[quote name=\'Fedya\' post=\'133981\' date=\'Oct 9 2006, 02:52 PM\']
Ah, but then you would have gotten one of your three strikes. ;-)
Okay, so when I was at San Jose State, in the residence halls, the first time you screwed up, you got written up. The second time, you got written up and you got to have a little talk with the Resident Director. The third time, they threw your ass out of the dorms.
Now, in two and a half years there, I never came CLOSE to getting written up. Because by nature I'm pretty quiet and respectful of the people around me. (Oh, go ahead, laugh, you know you wanna.)
So we come down to the last week before I'm to graduate, and we're in my room playing NHL '94 on the ol' Genesis, and one of the RA's who was particularly pissy about noise issues decides to give me a hard time, despite the fact that anyone within two rooms of ours was in fact IN my room at the time. I told her directly: "Write me up. I leave in a week, I have three I need to burn."
I dunno the point of this story, I just wanted to tell it.
ObGameShow: Nope. Not even gonna bother trying.