want to go on), I have two possibilities;


(front, in the style of the Price logo, text to the right of the Big Honkin' Curly Dollar Sign)
"[color=\"#FF0000\"]aLL youR
[/color][color=\"#FFFF66\"]pRice aRe
to us[/color]"

(back, in the same style)
[/color][color=\"#FFFF66\"]set us up


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« Reply #54 on: October 07, 2006, 07:28:45 PM »
[quote name=\'Jay Temple\' post=\'133756\' date=\'Oct 6 2006, 08:21 PM\']
[quote name=\'Craig Karlberg\' post=\'133645\' date=\'Oct 6 2006, 02:53 AM\']
And what's wrong with kids being contestants?[/quote]
Nothing. I just meant the part that follows, where they use it as a budget-saver.

As for savings bonds instead of cash, they have an education future to consider so when they win, their parents will most likely put those bonds into a bank & then take that money out upon maturity.
Let the parents make that decision. My objection is to the fact that they make it look like a $500 win when they were actually spending considerably less. (I think it was $375 at the time; now it would only cost $250--and there's no guarantee it will ever be worth $500.)

Series EE bonds are guaranteed to reach face value, in other words, double in value, in 20 years.  Series I bonds (which are sold at face value) typically pay higher rates, but are not guaranteed to double in value.

John Brocato

aaron sica

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« Reply #55 on: October 07, 2006, 07:38:32 PM »
[quote name=\'alfonzos\' post=\'133750\' date=\'Oct 6 2006, 07:54 PM\']
I like to watch the players' scores change. It annoys me on The Newlywed Game and the current edition of Family Feud when the score changes off camera or the score is never shown at all.
Me too - especially back in the days of the solari boards.....Oh how cool it was to watch the "9" go to a "10" (or "19" to "20") on the '70s Pyramids and for the scores to reset themselves, cycling through the numbers as they went blank again.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2006, 07:39:08 PM by aaron sica »


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Game Show Pet Peeves
« Reply #56 on: October 08, 2006, 05:32:03 PM »
So I'm watching the show on Friday morning, and this asshat gets up on stage to play Hit Me. He needs to have the game explained to him TWICE. Then the cards are dealt, and the dealer's sitting on an 8. Faced with but a single price with a 0 on the end of it, he manages to pick himself a goddamn SEVEN instead, THEN he picks the 10, for a seventeen.

The beauty of it: He was ABOUT to pick again (and IIRC the Hot Pockets would have had a 4 behind them), then Bob basically talks him out of it by warning him that he would bust if he went over 21. Idiot stands, house turns up a picture card, and wins with an 18. Only thing that kept me from grabbing an icepick and ending it all right there. :)
Chris Lemon, King Fool, Director of Suck Consolidation
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« Reply #57 on: October 08, 2006, 09:13:38 PM »
[quote name=\'Neumms\' post=\'133622\' date=\'Oct 5 2006, 09:50 PM\']
I believe this week's shirt that noted the emcee's deceased wife and one of the program's deceased announcers--one "Charlie Olson"--is the coup de grace. ... Who, pray tell, picked the guy?

I saw that guy a number of times in line that day, and I thought to myself, 'Charlie Olson? You'd think he'd get his names right before putting iron to t-shirt.' I figured his chances of geting on were about as good as the couple whose custom shirts prominently sported an airbrushed design of Scooby Doo. If I may extend the discussion from another thread, perhaps the fact that Stan picked him proves that he *doesn't* consider the shirts when choosing contestants?

[quote name=\'Tony\' post=\'133795\' date=\'Oct 7 2006, 04:15 PM\']
the show is too crappy-prize-centric for my tastes to ever want to go on

Sir, I think you have your priorities a bit skewed. The point of going to see TPIR is just that, for the whole experience of being there, meeting people, seeing Bob, and whatnot. You don't go expecting to be picked, much less to win anything. If you do, that's a gigantic BONUS. Making the pilgrimage to Studio 33 is an uncomparable experience that I think everyone here should take if presented with the opportunity.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2006, 09:19:03 PM by Gus »

Steve Gavazzi

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« Reply #58 on: October 08, 2006, 10:14:12 PM »
[quote name=\'ITSBRY\' post=\'133787\' date=\'Oct 7 2006, 11:16 AM\']
On the show I saw, nobody did either of those two things but a guy walked right up on stage when he was called. I was so horrified for him...because it's SO something I could see myself doing! :-) Game show fanatic or not, under those circumstances I can now see how even the most 'together' person could easily do something stupid.

Actually, that's starting to get on my nerves lately.  I used to get a kick out of it, because it would happen maybe four or five times a year, but the last few months (of new shows), it seems like it's happening two or three times each week.


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« Reply #59 on: October 08, 2006, 10:57:04 PM »
And when he feels in the mood, it's another example of Bob trying to create A Moment out of nothing. In the most recent years, it's not exactly rare for Bob to stop an excited audience's reaction to repeat a line that wasn't funny even if you were able to catch it.

In response again to the people comin' on up too early - just last season, one woman who came on stage instead of going to the row tried to duplicate the exact routine of the older lady who remarked "they're young, they won't mind [that I'm up here]." A few things worked against her - she was merely middle aged, not elderly, and thus the charm of such a remark would be lost. Two, the bit was already done before, plus on top of all this, she botched the delivery. It was very obvious she was merely trying to copy that clip.

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