[quote name=\'leszekp\' post=\'136754\' date=\'Nov 3 2006, 09:36 AM\']
When most of the discussion about a new gameshow revolves around whether it was broadcast in HD or not, you know it has serious problems.
Well, really, that was just my own personal interest, I don't want it to reflect my opinion of the show. (Which, I agree, isn't good.)
- "Two strangers" gimmick adds nothing to game play
- Bidding process add nothing, and slows things down
Certainly it's slow. I dunno that it adds nothing, it adds a little chrome that this show badly needs.
- Discussion of answers by teams adds nothing, and slows things down
Preach on.
- There's no sense that the best team wins, an impression confirmed by the weak performance both times in the money round
Well, yeah, when you have a format that is a simple two-of-three and you can fulfill wholly half of the victory conditions simply through one single instance of ineptitude by your opponents, that's going to happen.
- Did I mention it's slow?
I got that vibe, yes.

There's a germ of a good idea here,
It's a "just ok" concept that they appear not to have bothered to flesh out into an actual format.