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Author Topic: New "Wheel of Fortune" home game  (Read 1470 times)


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New "Wheel of Fortune" home game
« on: October 10, 2006, 10:34:07 PM »
I was walking through the mall earlier and I noticed a new version of the "Wheel of Fortune" home game has been released. I was surprised to see that they've finally brought back the "authentic replica of the wheel" in this version. Based on the info on the back, it's the same puzzle board design from the previous version, except they replased the lame "Twister" wheel with the 1986 deluxe version's wheel (albeit, now it's blue).

Although, with this step forward, comes a step back as well, as it doesn't look like this new version gives you the "extra wedges" to add to the wheel, just the same wheel calibration from the previous version (with the persistant Free Spin and $5,000 spaces).

Still, if you don't have the original deluxe version of "Wheel of Fortune" and don't feel like buying a used one from eBay, you can pick up the new version, if you don't mind the lack of "extra wedges."


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New "Wheel of Fortune" home game
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2006, 11:37:45 AM »
[quote name=\'KyleCHaight\' post=\'134093\' date=\'Oct 10 2006, 10:34 PM\']

" if you don't mind the lack of "extra wedges."

That's why some of us have Photoshop/Paintshop  and Printers (^_^)