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Author Topic: IMHO  (Read 3634 times)


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« on: October 21, 2006, 03:33:44 AM »
The following are my personal opinions on many current game shows, so if anyone feels like starting another debate, I'll appreciate it.

Wheel of Fortune
1.  WOF should cut down on the well-intentioned but somewhat pointless "Toss-Up Puzzles."  Even if the producers decide to speed up the gameplay by focusing more on the puzzles, elements like this make the game a little less fun.
2.  Try to find a possible way to reintroduce shopping on the show (like say, have the winner at the end purchase a special prize package with his/her cash winnings prior to the Bonus Round).
3.  Bring back the Surprise wedge, PLEASE!

I always felt that at this point in time the producers, rather than double the dollar values, could have possibly afforded to do what they used to do on the old Art Fleming edition:  have all of the contestants keep the cash.  And, if they really wanted to raise the stakes, why didn't they try another element from the Fleming era - offering an end-of-show bonus of say, $5,000 for each category swept by any one contestant?

Family Feud
As I am continuing in the Old-School-Meets-New-Ideas vein, here are a couple more suggestions to Fremantle:
1.  Have you ever considered hiring a person of color as host (even though John O'Hurley seem to currently doing an OK job)?  Maybe it just me, but either America is not willing to accept an African-American host on an established format or it's probably not a top job description in Hollywood for Black personalities.  Personally, for years I had been picturing someone like Arsenio Hall (yeah, I know what the other members of this board are going to say about him)...
2.  Bring back the idea of a bankroll system for Fast Money, only not using the infamous misfit otherwise known as Bullseye.  Have the families start out with for example, $2,500, and add that much every time a family guesses the #1 answer in the Face-Off.  This ideas segues into...
3.  The Lollipop Tree from the Dawson version.  This idea is reminicent of what they're doing on 100 Mexicanos Dijeron (curious on spelling);  the winning family simply chooses a Tootsie Roll Pop prior to Fast Money, and if one with a black stem is chosen they will play for $10 a point or double their bankroll for a victory.
4.  Another alternative would be borrowing a page from Bert's Family Feud and offering a bigger jackpot for getting all of the #1 answers in Fast Money.

Deal or No Deal
I would throw in a play-along element similar to the UK/Aussie versions where selected members of the studio audience win a small amount of money by correctly guessing what's inside of the unopened cases.

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
Bring back Fastest Finger Questions.  Please!  Also, I am not feeling Meredith Vieira as host (on the expense of sounding chauvinistic); either bring Regis back or hire another broadcaster like James Brown (ex-Fox, currenly with CBS).

Like I said, I appreciate responses.


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« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2006, 08:37:03 AM »
Here's a quick response : Almost ALL of your ideas/opinions are not good.

I agree with the Millionaire Fastest Finger.

The rest of them are awful. Truly, Truly Awful.


- "May all of your consequences be happy ones!"

Don Howard

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« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2006, 08:42:46 AM »
[quote name=\'BMaurice06\' post=\'135182\' date=\'Oct 21 2006, 03:33 AM\']
Family Feud
Have you ever considered hiring a person of color as host[/quote]
Is there someone specific you have in mind for this or do you want an African-American host just for the sake of having an African-American host? Spencer Christian, perhaps, who does have emcee experience. I feel John O'Hurley is doing a mighty fine job, regardless of color or lack of same.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2006, 08:43:31 AM by Don Howard »

Speedy G

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« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2006, 08:47:44 AM »
Methinks you should reread your post when you wake up and tell me how many of those things actually make sense, besides the "do it like it used to be done/is done elsewhere" bent.  Ask yourself the question: WHY should they do any of that?  Nostalgia is not a valid response.  After filtering out those, I'm essentially left with:

1. Have you ever considered hiring a person of color as host (even though John O'Hurley seem to currently doing an OK job)? Maybe it just me, but either America is not willing to accept an African-American host on an established format or it's probably not a top job description in Hollywood for Black personalities. Personally, for years I had been picturing someone like Arsenio Hall (yeah, I know what the other members of this board are going to say about him)...

Well, Julie Chen DOES host Big Brother every year, but she may be a robot instead of a person, so she might not qualify as a "person of color".  I'm struggling to come up with names of African-American show business personalities who I think would be decent at hosting any game show at all.  Al Roker is the only one that comes to mind, and he doesn't thrill me.  And Arsenio Hall?  Forget it.
Solar-powered flashlight, hour 4 of the Today show, the Purple Parrots.  *rips open envelope, blows into it*


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« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2006, 09:09:35 AM »
Here's a few responses to your opinions:

Wheel of Fortune
1.  WOF should cut down on the well-intentioned but somewhat pointless "Toss-Up Puzzles."  Even if the producers decide to speed up the gameplay by focusing more on the puzzles, elements like this make the game a little less fun.

I agree that the $1000 toss-up should be removed. (You win the opportunity to speak to Pat first! Yipee!) Otherwise, I'm fine with the "Toss-up Puzzles". (I like to see if I can solve the puzzle faster than the contestants)

2.  Try to find a possible way to reintroduce shopping on the show (like say, have the winner at the end purchase a special prize package with his/her cash winnings prior to the Bonus Round).

People would rather have cash. If you want a bedroom set, go to TPIR. Shopping would look really corny today. (And wasn't it looking corny by 1989?)

3.  Bring back the Surprise wedge, PLEASE!

The "Surprise" wedge has pretty much been moved to the puzzle board now. Even if the wedge did come back, you know it would be yet another trip.

I always felt that at this point in time the producers, rather than double the dollar values, could have possibly afforded to do what they used to do on the old Art Fleming edition:  have all of the contestants keep the cash.  And, if they really wanted to raise the stakes, why didn't they try another element from the Fleming era - offering an end-of-show bonus of say, $5,000 for each category swept by any one contestant?

Only problem I see with this is that you could have someone rack up $8000 and then sit out for the rest of the game, as not to put their winnings on (ahem) jeopardy and would make the game boring and uncompetitive.

The Fleming J! "everyone keeps the money" worked because it was only hundreds of dollars at stake. People weren't too bothered to gamble their $230 bankroll for a bit extra.

-Joe R.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2006, 09:24:51 AM by JRaygor »
-Joe Raygor

Jimmy Owen

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« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2006, 09:16:43 AM »
Mario and Melvin Van Peebles did a show that I thought was very similar to Feud titled "Family Figures." It didn't seem to click for some reason.  

I'd add Mark McEwen or Steve Baskerville to the list of people of color who would be qualified to do a show like Feud.  (Weathermen, all).  If Arsenio did Feud, I'd be worried about how Burton would introduce him. :)
Let's Make a Deal was the first show to air on Buzzr. 6/1/15 8PM.


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« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2006, 09:35:46 AM »
[quote name=\'Jimmy Owen\' post=\'135189\' date=\'Oct 21 2006, 09:16 AM\']
If Arsenio did Feud, I'd be worried about how Burton would introduce him. :)

Nah, just cut some Fast Money questions or shorten the survey.  Then Burton can introduce Arsenio. :)


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« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2006, 10:26:48 AM »
Emphasis mine...

[quote name=\'BMaurice06\' post=\'135182\' date=\'Oct 21 2006, 03:33 AM\']
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
Bring back Fastest Finger Questions.  Please!  Also, I am not feeling Meredith Vieira as host (on the expense of sounding chauvinistic); either bring Regis back or hire another broadcaster like James Brown (ex-Fox, currenly with CBS).

Like I said, I appreciate responses.
I don't think you'd appreciate Meredith's response if you tried to feel her.

The rest of it is "do it as it used to be done," "do it as someone else does it" or "do it just because."  Not once do you explain how any of your suggestions would make the show in question better.


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« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2006, 11:12:21 AM »
[quote name=\'BMaurice06\' post=\'135182\' date=\'Oct 21 2006, 02:33 AM\']
Family Feud
As I am continuing in the Old-School-Meets-New-Ideas vein, here are a couple more suggestions to Fremantle:
1.  Have you ever considered hiring a person of color as host (even though John O'Hurley seem to currently doing an OK job)?[/quote]  

If he's doing an okay job (which he is) why find another host?  

Wayne Brady would be an excellent host for some established format.  But I think one more quick host change at Family Feud would kill it.

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?
Bring back Fastest Finger Questions.  Please!  Also, I am not feeling Meredith Vieira as host (on the expense of sounding chauvinistic); either bring Regis back or hire another broadcaster like James Brown (ex-Fox, currenly with CBS).

Agree on Fastest Finger, but have to wonder why you're so keen on replacing Meredith with either of two men if you're not chauvinistic?  I think she's doing just fine.


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« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2006, 11:29:45 AM »
Here are my opinions in the game show world:

I feel that Wheel is off to a nice start so far. So far, they've had 12 bonus round winners so far, which already ties the number of wins they had after the first two months of the season. I also haven't seen that many gargantuan maingame totals so far, although last season started out that way before we saw a new maingame record of $66,250 set. But I think this season has still got ways to go if it wants to be even better than last season, especially the road trips. They gave the $100,000 away at least once in all three of them last season (most notably the one in Ft. Lauderdale, which gave it away twice). I seriously doubt that streak is going to last much longer, although I tend to be wrong a lot. I wonder if that Wild Card thing that will be introduced on Monday is going to lead to record-setting maingame totals, and maybe even increase the bonus round winning percentage a tiny bit.

Jeopardy!, with the exception of the HD introduction, and the 5,000 episode hoopla, hasn't gotten off to a very promising start. I haven't seen a five-time champion so far, and with only about two weeks before the celebrity shows, the ratings for that show could tank in a hurry with little chance of a big champion in the making.

The recent guest host twist with WWTBAM this season should be interesting, after my area got the show back this season after a one-year hiatus (it's now on my FOX station with Feud, and it's the perfect home for it, as it will rarely be pre-empted, unlike the times when it was on my CBS affiliate). Obviously, this season is going to be much better than last season, with a $250,000 winner in Dante already.

As for Feud, this may very well be it for them. With several new game shows about to go to sydnication next season, I think this will be the last season for them, regardless of how they fare in the ratings, because Feud doesn't really fit in the game show fold anymore.

As for Deal or No Deal, I'm willing to bet you a dollar that the first $1,000,000 winner on that show will be shown during November sweeps, like sydnicated WWTBAM tends to do mostly for its bigger winners.


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« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2006, 11:36:47 AM »
[quote name=\'bandit_bobby\' post=\'135203\' date=\'Oct 21 2006, 11:29 AM\']
Here are my opinions in the game show world:

I feel that Wheel is off to a nice start so far. So far, they've had 12 bonus round winners so far, which already ties the number of wins they had after the first two months of the season. I also haven't seen that many gargantuan maingame totals so far, although last season started out that way before we saw a new maingame record of $66,250 set. But I think this season has still got ways to go if it wants to be even better than last season, especially the road trips. They gave the $100,000 away at least once in all three of them last season (most notably the one in Ft. Lauderdale, which gave it away twice). I seriously doubt that streak is going to last much longer, although I tend to be wrong a lot. I wonder if that Wild Card thing that will be introduced on Monday is going to lead to record-setting maingame totals, and maybe even increase the bonus round winning percentage a tiny bit.
1. The first step is admitting you have a problem.
2. The number of bonus round winners doesn't mean sugar-honey-iced-tea to me. If the show sticks to being Hangman w/a roulette wheel, then I can tolerate it.
Jeopardy!, with the exception of the HD introduction, and the 5,000 episode hoopla, hasn't gotten off to a very promising start. I haven't seen a five-time champion so far, and with only about two weeks before the celebrity shows, the ratings for that show could tank in a hurry with little chance of a big champion in the making.
Bullfeathers. It ranks in the top 5 syndicated shows EVERY SINGLE WEEK. And as crowded as the syndicated market is nowadays, that says a lot. Just because YOU won't watch it doesn't mean America won't.

As for Feud, this may very well be it for them.
The show's renewed until at least 2008, so once again, you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
With several new game shows about to go to sydnication next season,
Nothing is a firm go yet, not even Deal. There's possibilities, but nothing definite.
I think this will be the last season for them, regardless of how they fare in the ratings, because Feud doesn't really fit in the game show fold anymore.
This statement defies logic on so many levels, it's not even funny.

I tend to be wrong a lot
You'd think if you were wrong so much, you'd try to fix that...maybe gain a little more credibility.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2006, 11:38:16 AM by fostergray82 »
"Do I really wanna get in on this, Dave?"

-"Ah it depends if you're on cable or network, probably..."


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« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2006, 11:05:11 PM »
Is there someone specific you have in mind for this or do you want an African-American host just for the sake of having an African-American host? Spencer Christian, perhaps, who does have emcee experience. I feel John O'Hurley is doing a mighty fine job, regardless of color or lack of same.

Didn't you read that section?  It clearly said that I was suggesting Arsenio Hall.


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« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2006, 11:50:48 PM »
Fixing that nested quote first...

[quote name=\'BMaurice06\' post=\'135272\' date=\'Oct 21 2006, 11:05 PM\']
Is there someone specific you have in mind for this or do you want an African-American host just for the sake of having an African-American host? Spencer Christian, perhaps, who does have emcee experience. I feel John O'Hurley is doing a mighty fine job, regardless of color or lack of same.
Didn't you read that section?  It clearly said that I was suggesting Arsenio Hall.
Didn't you read the question?  It clearly asks if you want an African-American host for the sake of having an African-American host.

Yes, you mentioned "someone like Arsenio Hall," but is that because he's African-American or because you think he'd be good?  If it's just because you think he'd be a good host, why the rant about how there should be an African-American host and how people supposedly aren't ready to accept one?
« Last Edit: October 21, 2006, 11:52:01 PM by dzinkin »