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Author Topic: DoND Open Casting Call  (Read 2090 times)

Matt Ottinger

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  • Posts: 13077
DoND Open Casting Call
« on: October 31, 2006, 08:14:21 PM »
We interrupt our obsession with All Things Barker for this chance to be rich and famous.  I (and possibly many of you) somehow got on an NBC mailing list of game show webmasters, and this afternoon we were sent this:

Deal or No Deal will be having an open call for contestants on November 4th at the Shrine Expo Center (please see below).  Please post information on your websites.  More information on how to become a contestant can be found on NBC.com.

Ever wonder what YOU would do with one million dollars?
Are you a risk taker?
Do you feel lucky?
Now's your big chance to try to find out.

The Shrine Expo Center
700 W. 32nd St. on the corner of Figueroa and 32nd St.
For directions visit ShrineLA.com
This has been another installment of Matt Ottinger's Masters of the Obvious.
Stay tuned for all the obsessive-compulsive fun of Words Have Meanings.